Comments: 81
Nestly In reply to ??? [2006-12-29 03:20:24 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Wha ..what? 👍: 0 ⏩: 1
immortal-flames In reply to Nestly [2006-12-29 10:15:44 +0000 UTC]
Hm. Wow. *hits head off key board* I'm never chugging Diet coke and mento's before bed again.
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Meepozee [2006-08-19 17:57:12 +0000 UTC]
Aw, poor Haruka! <:[ I feel bad for her. D:
But this picture is awesome! Niiiiice. x3
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Nestly In reply to Meepozee [2006-08-20 19:35:22 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Thanks Meepo. x3 She's a sad girl sometimes. D:
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toonautumn777 [2006-08-06 00:15:47 +0000 UTC]
I dont know WHAT to say even its SAD or just TOO SAD buuuut...COOOOOL!
Hi nestly!
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Masterfulspaz [2006-08-05 09:14:57 +0000 UTC]
Get off the drugs there Am... o.o;
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Masterfulspaz [2006-08-05 09:13:29 +0000 UTC]
Its well done as always Nes, if I have anything to say negatively though... The head proportions are slightly off. As good as ever otherwise ^^
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Nestly In reply to Masterfulspaz [2006-08-07 06:40:47 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Thanks. n_n; Yeah- noticed. I won't let myself do that again. Can't draw for crap lately anyways. x.x;
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Masterfulspaz In reply to Nestly [2006-08-21 04:50:27 +0000 UTC]
I know how you feel, and you're welcome
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Tuyoki [2006-08-05 01:42:54 +0000 UTC]
Aweh. D=
Worth crying over! DX
Wonderful piccy as always. ;3
I just haven't been keeping up with commenting. D=
I've been trying to draw something decent! D=
Psh. A scarf. xD In the summer? Why does everyone make their charrie burn in the summer? >w> I wore a scarf a few weeks ago, and people were staring at me and giving me funny looks.
I also wore long sleeves on the hottest day of the summer yesterday for us. DX
I know how it feels. It's hot! D= And we burn. >w>'
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Nestly In reply to Tuyoki [2006-08-07 06:39:10 +0000 UTC]
S'alright. <:3 Niether have I. Creativity blocks.. suck... bleh. u_u;
Haha. Well Haruka needs to wear the one around her waist, but she likes wearing the blue one on her neck too 'cause Keru gave it to her. <3
Besides, funny you mention it. x3 I wear a scarf everyday. (a yellow and blue one I wear around my neck) And I don't get hot. xD At least it's not wrapped around my neck like Haruka's.
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Tuyoki In reply to Nestly [2006-08-07 13:24:57 +0000 UTC]
I have them too. D= Creativity blocks/drawing blocks. And I'm going to an intitute for it. D= -art-
To be honest. I hate almost everything we're doing in it. Including charcoal, printmaking and painting. I don't mind photography, and painting is... Alright. Though it's not something I like doing everyday. I've gotten absolutely sick of charcoal, and printmaking has always been boring to me. >>'
Aweh. ; 3;
That's so cute. < 3 Gifties like those always make stories flow along more. =3
Dx. I just wear a necklace and the same black pants everyday. -and the same hairstyle too ; 3;-
Yes. Same black pants this whole winter-summer. It's gotten these rips on the bottom because when I bought them, they were too long for me. But then I began to like the rips. >>'
Yah. I suppose if you get used to something, you don't really get too hot/cold. Right? People think I'm burning in these black pants. I got to the institute which is right near a train station -right behing the drama camp- and the train exhaust always makes things harder and hotter.
I only feel hot if I'm wearing adnormal clothing. Weird enough, even in the summer, if I wear shorts, I get too cold. x__x
I guess it's all a matter of getting used to something. =3
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Nestly In reply to Tuyoki [2006-08-07 21:13:42 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Yeah they suck alright. I wish I could get mine back soon.
Ahhh, well I hated art classes in school too, but you'd be surprised at how much you actualyl learn from them later. :3 They're annoying and boring and you always wonder, 'this isn't helping me at all DX' ...but you'd be surprised. X3
Yeah that doesn't strike me as wierd. x3 I wear the same thing everyday. Same scarf, Ocarina, bracletes and rings, and neck banada of course. x3 *stuborn*
And exactly. I'm used to it. I never wear shorts throughtout the year either. And I don't care what people say, socks with sandles is comfortable. DX
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Tuyoki In reply to Nestly [2006-08-07 21:48:27 +0000 UTC]
Art classes. All they ever teach us in school is art history. And then that's where I practically fall asleep. I hate history. I can't stand it. I get so frusterated hearing my teacher just jabber on about wars that we've already learned about. D=
What am I going to do with art history? Shouldn't I be learning different techniques in art? xD
But this institute I'm in is different. They actually teach me techniques. ;O
My godmother's mother said I looked retarded with socks in sandles. D= So I had to just wear bare sandles. [/suffered] I hate having my feet show. D=
I don't like wearing shorts because my upper body is really skinny, but my legs are incredibly thick. My black pants hide it.
No one bothers you about the same clothes?
At our school, if you wear like the same shirt two days in a row, your immediatly considered dirty, and people treat you as if you're a slob. ; 3;
I hate my school. DX
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Nestly In reply to Tuyoki [2006-08-10 18:22:50 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: ....Yeah they should. xD My art classes never taught art history much, that's stupid and unhelpful. xD
And wtf? xD Someone that old said you looks retarded in sock and sandals? Ya know what? Forget them. People usually don't notice your feet anyways, and if it makes you feel comfortable, good for you. *wearing socks and sandals right now 8D*
No not really. xD I wear the same clothes like every friggin' day, and no one really cares. They know I have like.. 4 pairs of the same thing. I pretty much always wear what's in my current ID. Except I also wear a scarf, just couldn't fit it in the drawing. x3 And yer school does suck if the people act like that. XP
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Tuyoki In reply to Nestly [2006-08-10 21:58:14 +0000 UTC]
Yah. D= I would practically fall asleep in class. Dx But I couldn't because then the teacher would get mad at me.
x3 They are comfortable. I'm ugly, so people tend to look at my frizzy hair. -has too much- My hair has ups and downs. The ups are that you can do almost anything with it. I usually put it in japanese fashions and people are all like, "You got a japanese perm? o=" xD And when I put the frizzyness up, I can turn it into a twist. The down side is that it's hard to handle, and it's not too long. It only goes up to a little bit below the shoulders. I haven't cut the back of my hair. I just cut the front to give me dread locks when I feel like it. x3 -going off topic-
But seriously, sandals and socks and so comfortable. You don't have to worry about your foot getting sweaty in sneakers. And also, if your foot is itchy, you can scratch it immediatly! 83
I wear the same pants. 8D But they are beginning to rip more and more. Right now, on my left leg, there's this huge rip that goes past my ankles and you can see my leg a bit. I like it that way, but I don't want it to go too far, so I'm probably going to put something there so that it won't rip any farther. Then I have to rip my other side. xD
You wear a scarf? x3 What color? I have a black-gothish one that goes good, goth or not. =3
Yah, our school does suck. Dx I heard that Junior High is the worst. People have their cliques and groups. People are jerks to you, and if you don't have a group, you don't have friends, as my friend puts it. xD
It should be better when I get to highschool. =3
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sandyrinky [2006-08-03 18:28:41 +0000 UTC]
Haruka is a really pretty dwaiky ^^ I love the eyes *3*
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Nestly In reply to sandyrinky [2006-08-04 03:25:24 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Thankie thankie Sandy. >XD
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Nestly In reply to Talkative1 [2006-08-04 03:18:44 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: D'8 THANK YOU ROSE! <3 Yeah tears were a pain in the bum to mess with. xD Still don't look how I wanted really. But yes, I tried. <:B
Yeah. xD Even though, there IS no wind. xDD Haha. But thanks Rooose. <3 ILU. *flails*
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FloatingBubbles [2006-08-03 17:42:43 +0000 UTC]
Awwww, poor purdiful Draik ]: *huggles her an' gives her a Rainbow Morning Flower*
Ya better enjoy it, it cost me my entire left wing D;< *poofs away*
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Nestly In reply to FloatingBubbles [2006-08-04 03:13:20 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Wtf?
Haruka: n__n;; Eh heh.
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Nestly In reply to FloatingBubbles [2006-08-07 06:35:34 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: He he. X3; Right. Pretty flower. <3
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Nestly In reply to Chibi-Usa-Reeni [2006-08-04 03:10:09 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Naaa, it's not you. x3 It is. I'm just a lazy ass and often do that. n.n;
Practice practice though, thanks. ^.^;
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Rikoula [2006-08-03 17:08:27 +0000 UTC]
Yuko: Gawsh, Nestly, I love your coloring. And the way you do anthros is awesome. I love her eyes, and her expression. The shading looks nice, too. XD Keep up the great work. :3
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Nestly In reply to Rikoula [2006-08-04 03:09:13 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Oh, gawrsh, thanks. 83 I don't think I've seen you before. But I'll try thank you! ^^
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Nestly In reply to CometTheMicroraptor [2006-08-04 03:04:22 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Thank you Meganh. <3 I'm sorry we never get around to roleplaying. ><; I'm such a picky little brat sometimes.
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Nestly In reply to CometTheMicroraptor [2006-08-04 03:04:22 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Thank you Meganh. <3 I'm sorry we never get around to roleplaying. ><; I'm such a picky little brat sometimes.
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Sefti [2006-08-03 12:52:54 +0000 UTC]
Aww this is a rea,lly emotional picture. Its very detailed too actually. Like the designs on the shirt and the shading on the face. great job nestly
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Nestly In reply to Sefti [2006-08-04 03:02:40 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Thanks you much. w<👍: 0 ⏩: 0
liisake [2006-08-03 08:46:15 +0000 UTC]
Awww, poor girl, having to be like that D: Neesssttweeee, why'd ya give her such wiiinnnggssss *whiny noises* Even though it makes her more...great and interesting and original >w>
Pretty shading you did there, looks smooth-ish
Her face looks so pretty o-o Her heads a bit too big though, but still pretty
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Nestly In reply to liisake [2006-08-04 02:57:37 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: XD
Smoothish. OwO Thanks, heh. I was practicing the shading actually. Trying to get more accurete.
Yeah my characters always have bigger heads then they should. >>; I gotta learn to stop doing that. I just am best at faces. <3;;👍: 0 ⏩: 0
esonic64 [2006-08-03 07:01:40 +0000 UTC]
great colouring
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kisekipochi [2006-08-03 04:27:09 +0000 UTC]
Flowers look good on her for some odd reason. x3 Poor Haruka.... ;~; Nicely done Nestly.Haruka's expression is so sad but she's so pretty. o-o;
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Nestly In reply to kisekipochi [2006-08-03 04:29:02 +0000 UTC]
Nestly: Yeah don't they? x3 I don't know why that is either; I just go with it.
Thank you. n_n; She's a pretty girl. <3 *snug*
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