TCShelton — Raia Concept Stuffs

Published: 2009-12-14 07:21:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 3275; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description Something new finally. Gah, I'd have submitted more stuff by now but I'm in a really weird place with my art lately. Mostly in that I just don't really like it. I keep trying different things here and there but I'm not really finding anything that's connecting with me. It's frustrating but what can you do, I guess, but keep trying to work through it?

Anyway. This is one of the daily sketches I did a while back. It took me FOREVER to get done. I must have redrawn, rescanned, re-flatted, and started coloring this thing at least three different times before deciding on something half-way decent. Even still I'm not really all that satisfied with it. But I liked some things enough to not fully abandon it and thus, I just wanted to finish it the best I could and move on. So here it is. A sort of re-vist of Miss Raia. I hadn't drawn her since this thing ==> [link] but a friend of mine did a smexy sketch of her for my birthday and I was kinda inspired. It's sorta fun to compare the two since it was about three and a half years ago that I first learned how to color digitally. :] Anywho, I'll eventually get some character info. up on all these different people but for now the fact that she's one of the badguys is probably all you need to know. That and that her skin is supposed to be a LOT darker than this. Just after all the rendering and layering I couldn't quite get it to do what I wanted it to do. Gotta work on that...


Raia © TCShelton
Inspired by => [link]
Textures from `Princess-of-Shadows
Font from Dafont.com
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Comments: 11

Everyday-Grind-Comic [2010-03-29 02:30:20 +0000 UTC]

love those shoes!

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BlissfulGold [2010-02-07 06:58:02 +0000 UTC]

This is amazing.

The hair flow and the color you added is beautiful. I can't get over how interesting her hair is; that's my favorite part of this picture.


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TCShelton In reply to BlissfulGold [2010-02-07 18:52:50 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you very much. I'm glad you like. That hair was such a pain to do. I must've redone it about five different times! XD

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BlissfulGold In reply to TCShelton [2010-02-07 21:15:50 +0000 UTC]

Haha, well it definitely turned out well!

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Suupashi [2010-02-03 22:37:53 +0000 UTC]

Simply STUNNING. Such beautiful colors, i love the way her skin seems so clean and cool in this particular light.

Her.Hair. Its so amazingly thick i cant help but want to touch it. the pose is wonderful, so powerful, and you made her clothes REALLY Pop in this.

Kudos to you on her blades as well. This is just great overall

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temiel [2009-12-14 14:09:24 +0000 UTC]

Man, she's GREAT. Love the pose, love the costume, love the weapons... she's just made out of awesome. I always wish you updated more, because the results are pretty across-the-board awesome.

I'd offer the criticism that her lower body seems a bit stiff in comparison with that dynamic expression, shoulders and arms, but you probably already knew that. And yeah, it's REALLY hard to get colors to do what you want them to after a lot of rendering sometimes. When I work digitally, if I do a lot of really serious rendering, it always comes out way, way paler than I intended.

I think you'll get past this place you're in where you don't like your art. I know I had that a little while ago, but it passed--especially once I got out of school. Nothing like art school to make you hate your art... XP

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TCShelton In reply to temiel [2009-12-14 19:09:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, lovely.

Yeah, anatomy's not always my strong point (hell, I'm feeling like at the moment nothing's really my strong point ) I get comments here and their that sometimes my poses are kinda stiff so I guess it's just something else I need to work on. Ah, wells.

And man, I always have problems with skin tones! I'm usually more drawn to a very light, desaturated color palette but then I have a story in which a good half of the cast are supposed to be dark skinned so, like I said, it's just something I gotta work on.

Your encouragement is always appreciated. Hopefully I'll get out of this rut one day. And thank you very much for the fave.

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temiel In reply to TCShelton [2009-12-14 19:53:19 +0000 UTC]


I certainly understand the woes of doing everything really desaturated when you've got darker-skinned characters. Fortunately I manage to dodge that bullet by making the majority of my cast death-pale (really, I just love pale skin anyway, so it's not too much of a stretch ). XD Every now and again one of the darker-skinned ones needs to come up, though, and it's always a bit of a headache working around it. I think one of the best ways to do it is to put them next to someone really pale, so they look VERY dark by comparison, but that might be a bit of a lazy solution.

You ever notice how very, very little old-school illustration looks desaturated? It seems to be kind of a contemporary thing, that pale palette. If it is, it's about the ONLY "contemporary" thing I do in my art.

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Phaiyle [2009-12-14 08:17:17 +0000 UTC]

First, I love the textures and the writing in the background.

Her hair is probably my favorite part, I love the shadows/highlights. It's also a nice color.

I'm totally in love with her outfits design, it's functional yet decorative... and not overly so either.

(Oh Ayame, How we love you so! I'm sad I don't know where my newest tenchu went. Darn me for moving! XD)

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TCShelton In reply to Phaiyle [2009-12-14 19:20:17 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thanks, girlie. I'm glad you like.

That stupid hair is what gave me the most trouble. XD It's supposed to be very big and curly and ethnic-y (kinda like mine ) but it's also supposed to be black so every time I blocked it in, it became this big shapeless blob of black around her head. Really didn't look good. It wasn't until I finally got her hair looking decent that I was able to move onto other stuff. You should see some of the other versions I did. They're pretty sad.

And dude, Ayame kicks ass. I haven't played any of the newest Tenchu games but I loved some of the earlier ones. I needed a pose and I was thinking, huhn, well Raia's kinda small and ninja-like and uses two swords. Ayame's small and ninja-like and uses two swords. Bingo.

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Phaiyle In reply to TCShelton [2009-12-14 21:09:33 +0000 UTC]

Exactly! ^3^

Well, her hair is uber sexy! I luff it to death!

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