Comments: 53
MaripazVillar [2012-08-17 20:09:38 +0000 UTC]
I wonder why I haven't this one in my faves. It's is BEAUTIFUL.
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Velven In reply to MaripazVillar [2012-10-04 15:21:02 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
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Velven In reply to aberry89 [2012-10-04 15:23:21 +0000 UTC]
Sorry for the dreadfully late reply, but I am so glad you like these characters. You're correct in thinking that they are brother and sister. I have about three simultaneous versions of this story in my head at any one time, so I need to just man up and decide on one soon!! Lol.
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Velven In reply to aberry89 [2012-10-05 10:37:24 +0000 UTC]
I hope so! The problem is that the longer it takes me to decide, the more I get attached to my characters. And then I end up feeling bad putting them through hell!
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LocationCreator [2012-07-16 23:11:59 +0000 UTC]
Hello *Velven. The depth of these two characters and their background is amazing! I can see a lot of depth. Silly but I mean pictorally as well as character-wise. Lovely work!
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LocationCreator In reply to Velven [2012-10-05 13:40:28 +0000 UTC]
Ah! You are welcome as always. Hope all is well in your career!
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LocationCreator In reply to Velven [2012-10-06 02:21:03 +0000 UTC]
For me, things are incredibly busy. I am happy that I am maintaining my head above water, though, and managing to mentor four great assistant designers. I'm designing the lights for "The Yellow Boat" and scenery lights and video projections for "The Life of Galileo". Teaching lighting design and introduction to stage design, too, of course. So I think that is busy. Somewhere in there I get to do laundry and walk the dog. (grin)
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LocationCreator In reply to Velven [2012-10-06 15:51:06 +0000 UTC]
Say, does your exhibition space have a website or Facebook page where I can have a look? It sounds very interesting. And yes, I agree that good lighting can really make a piece look fantastic.
As for teaching? I love it, especially when I don't have to do the rest of the academic junk...council meetings, faculty meetings, budget meetings, department meetings...too many meetings get in between me and the students!
I'm glad you got a good job after graduation and your international tour job. It sounds like it is satisfying. That's as important or maybe more important than having a good salary!
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Velven In reply to LocationCreator [2012-10-07 01:17:17 +0000 UTC]
At the moment I am getting by on what I'm earning (just!) so I'm lucky to be able to do something I enjoy so much. I'm working with a historic textiles collection whose blog can be found here: [link] although there's no pictures of our exhibition space up, although I think there;s som exterior shots of the building we are housed in, which is beautiful and definitely one of my main reasons for loving working there!
I'm glad you're enjoying the teaching, and it sounds like you do have the best deal what with escaping the meetings! It's always really good to hear from people in this industry who are keeping busy and enjoying themselves.
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LocationCreator In reply to Velven [2012-10-07 02:38:20 +0000 UTC]
Oh.My. Goodness. I just saw the building on Facebook along with a woman's portrait. THAT is the building in which you work? No wonder you love it so. Textiles! My favourite! One of my favourite textile museums is this one in Canada. [link] and another one closer to where I live is the International folk art museum in Santa Fe New Mexico. It has a costume and textile collection. [link]
Happy browsing!
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Velven In reply to LocationCreator [2012-10-07 19:10:57 +0000 UTC]
Well our offices are in what used to be the old stable block, but yep, that's where our collection is kept and displayed. The lady in the portrait is the founder of the collection, who used to live in the hall before it was given to the National Trust. I literally cannot wait for it to snow on a work day so I can see how the place looks with snow (my favourite weather)!
I've just had a look at those pages and instantly bookmarked them! The Collection Director is from Canada originally so she probably knows of that place, she's very well connected and seems to know someone from pretty much every museum in the UK at least!
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LocationCreator In reply to Velven [2012-10-07 19:27:04 +0000 UTC]
Yes indeed! It IS a small world we work in, really. I only know of the Canadian textile museum because I got a chance to visit it during a USITT theatre conference in Toronto. I collect textiles, too, but in an amateurish way. I purchase them from ethinic stores! I am sure I would die if I were to find something truly historic. I have some dresses of my great grandmother's from around 1830, and they are terribly fragile. They are in a trunk in archival paper with moth balls right now.
I'm glad you could actually get to the websites. I've friended you on FB by the way...just so you know that it is me!
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LocationCreator In reply to Velven [2012-10-09 02:20:33 +0000 UTC]
Wow. Wouldnt it be awesome to somehow find the basic slopers for the corsets your great grandmother used? I mean the original pattern pieces. I wonder if she corsetted anyone especially famous? Interesting to consider. My grandmother in her unmarried youth did beadwork for the Chicago Lyric Opera....Seems it is somehow in our blood. You went into costumes and I went into scenery and lighting and costumes although someone else does the costumes here at the univ. The research for all of it is very interesting. After a December 12 when our semester if over here I should be able to pull out one of the dresses and photo it just for reference! And someday I'll really get to spend time at the Victoria and Albert museum. We seem to consider that one the best one for historic costume colections
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LaTaupinette [2012-07-16 09:51:00 +0000 UTC]
Wow ! Very nice !
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Allysterio [2012-07-15 16:47:26 +0000 UTC]
I love them!
It isn't easy to come up with characters that tell so much about them and their story just by looking at their faces. Keep up the good work!
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Velven In reply to Allysterio [2012-10-04 15:25:54 +0000 UTC]
Haha, the default expression for these two is grim. Grim determination, or grim realisation, or grim anticipation, but always grim. You might be able to gather that they don't have a lot of fun times...
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CrystalCurtisArt [2012-07-14 22:37:35 +0000 UTC]
This is gorgeous! I love how dark it is~
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Zefiracks [2012-07-14 13:37:33 +0000 UTC]
I prefer this background because it gives more information about the characters (for example, that they are zombie killers, even if you can deduce it from their weapons...) Also, the progress of the drawing is very interesting, nice job.
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jgvillu [2012-07-14 13:02:25 +0000 UTC]
Awesome piece! I love the poses and how the weapons are subtle under the moonlight
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Tin-Lizzy [2012-07-14 00:45:15 +0000 UTC]
Do you plan to make a graphic novel or a book?
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Velven In reply to Tin-Lizzy [2012-07-14 17:43:21 +0000 UTC]
Well originally I was going to try making it into a webcomic, but I soon realised that the amount of time it takes me to produce artwork would mean incredibly lengthy times between updates and I personally think it's hard to maintain suspense and atmosphere with long waits between pages.
At the moment I have this massive word doc that is just sat on my desktop, which I open up and add stuff to as and when inspiration strikes. I have the main characters pretty much sorted in my head, as well as a good idea of some key scenes in the storyline, but aside from that it's all snapshots and slice of life type stuff.
I think ideally I would like to do it as a kind of illustrated novel, so the majority of it is done in text but with plenty of illustrations to accompany it. Like, maybe two or three detailed drawings per chapter.
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MaripazVillar In reply to Tin-Lizzy [2012-07-14 07:49:50 +0000 UTC]
Yes! You have to think about doing something with this. It's too good.
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LaurenGreiner [2012-07-13 23:24:05 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh. This is gorgeous! You've outdone yourself on the rendering in this one! I only wish Henry's coat wasn't quite so dark. It sort of fades into the background.
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