YelZamor — The Cowardly

Published: 2012-12-23 21:18:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 2805; Favourites: 50; Downloads: 0
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Description 'Does he even have any bullets left?

Greetings, peeps!

This piece of strangeness spawned by Yel's weird brain.

This is a style study after David Aja , as seen recently in the Indy-flavoured Hawkeye (written by Matt Fraction). The art and story glimpses caught my eye immediately, and I cannot wait until the trade is released for the full story.

This Uncharted fanart episode is inspired by my most recent gameplay attempts. Well now, Drake is supposed to be an action hero, an adventuring daredevil even... well, you wouldn't know it by the way I play him.
The 'badly plumbed' area of The Fortress was giving me a bit of trouble with waves of enemies overwhelming me before I could defeat them.
I wasn't about to give up... but neither was I about to leap in all guns blazing. The event is triggered once you hop down off the high ledge, so I decided to backtrack a bit first to see if there was extra ammo lying around. There wasn't. Much to my surprise, however, I found that the event was already running when I returned.
WHEEYYY SNIPEY SNIPEY Don't think it was supposed to happen, because the second wave spawned in mid-air in my perch.

I am ruining Nathan Drake's reputation.

Style inspired by David Aja
Uncharted © Naughty Dog
Art © Yel Zamor 2012
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Comments: 24

Istriel [2014-03-02 20:52:54 +0000 UTC]

You're a pure genius XD

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

YelZamor In reply to Istriel [2014-03-18 11:40:48 +0000 UTC]

Ehh, heh heh. Well, as far as playing games badly goes.

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Mizunodragon [2013-04-25 12:11:30 +0000 UTC]

I laughed hard seeing this. It reminded me playing this part on Crushing. I spent a lot of time there just killing the enemies far away from them

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YelZamor In reply to Mizunodragon [2013-04-30 16:12:38 +0000 UTC]

Hah! Crushing must have been truly challenging if easy was terrible enough for me (well, until I discovered the ledge glitch).

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Mizunodragon In reply to YelZamor [2013-05-02 15:11:57 +0000 UTC]

In Crushing I discovered one when I wnet back looking form some ammo. The thugs poped-up there automatically. So I just needed to shoot them without getting off the ledge. Up there I was safe and could go after ammo whenever I needed

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YelZamor In reply to Mizunodragon [2013-05-10 11:33:35 +0000 UTC]


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buckleythecat [2013-04-23 02:44:35 +0000 UTC]

Omg, I remember that part on crushing. It pretty much destroyed my soul, along with the final boss fight against Navarro. Ahhh.

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YelZamor In reply to buckleythecat [2013-04-23 14:05:18 +0000 UTC]

Gosh, you're proper hardcore to go at it on crushing. Easy gave me enough trouble.

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Pywackett-Barchetta [2013-01-28 01:40:57 +0000 UTC]

Excellent in its sheer accuracy.

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YelZamor In reply to Pywackett-Barchetta [2013-01-28 19:05:24 +0000 UTC]

I know, right?
We are not the only ones!

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Lonemtnwolf [2012-12-29 17:56:16 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha Brilliant!

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YelZamor In reply to Lonemtnwolf [2013-01-01 13:09:14 +0000 UTC]


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keikittora [2012-12-24 01:49:37 +0000 UTC]

*Snerks* I SOOO remember that spot. Died a few times trying to get through. Then again aiming with joysticks after you're used to moving the Vita to aim is a royal pain in the arse.

The way I play Drake you'd think he was superman or something. XP

I have no brains in my head sometimes.. I just go nuts like a bag of rats in a burning meth lab! >:3

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YelZamor In reply to keikittora [2012-12-24 11:20:18 +0000 UTC]

I died about four times before my cowardice let me discover the workaround.
Actually, running actively forward from cover to cover is how you're supposed to play, methinks? Those buggers keep throwing grenades if you're in one spot too often.

Fun though, whatever the playstyle.

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keikittora In reply to YelZamor [2012-12-25 01:47:01 +0000 UTC]

Agreed. Uncharted is one series where it's hard to get mad even when you bite it.. Just makes you wanna try harder.

I find the key is taking out the turds up on their lil vantage points.. easier to avoid being hit when they can't hit you.

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YelZamor In reply to keikittora [2012-12-26 16:00:22 +0000 UTC]

Aye. Death is annoying, but downtime isn't long and there are plenty of checkpoints to try again.
Slow and steady usually wins the race, especially the vehicle sections.

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keikittora In reply to YelZamor [2012-12-26 20:52:43 +0000 UTC]

I was good at the jeep run bit.

Nobody ever got near me XP The jetski bit I was a sniper XP I was moving up, shoot em before they see me, then keep goin XP

Last bit I got to play before I lost access to the PS3 I was playing on.

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YelZamor In reply to keikittora [2012-12-28 12:48:55 +0000 UTC]

The Jeep was fun.
Jetski up the rapids sucked a bit but wasn't too bad. Taking it slow and snipery really is the way forward.

Aw, what happened to your PS3?

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keikittora In reply to YelZamor [2012-12-29 04:17:56 +0000 UTC]

I don't actually own one XP lol My Husband brought his down while visiting me (As my immigration paperwork is in progress) as well as Drakes Fortune and Among Thieves. He had to take it back with him tho so now all I have is my Vita and Golden Abyss.

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YelZamor In reply to keikittora [2012-12-29 11:56:20 +0000 UTC]

The worst thing happened to me last night.
The game glitched when I was solving the jumping puzzle in the underground steps and swinging lanterns maze... and put the checkpoint in a spot that means I have to nearly die to get to the beginning of the maze. X0
...Lesson from this failure... always keep double save points. X) I've lost about three hours from last save game. Damneet. LOL.

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keikittora In reply to YelZamor [2012-12-29 21:48:04 +0000 UTC]

I know what you mean.. XP I've always used multiple save slots ever since FF7 taught me you can screw up and miss your one chance to get something right.

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Fotohunter [2012-12-23 23:13:35 +0000 UTC]

This ois really comical, like a scene that is missing in an action film

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YelZamor In reply to Fotohunter [2012-12-24 01:13:23 +0000 UTC]

To be honest, this scene was missing from my game. ^_^;;

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Fotohunter In reply to YelZamor [2012-12-24 02:39:39 +0000 UTC]

It should be in a lot of action games and movies

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