— Shadow River WIP - Dev Snaps
2018-02-15 04:06:52 +0000 UTC
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This scrap is a collage/mosaic/something of development snaps of my most ambitious fantasy map to date: a cartographic portrait of the great city of Shadow River (Uresia). This will be a map in the same approximate style as the Trostig and Scott's Landing maps, except those are just towns, not cities, let alone GREAT cities, so the difference in scale, detail, and content is immense. If that weren't enough, I'm also mapping up to a mile in every direction from the duke's citadel, so there will be fauborgs and villages and farms and a quarry and more, outside the walls.
I haven't posted pieces of the WIP here before; I post them mainly to bother those unfortunate enough to follow me on Google Plus.
But I figured I should toss something here to mark reaching the halfway point this year. I have no idea when it will be finished, but historically, the second half of most of my projects goes much, much more quickly than the first half. What this means is that I'm actually terrible at knowing what "halfway" actually is.
Anyway, if you browse these snaps you'll see where I've been, and can take a good guess at where I'm going. I'm excited about it.
You can read about Shadow River in Uresia: Grave of Heaven
You can see more of this ongoing project in my Scraps:
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