Zal-Cryptid โ€” Provinces of Canada

Published: 2012-01-30 22:00:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 5360; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 23
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Description Bios:
NOVA SCOTIA is the daughter of Acadia and Scotland. She is a cheerful, energetic, strong and valiant young girl with a strong passion for the ocean. She enjoys highland dancing, sailing, fishing and tintamarre. She lives with her sister Cape Breton Island. The scar on her face is from the Halifax Explosion in 1917.
NEW BRUNSWICK is Nova Scotia's brother. He keeps to himself mostly and shares many of his sister's interests. He is desribed as being strong and agricultural and is proud of his Acadian heritage.
PEI is another son of Acadia's. According to Aboriginal legends, he was created from a red clay. He is a big supporter of the enviornment and has an obsession with potatoes.
NEWFOUNDLAND and LABRADOR are Canada's oldest province, despite joining in 1949. Inhabited by First Nations, colonized by Vikings for a period of time, discovered by the French, home to a short lived Portuguese colony, colonized by the British, populated by the Irish, and became a British domain. They are incredibly kind and generous and enjoy fishing. Newfoundland has a great sense of humour and was the first one to create jokes about himself. He is also an excellent and skilled fiddler. Newfoundland speaks in a unique dialect called "Newfinese", which the other provinces find hard to understand. Labrador is Newfoundland's mainland counterpart and wife. She tends to keep to herself alot as she deals with things at her place like looking after Nunatsiavut. Labrador is proud of her Inuit and Innu heritage and has lived in Newfoundland's shadow for many years. Lately Labrador is wanting to become her own province.
QUEBEC is an elegant (often pompous and vainglorious) francophone with a with a fine taste in wine, food, culture, winter carnivals, circuses, cinema, and most of all - poutine. She is one of Canada's oldest provinces and takes pride in her french heritage. She is a big fan of romance and adventure and has a cheeky, smug, tongue-in-cheek attitude. She is sometimes arguementative and likes to troll Ontario. In 1995 she went on a temper tantrum and said she wanted to become her own nation (the Referendum). She ended up staying in the end but occasionally says that she can still leave whenever she feels like. She seems to have a dominatrix attitude over the other male provinces.
ONTARIO is Quebec's little brother. He is very multicultural and has an adventure-seeking personality. He is also one of Canada's busiest, most populated and richest provinces. When he isn't working, his hobbies are hockey, basketball, baseball, and camping. Not to long ago during the later half of the twentieth century, he and suffered from a terrible snow storm that left him traumatized. He was born long ago as Upper Canada and became the province of Canada when he married Quebec in 1837. However they were total opposites and the eventually divorced in 1867.
MANITOBA is the son of Rupert's Land. He is a friendly agricultural man who is proud of his Metis heritage. He was first known as the Red River colony. In the late nineteenth century he started a rebellion when Canada bought Rupert's Land. At the end of the resistance he was made his own province and joined Canada. Today he is one of the Prairies provinces and has interests in agriculture and mechanics. He is has alot of Ukrainian heritage in his blood. He has a pet Buffalo and a polar bear named Churchill.
SASKATCHEWAN is the twin sister of Alberta. She is a hard working, kind, shy, innocent and agricultural province who grows vast fields of wheat and canola.
ALBERTA is a oil-drilling, tomboyish, country-music-loving, bull riding cowgirl with a passion for steak. She is basically Canada's Texas and the last of the Prairie provinces. She has a bad ass attitude and isn't afraid to get down and dirty. She has a deep hatred for rats, ever since the mid-twentieth century she has prevented rats from getting into her province. So far there has been no rats at her place. Alberta's interests are agriculture, hockey and rodeos (every year she holds the world famous Calgary Stampede). Although she doesn't seem to like boys, Alberta likes to tease the other male provinces with her femdom demeanor.
YUKON is Northwest Territories' western neighbour and Alaska's eastern. He has a larger than life attitude and loves it when other provinces come to visit. He became very popular in his youth when he discovered gold in his region. Despite the arctic enviornment he lives in, Yukon has adapted to it so well that his body can withstand -50ยฐcelcius weather without getting frostbite. Yukon has a pet Alaskan Malemute.
NWT is the mother of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon and Nunavut. Her age is unknown, even to her. She just appeared one day as though she had always been there. She is a gold, diamond and oil digging Inuit woman who is deeply connectly with nature and spirituallity. She enjoys fishing with her little sister Nunavut. She has a loving personality.
NUNAVUT is the youngest of all the provinces and territories. She is a young Inuktitut-speaking Inuit girl living up in the arctic with Yukon and Northwest Territories. She is a cute and innocent girl proud of her Inuit heritage.
BC is s strong west coast lumber jack and big supporter of the enviornment (and cannabis). British Columbia is also very cultural and has a deep connection with nature. He is deeply in touch with Asian and Aboriginal culture.and spirituality.
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Comments: 21

SydneyCoalMinerGirl [2014-05-19 01:10:10 +0000 UTC]

Nova Scotia

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Beaute-curieux [2013-09-15 22:07:38 +0000 UTC]

This is so cool I think it's awesome how you drew the provinces and territories as people

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CRAZY4LUV [2013-06-17 20:29:40 +0000 UTC]

they're all so cute!

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TheVideoGameGuy [2013-03-03 23:38:54 +0000 UTC]


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Pink4never [2012-12-18 22:46:20 +0000 UTC]

Look! There's my OC Niagara Fall's daddy! (ON) not (NY)

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LunaTheFerret [2012-11-01 21:12:46 +0000 UTC]

Hey!!! You remebered the Halifax explosion!!!! Dude, you know your history!!
Love these guys!!! <3

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sakurablossom101 In reply to LunaTheFerret [2013-02-10 21:48:01 +0000 UTC]

Halifax????....oh! Its a place in canada! (Theres a place in england also called halifax)

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LunaTheFerret In reply to sakurablossom101 [2013-02-19 20:49:24 +0000 UTC]


That doesn't surprise me. There's a place in Cape Breton called Caledonia. (There a place called Caledonia in Scotland.) Aperently the imegrints weren't very imagenitive when it came to naming places!

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Zal-Cryptid In reply to LunaTheFerret [2012-11-02 04:14:08 +0000 UTC]

And come on, the Halifax Explosion is not that unheard of.
I don't even live Halifax it feels like common Canadian knowledge to me.
Then again, I tend to forget how much of a brainiac I am sometimes

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LunaTheFerret In reply to Zal-Cryptid [2012-11-02 10:26:21 +0000 UTC]

Well, maybe it is well know... I just really like how you thought of it. Us Nova Scotians really think about it a lot, but I don't really know about the rest of Canada or the US, I suppose they think about it, and know about it, and it's an important part of Canadian history- but maybe they don't feel the same way about it because it didn't happen to them...? I don't really know- I'm just thinking out loud here.
Oh- and no problem!!!

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gdpr-17612695 [2012-05-01 10:56:51 +0000 UTC]

i think that quebec can only speak in french.

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sadielizyy In reply to gdpr-17612695 [2012-06-16 16:20:09 +0000 UTC]

actually Quebec is one of the only bilingual provinces and generally most people there can speak both english and french ^^ new brunswick is the only official bilingual one actually

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kayartstuff [2012-04-24 03:39:18 +0000 UTC]

I love Ontario's design...he's so cute! ^_^
(random fact: I live there XD)
good job on these ^_^

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MaryEve28 [2012-03-25 21:34:56 +0000 UTC]

I almost love your version more than the iamp one

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Zal-Cryptid In reply to MaryEve28 [2012-03-25 21:45:04 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I love those too

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MaryEve28 In reply to Zal-Cryptid [2012-03-25 22:20:17 +0000 UTC]

i only have a problem with New Brunswick that looks like Sherlock Holmes XD

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Zal-Cryptid In reply to MaryEve28 [2012-03-26 13:43:25 +0000 UTC]

When I originally began to think how to personify NB I ran into a stump - I basically don't know anything that goes on over there. -_- When I began researching about NB, all I found out was that their into foresting and are proud of their Acadian culture. Other than that, I knew no stereotypes or interesting facts about him.
New Brunswick kinda reminds me of someone who keeps to himself. He is the son of Acadia and brother to Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, and PEI. NB seems to have some sort of naval history and so I made him kinda sailor-looking and wearing a naval uniform. He also sometimes acts tough and strong and often wields a viking axe (he believes himself to have been visited by vikings a thousand years ago). NB has a complicated romantic relationship with Nova - they used to live together up until 1713, but because of his shyness he never worked up the courage to ask her to marry him. To this day, they both still secretly love each other.

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MaryEve28 In reply to Zal-Cryptid [2012-03-26 15:09:16 +0000 UTC]

ok. i must admit
your description is PERFECT. I FGESGSRG LOVE IT.
but he still look like sherlock XD
also i prefer your ontario and manitoba. they look nicer lol

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TheRealCanadianBoys In reply to MaryEve28 [2013-01-20 13:29:17 +0000 UTC]

yh cause the ontario and manitoba from the iamp r just scary and egoistic

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D4ncingD4wn [2012-02-03 01:40:40 +0000 UTC]

I adore this! My faves are Quebec (obviously ) Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland!!!

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JoeyHazelLM [2012-01-31 16:12:15 +0000 UTC]

NTW's mysterious background is cool!
I love Saskatchewan's design

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