Comments: 24
manatiki [2014-04-10 13:57:41 +0000 UTC]
haha this is adorable
they're my otp when my avatar isn't married to Tharja.
I also drew them together on Tharja's bday last year.
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manatiki In reply to evaceratops [2014-04-16 03:01:07 +0000 UTC]
hey, thanks ! yeah it's a bit old
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evaceratops In reply to manatiki [2014-04-17 23:04:45 +0000 UTC]
It's still pretty good! (although I understand from my own experience that artists are always harder on their own work, especially old stuff... like... looking back on the stuff I drew a year ago... *shudders*)
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PuzzleProfessional [2014-04-02 18:33:03 +0000 UTC]
Damn, I haven't played this in a while.
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evaceratops In reply to PuzzleProfessional [2014-04-02 18:42:21 +0000 UTC]
Really? I've played almost 500 hours on my main file... damn I have no life.
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evaceratops In reply to PigmaskMajor120 [2014-04-03 05:42:40 +0000 UTC]
Ah, cool. I've done Rogues and Redeemers 3... lots of times, I lost track... It's pretty easy once most of your units have Limit Breaker. I don't really spend much time on the einherjar, they just kinda sit there looking pretty on their cards XD
Oh my god, I HATE it when there's that ONE STAT that just refuses to cap... Like alot of the guys (and Cherche) have trouble capping their magic and res and it's sO FRICKEN ANNOYING.
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PigmaskMajor120 In reply to evaceratops [2014-04-03 23:22:44 +0000 UTC]
I don't worry about Strength/Magic too much if I wont use it (no real need for capped magic on a berserker). For me that one stat that will not cap right away is ALWAYS resistance. And I mean ALWAYS. It took me TWO hours just to finish of capping Lyn's resistance. At least I get to do some actual fun instead of EXP grinding right now. Gonna do Smash Brethren 3 a couple more times so I don't have to worry about bows being used on Elincia, Est, Catria, and Palla. When I'm done the first time I will just use my regular units. I only used my Einherjars because I wanted them to be useful in someway. (Lyn + Zeal + Sol Katti = CRITZ 4 DAYZ)
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evaceratops In reply to PigmaskMajor120 [2014-04-04 01:19:42 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, but the uncapped stat staring me in the face is kinda annoying. Plus I like to compare ratings, and if one of the stats isn't capped it affects the rating...
I haven't done SB 3 in a while, wow. 3 out of my 4 pegasus knights have iote's shield already (I don't really use Aversa much, I capped her stats but I don't actually bring her very often)
Ah, I see. Well, have fun with that XD
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PigmaskMajor120 In reply to evaceratops [2014-04-04 02:10:47 +0000 UTC]
I never really use the air units much due to their weakness to wind magic and arrows. I won't deny that they are good units to use so long as you either keep them away from their weaknesses or give them Iote's Shield
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evaceratops In reply to PigmaskMajor120 [2014-04-04 14:24:32 +0000 UTC]
I like using my fliers because of their good movement range, and Sumia, Cordelia, and Cynthia are among my best units. I still need to get Limit Breaker for Cherche and Gerome though.
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PigmaskMajor120 In reply to evaceratops [2014-06-17 02:19:58 +0000 UTC]
I got to playing Fire Emblem Blazing Sword (FE7) lately, and I always use one of the three pegasus riders you can get. I never saw the potential in pegasus riders before, most likely due to the huge amount of varying classes in Awakening. Plus, it helps that wind magic isn't present (except the excal;ibur tome in the final chapter) in the anima magic types. They are even better once you get the Delphi's shield item (its just like the Iote's shield skill). Speaking of magic, one thing I realized that I didn't like about Awakening: No Magic triangle due to absence of light magic. The triangle worked like this: Anima (Fire, Thunder, and Wind Magic mainly) beats Light, Light beats dark, and Dark beats Anima. If light magic stayed in, it would have made Awakening even more fun.
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evaceratops In reply to PigmaskMajor120 [2014-06-23 18:12:47 +0000 UTC]
Oh, cool. I've heard a lot about the older games, and I was wondering where you can get them, because they're supposed to be really good and I want to play them. Do you know anywhere good, any stores or sites on the Internet? My friend says GameStop sometimes carries Radiant Dawn for DS, and I've heard that you can download Sacred Stones on the 3DS, but other than that...
I've heard a lot about light magic and the magic triangle... it sounds super cool, I wish Awakening had that! Especially because I haven't played any of the older games and I would have liked to experience that. I agree, it would have made Awakening more fun.
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PigmaskMajor120 In reply to evaceratops [2014-06-23 20:26:31 +0000 UTC]
1. Your friend is a liar if they said Radiant Dawn is on DS (its a wii game)
2. Sacred Stones on the 3DS was only available to those who bought a 3DS before the price drop.
3.I got my hands on some of the GBA games via amazon/ebay (I'm sure there are more sites out there though).
I do reccommend trying to get the older games. Each one has things that make them feel unique, plus the absence of a casual mode is quite challenging if you try and keep everyone alive. It also doesn't hurt to learn things about characters from the other games. While the marriage system isn't present in the older ones, there is still a support system with different effects depending on a character's affinity (look it up, I still am trying to understand it fully). Some characters have a different ending in the epilouge depending on who they had an A-Support with by the end of the game (only certain pairs of characters though). One downside to the support system is that each character can only have 5 supports per playthrough (if you get a C-Support while having 2 B-Supports with 2 other characters, you can't get any more for that specific character). Its quite interesting to see the differences in gameplay between different games. One thing I might add: Dark Mages never had the ability to use anima magic in the past, it was strictly Dark Magic. Weapons also had weight to them, affecting your speed depending on said weight. Some of the more powerful dark magic tomes are very heavy, making it harder to get 2 attacks in. I could go on and on, but I think you should check it out yourself, be it from personal experience, or looking up information online.
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evaceratops In reply to PigmaskMajor120 [2014-06-24 01:09:32 +0000 UTC]
Okay... She did say she wasn't sure, so...
I got my 3DS for Christmas last year, was that before the price drop?
GBA is Game Boy Advance, right? Because I don't have one. And I don't know where to get one.
Yeah, I'd really love to try them, I've heard great things about all of them...
All that sounds so cool! I love complicated stories and games and stuff, so having to take all that stuff into account when I'm figuring out tactics and stuff while also trying to keep everyone alive sounds like a really fun challenge.
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PigmaskMajor120 In reply to evaceratops [2014-06-24 03:31:51 +0000 UTC]
the first 3DS price drop was over 2 years ago I think. Yes GBA is a Game Boy Advance, best focus on getting one of those if you plan on playing Blazing Sword (the first FE released outside of Japan) and Sacred Stones. The whole forced perma-death run in the older games is very fun and challenging as the game progresses (except when you're near the end of a difficult chapter and an ally dies). Every game in the series besides Sacred stones, gaiden, and Awakening, forces you to train up your units while the story progresses, no random battles in between chapters to grind EXP.
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PigmaskMajor120 In reply to PigmaskMajor120 [2014-04-03 01:10:39 +0000 UTC]
damn emoticons, the emoticon in the third parentetheses was supposed to be ;_; but I forgot to space between the ; and the )
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PigmaskMajor120 In reply to PigmaskMajor120 [2014-04-03 01:11:41 +0000 UTC]
In things unrelated to what I said before, this picture is adorable.
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