Star Wars: The Reign of Ren script (2020) Genre: Adventure, Scifi, Fantasy. Total Runtime 3h 48min (Rated PG-13 for strong violence and gore)
PREMISE: Resistance has REBORN. Luke Skywalker’s sacrifice has inspired countless star systems to rise against the EVIL First Order. But they lack centralized leadership, which could ally the pockets of resistance as one unified fighting force like the Rebel ALLIANCE was. The new Supreme Leader KYLO REN with the KNIGHTS OF REN are scouring the galaxy for ancient relics of a mythical world that could make Kylo IMMORTAL. Meanwhile, LEIA ORGANA is training REY on the jungle moon of Ajan Kloss for the battle against Kylo and the diabolical First Order. But they are unaware of a much larger threat brewing in the shadows, waiting for its chance to strike back.
MAKING OF: Yes, it’s a complete overhaul and rewrite of Episode IX, also known as The Rise of Skywalker, TROS, this would be TROR, it tickles the tongue, doesn’t it xD. But in all seriousness, if you like TROS, that’s fine, I wish I could like it, but I can’t. It has many, many problems in the story telling department and pacing. It’s evident now that Disney didn’t have a plan, they didn’t know the overarching narrative, so they swing it. You could argue that original trilogy was made like that, well, it wasn’t, yes, they change things in a fly, like Leia being Luke’s sister. But George knew where it has to end, he knew it in the prequels. I was giving Disney benefit of the doubt, but I told everyone ”If this trilogy ends with another super weapon, Kylo redeeming himself and dying at the end, and there’s equivelant of Ewoks at the end, I’ll lose my shit”. Well, I’ve lost my shit. They put LITERAL Ewoks at the end, 10 000 super weapons, and Reylo fan service! They AGAIN rehashed The Return of the Jedi! And brought back the Emperor, so he can do the exact same plan! So what’s the fucking point?! The Sith are gone, Anakin destroyed them like he was suppose to, like George Lucas, the creator, has said.
I better stop rambling about TROS, or we’ll be here the whole day. Like I said previously, this is a rewrite of Episode 9, and like with my previous works, this will be a perfect mix of old and new canon. Old characters will come back with a slightly new backstory that is suited for this new continuation. First act closely follows TROS until the second act where it jumps the shark and we’ll take it to a whole new level. If the threat of the prequels was political, in the original was technological, so it makes sense that threat this time comes from the Force. We have the Ancient Jedi Text from thousand generations ago, let’s use that more than not at all. Finn, Rose and Knights of Ren got fucked the most by the Disney trilogy, so we need to fix that, give them something to do than nothing at all. And if this is the end, we need to tie up some loose ends from the Skywalker Saga and the expanded universe, give them also an end. And we need to see some cool legacy stuff in film form from the EU while we can.
You wanted to see the spark that burns down the First Order, well, you’re gonna get that. And with Kylo, look, we can’t have him die at the end like Vader in Return of the Jedi, he either lives or goes to jail, those are the two only options. Luckily for you, I’m a master writer, so I found something between. It needs more power and more time to redeem Ben, considering how evil Kylo is. So, we need to see Kylo’s inner conflict as a outer conflict, so we can SEE it. Because he’s a man of few words. So I made him enemies that represent his past and the future, and when he fights them, we see his inner conflict out in the open, galaxy scale, you know xD. And we need to make Rey more like Kylo, so they can relate more to each other. Let’s say she has pretty big skeletons in her closet.
To get the complete story of The Reign of Ren, you need to play Vader Immortal, read Rise of Kylo Ren comic series, watch the Clone Wars movie, and watch the Mortis story arc from the Clone Wars series. BUT not necessary, they’ll be touched upon during the story, just saying. But, yeah, after this I’m done with Star Wars. I’m finished. Yeah, you can say anything could happen, but I think I’m done. This will be my magnum opus.