Nestly — Fiery Rage

Published: 2007-11-10 00:15:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 3160; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 38
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Description Nestly: ROAR.

It's funny how I've roleplayed Quo for like, over a year and never drew her. Jeeze. I'm a slacker.

So this be Quo. Stubborn, Anger Management fledgling of Ephidell. 8D She has some aggression problems; most of them concerned with killing Ephidell or taking his blood. Yar.

Lot of experimenting here.
I've been doing eyes differently like this for a while now, but most of it being on paper. I'll probably be doing them like this for now on.
I like doing clouds. ¦D
And I had a fit with the flames. They're a little inconsistent since I was trying new things with each bunch. Fire is hard. Dx

Well, I worked my rump off on this, but if you have any advice or suggestions on improving anything, please, go for it. ;3 I'm all ears.

And if anyone's wondering what Quo is, she was originally based off an Angelic Darkonite. XD [link]

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Comments: 98

CCpride1093 [2007-11-30 20:55:00 +0000 UTC]


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CCpride1093 [2007-11-27 21:46:10 +0000 UTC]

Quo is so cool i love how she's connected to Ephidell


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Nestly In reply to CCpride1093 [2007-11-30 01:19:59 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Thanks, I'm glad you like that bit. XD

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wolfswoods [2007-11-24 23:50:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh. My. GOD. I don't really know where to begin with this picture! I guess I'll have to start with around the eyes and face, since that's where my attention gets pulled first. I LOVE how the light pulls you to that spot and pushes you down. Maybe it's just me but when I relax and let my attention wander, it travels down without ever quite meeting the eyes. Then the background KILLS anything I could do. *worships*

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Nestly In reply to wolfswoods [2007-11-25 20:41:10 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Oh wow, thanks! OwO Glad you think so deeply of it like that. <3
N'awww, you say that NOW, but keep practicing! ;3

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wolfswoods In reply to Nestly [2007-11-26 00:56:55 +0000 UTC]

If I get to where I can do a background like that, it'll be a miracle and I'll have you to thank for it

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Nestly In reply to wolfswoods [2007-11-27 02:45:04 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Well in all fairness... I used to have the same mindset as you. 👍: 0 ⏩: 0

verallien [2007-11-20 21:07:02 +0000 UTC]

Whoa! So... cool...! O:

First of all, praise for the background! The flames are AMAZING. And the clouds, with the moon in the back are really well done~! It really sets the atmosphere for the picture. <33

As for Quo, I like her pose. Kind of like she's ready to leap at'cha any second. And that glowy glare... Really cool. Really dramatic. I didn't know Phashu eyes can glow different colors than red. Blue looks awesome. o3o I also love her hair. It's all... swooshy and shiny. 8D

The only thing a bit odd is the light source. The fire and moon are behind Quo, while she's highlighted from a source from the top left side.

Other than that, the picture is genius. <3 It's clearly visible you put a lot of effort into it. Keep up the great work!

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Nestly In reply to verallien [2007-11-25 20:37:12 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Nraaaaawr, thanks Vera buddy. <3
Yeah I... didn't really know they could glow any other color then red either but... xD Whatever, it looked cool here. Quo iz an expert.

Ohhh, yeah the light source is extremely screwy, heheh. <8D But like... there are flames all around her, in front of her as well, but you can't exactly see those obviously. *confused herself with it*

Thanks so much! ;3;

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ikka-nosferatu [2007-11-18 05:03:45 +0000 UTC]

*drools* I love the shading, the fire, the shading, the colouring... everything about this picture. 8D

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Nestly In reply to ikka-nosferatu [2007-11-19 23:12:49 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Thanks so much. ^w^

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llamaer [2007-11-13 17:57:36 +0000 UTC]

Well I like the hand perspective well enough, but...fledgling? As in offspringish thingies?

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Nestly In reply to llamaer [2007-11-14 17:00:29 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Ahhhh, I use fledgling for a lack of a better word. It just means she's a creation of Ephidell. (He turned her into a Phashu)

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llamaer In reply to Nestly [2007-11-14 19:53:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh. It's that you just kind of use suggestive words.

"Fledgling." "Creation."


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Nestly In reply to llamaer [2007-11-14 21:23:30 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Yeeaah, sorry. XD I don't really know how else to say it, heheh.

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SDeca213 [2007-11-13 06:46:39 +0000 UTC]

I liked this pic for so many reasons the fire is pretty cool. (Somehow brings be back to that one episode of inuyasha.) Quo Is really pretty and what caught my attention was her eyes. They're pretty cool blue and I like how you made em glow. I accually like how you draw your style of eyes now. >:3 *tries to flick her hair to see her other eye* And the cracked horns are a cool characteristic too. Makes me wonder. I repeat THE CLOUDS PWN. they can tell me that you've been workin on them for a while.

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Nestly In reply to SDeca213 [2007-11-19 22:55:10 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Thanks. x3 Glad you like the new style. :3 They're easier for me to do.
I actually have no idea how her horns got cracked. 8D Hah.

Thanks. XD And ahh, yeah, she's grinding her teeth in anger. Like, 'errr I hate you so much DIE.' 8D

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SDeca213 In reply to Nestly [2007-11-20 00:09:49 +0000 UTC]

No problem 8D and that's good. I like perfect circles :B

Mad at Ephi, I assume? *shoves him in the shoulder* MEANIE. D:<

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Nestly In reply to SDeca213 [2007-11-20 04:33:42 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Who's mean? xD Quo or Ephidell. Yeah they don't exactly see eye-to-eye. ;B

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SDeca213 In reply to Nestly [2007-11-23 07:13:05 +0000 UTC]

Ephi is mean, or coarse! XP
He is greedy and mistreats people ;3;

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Nestly In reply to SDeca213 [2007-11-25 20:41:01 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: He does not. D: !! He's actually a good guy. He just always seems to get the short end of the stick.

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SDeca213 In reply to Nestly [2007-11-25 22:44:22 +0000 UTC]

I see...but..he needs a haircut though 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nestly In reply to SDeca213 [2007-11-25 22:49:30 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: He needs a COMB is what he needs. 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SDeca213 In reply to Nestly [2007-11-26 00:16:31 +0000 UTC]

Yeah x3;; *pets him*

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SDeca213 In reply to SDeca213 [2007-11-17 04:38:41 +0000 UTC]

and I just realised you comment on almost everyone's comments except mine. o~o

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Nestly In reply to SDeca213 [2007-11-30 09:34:32 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: *just saw this* I do? XD Well I try to reply to all my comments, but sometimes just saying 'thank you' seems pointless, so if I can't think of anything else to say I just delete it. 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SDeca213 In reply to Nestly [2007-12-01 01:53:19 +0000 UTC]

Seems reasonable. Thanks fer letting me know 👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tuyoki [2007-11-13 03:26:39 +0000 UTC]

That eye is so mezmorising! @o@

And oh-jeeze, that background's amazing!
especially that fire!

It doesn't really seem inconsistant, and I'd say you did a really nice job on it

I also really like her character design
And the glow on the eyes really draws you in x)

. . . I'm sorry ; ;
I really can't say much else
I've been in a slump of commenting lately ; ;

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Nestly In reply to Tuyoki [2007-11-16 18:32:42 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Yess. 8D

Thanks Temmie. <:3
Glad ya think so.~

Awwww... it's alright. 👍: 0 ⏩: 0

squee828 [2007-11-12 05:52:34 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Keep up the good work nestly ^^

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Nestly In reply to squee828 [2007-11-13 00:32:44 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Thanks Patrick. :3

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Shuvva [2007-11-12 03:40:38 +0000 UTC]

Whoa, this looks great! You did a very good job on the fire and background, although as other people have been saying, the arm does look a little odd, though I think its nothing to worry about. I really love her face and expression.

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Nestly In reply to Shuvva [2007-11-14 17:40:15 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Thank you very much. n_n Yeah that annoying arm. D8< Makes me angry.
Thanks for the fav. <3

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treetune [2007-11-11 04:50:22 +0000 UTC]

*goes to pick up the various debris of her blown mind so the janitor doesn't have to do it for her* @_@;

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Nestly In reply to treetune [2007-11-14 17:33:23 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: .... Owo whoops, sorry!

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treetune In reply to Nestly [2007-11-15 13:25:10 +0000 UTC]

Tree: No problem! It happens a lot.

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ReiHari [2007-11-10 22:07:59 +0000 UTC]

DAMN O_______O this is awesome!

the mood really sets in well, and it shows a lot of her personality. wonderful, wonderful~

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Nestly In reply to ReiHari [2007-11-14 17:25:33 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Thanks! 👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sefti [2007-11-10 18:51:16 +0000 UTC]

Those are some beautiful flame effects there nestly, i love how dramatic this picture is! It's full of emotion :3 Nice character design

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Nestly In reply to Sefti [2007-11-14 17:19:59 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Thank you Shannon. <:3 Glad you think so.

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frozen-lightning [2007-11-10 15:45:33 +0000 UTC]

Very cool. The flames are actually very nice; my method is much simpler. I just put a bunch of fiery colors together and smudge 'em. Eh, works okay for me.

Anyways, nice character. I think a fiery glow would have blended her better with the flames behind her. But good pic, overall. Splendid hair. =3

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Nestly In reply to frozen-lightning [2007-11-13 00:46:31 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Hahaha, yeah I tried that at first, but it just looked lazy and unrealistic. xD!

Thanks. n_n And whatcha' mean with the flames behind her exactly? o:

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frozen-lightning In reply to Nestly [2007-11-13 01:50:36 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I know, but I can't think of a better way to do them. x3

They're like, in the background, at least it seems so. Even if they were right next to her, a fiery glow off her skin might make her seem a bit more in-the-picture.

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Nestly In reply to frozen-lightning [2007-11-14 17:42:20 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Ohhhh, well there are both flames around her and a fiery glow on her skin though. 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

frozen-lightning In reply to Nestly [2007-11-14 20:32:18 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. ^-^;;

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cutzie-doodle [2007-11-10 11:11:31 +0000 UTC]

Like woah!

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I-have-a-soul-too [2007-11-10 05:28:41 +0000 UTC]

my god this is fantastic, wow... just... freaking detailed and well... awesome dude i'll have to roleplay with you sometime i think X3
The background is soooo nice like that, the way you do clouds and flames is so great
um... um... don't kill me... but from that angle it kinda looks like she has no neck... and and her left arm goes out at an odd angle... and the right just seems a little too short ;-; if you didn't want crits ignore this, but either way i think you did a fantasticly fantastic job at this!
(my vocabulary is limited today )

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Nestly In reply to I-have-a-soul-too [2007-11-13 00:34:15 +0000 UTC]

Nestly: Thanks Soul. <83
Hahah, yes. XD I don't think I know any of your characters. 8D You needa introduce me.

I'M NOT GONNA KILL YOU. xD Relax. I asked for tips in the description silly. x3
No neck though? Well at that angle... yeah. 8D It would look like that looking down. Right?
Well yeah, the left arm I agree.. from everyone else point, I guess it doesn't look right.
It's not bad to give crits, I just have a nit-picky thing that, if someone tells me something is off.. well, that's great, but it doesn't help me unless they explain how to fix it. 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

I-have-a-soul-too In reply to Nestly [2007-11-13 05:15:55 +0000 UTC]

nooo problems

I know, but you worked so hard on this and i didn't want to pull it down, but yeah, i'm not sure what else to suggest for the neck though, even after considering that it just doesn't seem right... and i know what you mean when you said people just say 'that sux u suk lol' without explaining it.

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ticticai [2007-11-10 03:24:32 +0000 UTC]

You finished, you fiiiiniiiished 8DD *proud.* I'm glad this one didn't die like the OTHER one. But you already knew that.
WTF HOLY CRAP WHERE DID THAT DETAILED-ASS BACKGROUND COME FROM?! DB *first thing she noticed* God you got good at fire, even if it is just practice fire. :3 You're so good at backgrounds it makes me jealous, especially since I'm in that stupid huge art slump right now and can't do ANYTHING. It's making me all depressed and frustrated. You could say it really...burns me up? ;D
*reminded of that scene from AMV Hell 3* Fire in the disco! 8D
Or should I say...'Dis QUO. *shoots herself in the face*

You fixed the arm, it looks a lot better. It still looks a little off, but perspective is a bitch and you should know that by now ;D I still think you should have shortened her eye, even though it's a little harder to see since the part behind the hair is faded, its still way too long. Just because the eye is narrower doesn't mean it has to be twice as long 8D I do like the way you colored it a lot, though.

The only thing that really irks me is the hair. Like...it's interesting the way she wears it in all those little clumps, but they don't look like they're moving with her. Instead they're just sort of...stiff and sticking out randomly. Do you see what I mean?
I think that's all tho--...oh...OH I SEE TEXTURE ON THAT BUILDING, GAAAAAAHHH D:<<<

Seriously though, that background kicks ass. Keep up the good work buddy boy <33

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