TEZofAllTrades — Mega Exeggutor

#fakemon #fakepokemon #exeggutor #mythicalcreature #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokemonfanart #sunmoon #megaevolution #pokemonsunmoon
Published: 2018-05-11 13:21:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1593; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 1
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Description Taken from my clearly fake leak , here's my concept for Mega Exeggutor. Battles with Exeggutor would require strategy for the trainer and the opponent because if Mega Evolution is used, it switches from a special to physical attacker, requiring an entirely different move pool. I think this would be an interesting and more importantly, believable Mega form that could take your opponent by surprise. Click here for my Mega ALOLAN Exeggutor.

Upon mega evolution its heads gain enough energy that they no longer require the nourishment from the tree. They control the now mindless tree like a puppet using their psychic power. Doing so allows them to keep a distance from their foes and use the tree as a shield or a weapon. This greatly increases their Def and SpDef, and grants them a new defensive ability. While the tree takes the brunt of the opponents attacks, Mega Exeggutor still receives damage due to the mental connection with the puppet.

Grass / Psychic

Magic Guard - Prevents all damage except from direct-attack moves.

Base stats
HP - 95 > 95
Atk - 95 > 125
Def - 85 > 135
SpA - 125 > 95
SpD - 75 > 125
Spe - 55 > 55
Total - 530 > 630

Key Moves
Wood Hammer
Zen Headbutt
Low Kick
Leaf Storm
Sleep Powder
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Comments: 2

dreamyhearts80 [2018-09-21 17:37:54 +0000 UTC]

Woah.... this is some creepy stuff going on here. The heads controlling the tree is awesome but also creepy. Cool editing skills though with being able to get the Mega Evolution burst and turn their eyes a shade of pink-purple to show some psychic power. 

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TEZofAllTrades In reply to dreamyhearts80 [2018-09-21 18:38:18 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! At first glance this concept seems really basic so it hasn't had much attention, but when I think of how the egg-heads would look in battle, sitting still while psychically moving the faceless tree around the field to attack and protect themselves, it's probably my favourite of the ones I've made so far.

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