Comments: 21
s1cohen [2014-09-10 21:02:00 +0000 UTC]
Great job! No one can top his performance. Jonathan Frid was the definitive Barnabas Collins.
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Shinjuchan In reply to eydii [2012-10-16 02:32:09 +0000 UTC]
Thank You : )
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SantiagoSoulmate1994 [2012-09-29 05:35:55 +0000 UTC]
This is such a beautiful portrait of Jonathan, I'm sure he would've loved it if he ever got the chance to see it. I saw the original, then saw the remake. The only enjoyment I found in the remake was the original four's cameos. That made the remake bearable, but, I truly am Team Jonathan for this one! Splendid job on this; I truly love it!
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Shinjuchan In reply to SantiagoSoulmate1994 [2012-10-02 12:37:30 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. I truly do appreciate all your kind words. He was a eloquent man to say the very least. You don’t find to many men like that anymore. You may actually see the canvas photo of this if you want. I believe you might enjoy it: [link]
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ShadeOPale [2012-08-12 05:17:58 +0000 UTC]
So beautifully realized. His "gray" iris in the right eye, reflecting the light, is what caught my attention. It adds such a faraway look to him. His facial contours and hand are appropriately shadowed. The dynamics of the windswept hair with its highlights lends this an almost Byron-esque appearance. There are distinct details on the ring and cane, culminating in an accurate representation of these known accoutrements.
This is a solemn, yet hauntingly elegant depiction of Mr. Frid's Barnabas Collins.
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Shinjuchan In reply to Feriku [2012-08-25 23:52:10 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. I deeply appreciate it. He was one of a kind for certain. You'll really enjoy the 1795 flashback. That and Quintin ..who predates the werewolves VS vampires idea of Twilight by at least 40 years. You'll love it.
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evilinsomniac1313 [2012-05-24 17:04:55 +0000 UTC]
This is awesome! A nice tribute to a wonderful actor.
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KHwhitelion [2012-05-13 07:00:47 +0000 UTC]
*and this is a gorgeos memorial piece of him.
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KHwhitelion [2012-05-13 07:00:20 +0000 UTC]
I had no idea that Frid died until last night. I knew Dick Clark died but...this is far sadder in my personal opinion. I've only known of Dark Shadows for a few months but the moment I saw Frid on screen I fell in love with him. He was the coolest vampire to me since Lugosi's Dracula (since despite my age, I'm a HUGE stickler for classic, elogant and NOT "Jack-Sparrow-pretending-to-be-dr.-Frankenfurter" vampires -_-) I'm biased, sorry. That isn't changing ^^"
but...Frid...he was a beautiful actor, a very handsome man who stole the show whenever he appeared. I still have a LOT of episodes of Dark Shadows to watch, but I really am saddened to hear of his passing.
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maxevry [2012-04-24 20:08:49 +0000 UTC]
Nice one of Jonathan!
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Dynamoe [2012-04-20 12:02:14 +0000 UTC]
He did a cameo in the new movie along
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Shinjuchan In reply to Dynamoe [2012-04-20 20:34:43 +0000 UTC]
Yes I heard he did. Don't know really how I feel yet about Burton's version. Part of me feels I should honor Frid's last on-screen appearance, but then I also hate so much that they took a very serious, often tragic themed, TV series and made it funny. Dark Shadows was not the Addam's Family.
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Archanubis In reply to Shinjuchan [2012-04-20 20:37:12 +0000 UTC]
True enough. But then again, there is the old trope "Never Trust a Trailer" as well.
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Archanubis [2012-04-19 21:12:36 +0000 UTC]
Great work, as usual.
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Shinjuchan In reply to Archanubis [2012-04-20 20:31:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. I appreciate that. Course I'm my own worse critic and think I should have added perhaps a bit of background, but I was sad doing this and I think it speaks enough as a memorial for this man who entertained a generation.
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