Xorte-Renshe — Kingdom Hearts: Into Darkness

Published: 2013-05-30 01:39:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 2605; Favourites: 68; Downloads: 5
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Description A little parody of Star Trek XII. Since Master Xehanort is voiced by Leonard Nimoy, and Xehanort goes back in time and gets his younger self, this kind of oddly works out. So, there's young Xehanort asking Master Xehanort about Sora.

I had this idea while I was shopping today (well, technically yesterday, now that it's after midnight), and pretty much spent the entire day on it. That Gummiprise (Gummi ship Enterprise, lol) took forever to make. Looks nice, though. The lighting effects on it are based on how the ships look when in Sector Space in Star Trek Online.

I seem to be having a bit of difficulty typing at the moment. I'm just that tired. Forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes (I seem to say that a lot).

That starfield in the background of the first pannel was made from scratch. I'm surprised how well it turned out. Thank you, random tutorial.
The Constitution here is kind of an amalgamation of the original Matt Jefferies one and the new Ryan Church one. I chose to go with orange for the bussard collectors on the nacelles because they matched Xehanort's eyes. I chose to have teal engine exhaust(?) to go with young Xehanort's weapons/keyblade. Its number is, of course, 13. 0013, to be exact. I still dont know what the "NCC" stands for. The thorn design on the saucer is based on Xemnas' nobody abilities to summon thorns.

Sora is very Khan-like. Always talking about how his friends are the most important thing to him. Super-human. Was asleep in stasis for a while. Ready to completely destroy people who try to harm his friends.

Oh yeah, and I made that "Kingdom Hearts" logo from the ground up using the Kingdom Hearts font (by whoever that's by). It's surprisingly easy to do in photoshop. You just make the text big enough, go into the character editor and make the spacing between characters a bit less so that they're almost touching, put a gradient on the text going from grey to white, activate an outline around the text (the "stroke" thing), and then finally colour in with the same colour as the stroke all the white parts left showing between letters.
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Comments: 10

xXTwilight-WarriorXx [2013-07-02 17:17:38 +0000 UTC]

Haha, so true! Xehanort is all I can think of when seeing Spock.. and the other way around/

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savagelizard200 [2013-06-04 00:16:35 +0000 UTC]

Sora? Brilliant? Pfffffttttt hahahahahaha~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Xorte-Renshe In reply to savagelizard200 [2013-06-04 07:29:44 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, I thought about that when writing it. At least Sora's a good tactician (assuming the player is, heh).

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kitzu-jama [2013-06-01 09:27:08 +0000 UTC]

That was beautiful. XD

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WhiteQueen94 [2013-05-30 15:55:32 +0000 UTC]

Nice suit Xehanort!

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CatWithABrush [2013-05-30 09:14:31 +0000 UTC]

>Sora as AU Khan

I can imagine Young Xenahort screaming "SORRAAAAA" when he kills.. whoever fits the AU Kirk's shoes.

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Xorte-Renshe In reply to CatWithABrush [2013-05-30 13:52:46 +0000 UTC]

I wonder who would fit into Kirk's spot from the KH universe if young Xehanort were Spock. As far as I remember, Xehanort didn't have any friends. ///_T
No wonder he wanted to take over the world(s).

Oh wait! He did, didn't he? Eraqus! Mark Hamill! So, when Luke Skywalker is killed by Sora, Spock cries out in anger! That is the most awesome sentence I've written in a while.

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SwordSparks [2013-05-30 06:20:27 +0000 UTC]

Sweet. As. Hell.

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Xorte-Renshe In reply to SwordSparks [2013-05-30 13:42:31 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I've never encountered that plz account reaction image before.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SwordSparks In reply to Xorte-Renshe [2013-05-31 02:27:53 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

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