Comments: 81
PuzzleProfessional In reply to ??? [2013-12-23 03:10:34 +0000 UTC]
Hm. Okay. Thanks for that! I always thought the skills were passed down at random or something.
π: 0 β©: 1
evaceratops In reply to PuzzleProfessional [2013-12-23 03:18:17 +0000 UTC]
Yup. I used a guide to figure that out XD
Morgan, Owain, Inigo, and Brady all inherited Galeforce from their mothers.
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PuzzleProfessional In reply to evaceratops [2013-12-23 03:20:07 +0000 UTC]
Yikes. Fat chance of Owain learning it... I think. I hope it's one skill he gets at the very least! Cynthia I'm not worried about, I'm pretty sure she'll get counter... Dammit. I better do those paralogues QUICK.
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evaceratops In reply to PuzzleProfessional [2013-12-23 03:29:31 +0000 UTC]
You can always rearrange Lissa's skills in the Equip Skills section. It has to be the last one on the list.
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lN50MNlA In reply to ??? [2013-12-06 02:17:52 +0000 UTC]
I don't hate any of the pairings, so I'm not goign to hate on this. cx It's a perfect pic. Anyways, I put Chrom with my main char, Nex. Perfect match, and their dialogues were absolutely hilarious. XD I had Gaius with Sumia, which worked quite well. :3
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lN50MNlA In reply to evaceratops [2013-12-06 02:25:12 +0000 UTC]
They were so cute together. <3333
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evaceratops In reply to lN50MNlA [2013-12-06 02:30:37 +0000 UTC]
Haha, their supports were cute, yeah.
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Pokefan181 In reply to ??? [2013-11-27 01:36:54 +0000 UTC]
Aww, that's awesome!
I hate that people hate Sumia just because she is essentially in a canon relationship with Chrom... it's so stupid.
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evaceratops In reply to Pokefan181 [2013-11-27 02:27:41 +0000 UTC]
Hehehe yeah...
Lol maybe
I know! I tried to do that, but then I discovered that they didn't even have any supports... So I just gave Chrom to Sumia who is cordelia's best friend gods that has to hurt XD
Ugh, I know right? I mean, yeah, I am a bit possessive of Gaius (okay maybe more than a bit) but its not like he'll end up alone in my other playthroughs.
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Pokefan181 In reply to evaceratops [2013-11-27 02:29:17 +0000 UTC]
It's so annoying... Cordelia loves Chrom so much, but she can't be with him.
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PrettyButUnpretty In reply to ??? [2013-11-24 21:39:46 +0000 UTC]
I happen to love Sumia! She one of my favorite characters!Β
...I just can't ship her with anyone other than Gaius or Frederick for some reason... Even if I don't marry Chrom, he'll marry Sully or Olivia, because I just can't put them together...
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PrettyButUnpretty In reply to evaceratops [2013-11-24 22:43:01 +0000 UTC]
Heh Only one of my friends has played this, and I made her pair Chrom with Sully so I could still say Sumia hadn't been paired with Chrom in my game.
*scared squeak* I swear I only paired them together once!
Pfft it's fine
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Lord-Corruption In reply to ??? [2013-11-24 19:36:40 +0000 UTC]
i find her funny as hell, do i do have to say i haven't played much fe:a becouse i started working and have other stuff so i really should but i have to say people who hate someone for something small are really childish and should think moreΒ
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evaceratops In reply to Lord-Corruption [2013-11-24 20:00:40 +0000 UTC]
I agree 100%, it is really childish to hate someone for a small or stupid reason.
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DangoPugBuddies In reply to ??? [2013-11-24 16:22:18 +0000 UTC]
I actually like Sumia as a character, but I also think that the her other pairings are so much cuter than her and Chrom. I just love her and Fredrick together. Maybe I don't hate her because I'm not much of a Chrom fan and am just like: "Sure, take him, have fun."
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evaceratops In reply to DangoPugBuddies [2013-11-24 16:26:16 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, me too. She's actually probably one of my favorites. I like her other pairings (Gaius is mine though XD) but she's my favorite pairing for Chrom. My friend paired her with Frederick.
I just hate that people hate her because the game ships her with Chrom, that's a really unfair reason to hate someone.
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