One of the worst things isn't being unloved, its being forgotten
The forgotten one is a shadow on the edge of your vision, the sudden stir of leaves when no wind is present. Not anymore present but also not completely gone. Only murmured about in hushed tones in the dark season to warn of why you don't stray from the light and into the endless darkness. Those who are forgotten themselves follow them, forever haunting the world they once knew but their memory and bones long since faded into the past.
While all the other deities, even Death, are spoken of even if they are believed to be only myth however the forgotten one is not. Their name was once tabu and has now been lost completely and even know speaking of the haunting figure that seems to lurk in the nightmares of those who have thought they saw it is frowned on and it is only used as a story to keep wayward pups from straying to far from their mother's side. While the forgotten one doesn't stray to far into the light their little lumens can be seen scampering around just about everywhere, it's said they gather news before scurrying back to the forgotten one's lair.
Was the forgotten one once more related to the deities like Tomtuis or have they always been relegated to the darkness of time long past?
Unlike other deities, the forgotten one cannot breed with other deities however their offspring may still show up as adopts, though these demigods are always a bit strange.
A little more on Lumens;
These small dark colored creatures resemble a small shell-less Canielens. They are nearly silent with their toes almost completely disappearing from their paws to create a soft "hoof" instead, they have large ears that are very flexible and are always swirling around to pick up sounds. Their most striking feature is their large bright colored eyes, these may be any color and seem to give off their own light. No baby lumen has ever been seen and all lumes appear gender less. Their white pattern can be on two of the following; feet, tail, belly, muzzle, ears, back.
Most Ascalabotes fear lumens as they are associated with the forgotten one it is believed they are the souls of the Ascalabotes that have been forgotten by their families and pack and instead of sleeping forever with Tomtuis they are forced to work for the forgotten one.
If you want to see the forgotten one in full opacity. just remember they are never fully seen like this: