taeliac — Soi Fong : Bleach

Published: 2008-07-11 20:55:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 13982; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 0
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Description Hooray! New cosplay pictures - finally, something different I haven't just been remaking again and again!

I'm so darn proud of this costume; it's as obscene as it should be, without being too flashing The model (~MedeaHiasobi ) isn't the exact same measurements as the commissioner, hence it's a little large on top, but pretty darn close!

I guess, this is one of those costumes where you feel naked, dispite the large amount of clothing you're wearing (so she says~) so be forewarned. And, a skin toned thong may be a necessity, too.

The top is a halter, that is kind of like a wrap - you put on the right side, and then the left, and then the hakama, and then the sash... crazy! And, I guess it's not supposed to be tied in a bow, sorry 'bout that

Naked. That's what you basically are But, if you can wear this, you'll look damned good!

(and, as a continuation of my own shameless self-plug, I can make the Captain's Jacket, with the sleeves and everything, so you could have the whole outfit, and quickly change from one to the other!)

More information on my site at BeAnime.com if you'd like it

Created by `taeliac & ~MedeaHiasobi
June/July 2008
Model : ~MedeaHiasobi

2008 Taeliac Studio - [link]
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Comments: 82

AndromedaRising [2009-11-07 02:22:36 +0000 UTC]

wow all of your designs are totaly gorgeous ive wantwd to do a soi-fon cosplay for a long time but alas i dont think i can afford it i i could i would comish it with the white part of the top wraping around back so i could wear a strapless bra or somn

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animeNINJA07 [2009-05-10 22:39:51 +0000 UTC]

sugoiii (cool in jap ^.-)
btw, its Soi Fon-- no g

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taeliac In reply to animeNINJA07 [2009-05-10 23:15:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

Really? Cuz everyone I've heard its with the "g" on the end, only one person has inquired about it without it, or talked about it I dunno, cuz I haven't watched or read Bleach

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animeNINJA07 In reply to taeliac [2009-05-10 23:34:50 +0000 UTC]

its a good series :3 im 100 episode ahead of adult swim which if i remember correctly ep115 was on last night, but ive like quit watching it b.c im too lazy ^^ im sitting on my but browsing DA or cosplaying lolita, tifa, misa xD LOL. ..which i need to do Reno as well, but i dont think my mum will be too happy about florescent hairspray, shes afraid it wont washout, although ive used it before LOL.

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taeliac In reply to animeNINJA07 [2009-05-10 23:45:02 +0000 UTC]

I tried watching the first few episodes, but couldn't get into it for some reason. I'll try the manga one of these days (I have much more luck with manga for some reason...) when I have some time

Oh! I wouldn't worry about it not washing out - you might have to wash it once or twice, but that's the worst of it. Otherwise, you can always get a wig~

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animeNINJA07 In reply to taeliac [2009-05-10 23:50:26 +0000 UTC]

yeah, i agree~ ive used it once, i think the trick is using lukewarm water and if possible shampoo twice. (if i remember)

the begining wasnt so interesting to me either but my cousin kept me going and i love it im a Toshiro fanatic<3

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Miss-Kioshi [2009-03-27 12:47:33 +0000 UTC]

OMG.... I was planning to make a Soi fon cosplay myself! I got my mum so far that she's gonna help me! haha... I'll probably will be using this a reference! haha...You did a great job at this costume!

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taeliac In reply to Miss-Kioshi [2009-04-18 05:36:20 +0000 UTC]

Oh awesome!! If you need any tips on it, just lemme know, and I'll do my best to help! It's a fun costume, but a little tricky to keep from flashing everyone all the time

Thank you!

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Miss-Kioshi In reply to taeliac [2009-04-18 11:10:34 +0000 UTC]

Nope, I definitnly want to keep myself from flashing everyone! haha... I noticed that in the anime she wore this whit t-shirt without sleeves thing under her whole garment. Thinking of making such a thing too. That should keep me from showing parts I don't want anyone to see!
If I ever have question, You'll be the one I ask! Expect me to ask your ears of! haha...

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mitzykinz [2008-12-16 20:46:30 +0000 UTC]

I have to say - You are amazing >.<
You talked about doing the captain's jacket with the sleeves. Did you mean doing the jacket with 'fake' sleeves on, so it looks like the person is wearing the full kimono? Or just full white sleeves?
Which ever one it is, how's it going?

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taeliac In reply to mitzykinz [2008-12-16 22:48:49 +0000 UTC]


Well, I plan on making it the jacket, with fake black sleeves in it - the most difficult problem seems to be how to make them look realistic, though, so I was thinking of having to make a kind of very short kimono, in the same pattern of the jacket, that would sew into the jacket at the neck seam, so it looks more realistic (gawd I hope that makes some sense!) Otherwise, you'd have to put little flaps on the shoulder seam, to make it look like the jacket is there (a lot like the red flaps on the Kotoko outfit [link] )

I haven't been able to make one because no one wants to commission it yet I have a couple of people who are interested, but no one for sure yet - I can't wait to get a shot at it (and, hopefully, I'll have a wig of hers on hand, too, to get a picture of a full outfit!)

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mitzykinz In reply to taeliac [2008-12-17 08:57:30 +0000 UTC]

Sounds like hard work, but at the same time it sounds amazing to do and look at the final piece
I'm actually planning on going as Soi Fong to an Expo in Feb, and was looking at your wig. I already have the under kimono, and wanted the captain's jacket with black sleeves so I didn't have to wear the outer kimono as well.
So I am definatly interested in a commission for the jacket. Do you have a rough price estimate?

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BrokenEver [2008-07-28 15:36:13 +0000 UTC]

Hotness. Love the top, but I'm not too sure about the pants. Just seem a tad baggy for my liking.

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taeliac In reply to BrokenEver [2008-07-30 22:34:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I hear you - although, I couldn't even consider wearing the top

Silly anime and their random designs

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BrokenEver In reply to taeliac [2008-07-31 00:51:53 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I know. It's like "here's a piece of cloth, watch it magically stay on even though physics says it WILL fall off when doing that super-awesome-jump-flip-kick-thing 20 feet in the air!"

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LordVaynard [2008-07-15 15:20:12 +0000 UTC]

very nice!!

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taeliac In reply to LordVaynard [2008-07-15 16:51:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It was too much fun to make

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LordVaynard In reply to taeliac [2008-07-16 18:56:30 +0000 UTC]

i can imagine you making it...I really wanted to see a great talent like you producing

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taeliac In reply to LordVaynard [2008-07-21 00:02:32 +0000 UTC]

Aww~ Thank you so much. You know, that means a huge amount to me

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LordVaynard In reply to taeliac [2008-07-21 12:14:35 +0000 UTC]

yup, i know that....i asure u that u will always have my support and appreciation!

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balnibarbi [2008-07-14 03:14:09 +0000 UTC]

I WANT TO BE ONE OF YOUR MODELS. Seriously. I love wearing pretty costumes. *v*

I started watching Bleach a while ago, but I haven't met this character yet.

Did you get the reply to the email that I sent to you? ( I haven't checked my email yet, so if I go on there and it's there, i'm sorry. DX)

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MedeaHiasobi [2008-07-13 23:11:00 +0000 UTC]

Well. I feel a bit awkward. ^_^; Tape, next time...

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taeliac In reply to MedeaHiasobi [2008-07-14 00:46:47 +0000 UTC]

Naw, that's what makes it hawt cosplay

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MedeaHiasobi In reply to taeliac [2008-07-14 02:05:31 +0000 UTC]

If you say so

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minako55nz [2008-07-12 18:15:49 +0000 UTC]

Looks great! I've always thought of doing a cosplay of her just ause I like her outfit, but I don't think that will ever happen (too complicated) You did amazing!

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taeliac In reply to minako55nz [2008-07-12 21:18:31 +0000 UTC]

It really isn't too hard to do - it's more or less getting the front to not be so lewd

The hakama, though, are purchased, so that saves one huge amount of work

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minako55nz In reply to taeliac [2008-07-13 02:25:09 +0000 UTC]

Ooh yeah, buying the hakama pants would make it 10 times easier. But I also wouldn't maybe do her just cause she's a tiny asian chick and I am... not.

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taeliac In reply to minako55nz [2008-07-14 00:56:50 +0000 UTC]

Well, but still... isn't there another character or two with a similar outfit? I think... or I may be way, way off

I think you could wear it, though - you at least have the body for it, which is 75% of it - the Asian is only another 10% or so (I think the revealing outfit counts for the remaining 15% )

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minako55nz In reply to taeliac [2008-07-15 17:06:53 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I suppose... if I ever did a Bleach cosplay it'd prob be way in the future just cause I have to many more cosplays on my list @__@

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taeliac In reply to minako55nz [2008-07-15 17:12:39 +0000 UTC]

I hear you! I'm having such a hard time nailing down what to do next year, because I need to get working now

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Emmaretta [2008-07-12 12:23:05 +0000 UTC]

Realy G - R - E - A - T !

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taeliac In reply to Emmaretta [2008-07-12 15:37:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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Liquidfire3 [2008-07-12 04:52:42 +0000 UTC]

Ooo, very cool; I really like the design of the outfit, it's sexy without being to showy.

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taeliac In reply to Liquidfire3 [2008-07-12 15:37:59 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, though, you really will feel naked in it Even considering all the clothes you have on (~MedeaHiasobi was cooking in it, but still felt eerily un-clothed )

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Liquidfire3 In reply to taeliac [2008-07-13 21:25:23 +0000 UTC]

I can see why, it being backless and all.
LOL, I bet that was a very interesting experience.

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dragoon811 [2008-07-12 03:20:26 +0000 UTC]

looks good!

hmm maybe suggest a flesh-tone leotard? or top perhaps.... esp in the colder months! brrr

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taeliac In reply to dragoon811 [2008-07-12 15:39:15 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah - that would definitely help, if it's cold out, but I don't think this commissioner lives anywhere with a winter

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dragoon811 In reply to taeliac [2008-07-12 17:06:22 +0000 UTC]

*grumbles something about people not having to freeze their tails off*


lol I like winter..it's pretty to look at... as long as I am nice and safe inside with a working heater, and maybe some hot chocolate. Otherwise..on-street parking + city = where the heck did my white truck go?!?!

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MissMaggie1860 [2008-07-12 02:44:15 +0000 UTC]

Send some double stick body tape along with that one!!

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taeliac In reply to MissMaggie1860 [2008-07-12 15:38:49 +0000 UTC]

I've already told the commissioner they may need it But, I was playing with my dressform, and I don't think it will shift on her, with a larger bust than Becky, but I dunno... she was forewarned

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Canard-Pars [2008-07-12 02:25:46 +0000 UTC]

very impressive...

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taeliac In reply to Canard-Pars [2008-07-12 15:39:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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gallow-thieve [2008-07-12 01:25:50 +0000 UTC]

Tite Kubo strikes again! His character designs for a lot of the females are... uh... less than parentally comfortable. XD It's the best Soi Fong outfit I've ever seen though, and at least you know it's accurate in it's... revealingness.

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taeliac In reply to gallow-thieve [2008-07-12 15:41:36 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see! That makes sense - I was looking at... gah, I can't remember her name, ... Matsumoto Rangiku There we go! Because it would oddly work

It is definitely revealing, but not horribly so (I think) - I mean, it could be a lot worse

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gallow-thieve In reply to taeliac [2008-07-12 18:14:41 +0000 UTC]

I think you'd make a great Masumoto! XD I never thought I'd ever do Bleach cosplay until a friend of mine typecasted me and sort of dragged me in, I'm looking forward to it tho.

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oyf-brodie [2008-07-12 01:19:35 +0000 UTC]

omfgosh love it! i just finished reading Bleach 20 (i have to get my manga from the local library) so i just read most of the soi fong stuff within the last two or three volumes.

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taeliac In reply to oyf-brodie [2008-07-12 16:16:27 +0000 UTC]

Ya know, I should see if my library has it, I want to read the manga, cuz I'm not too keen on the anime~ Glad I got the outfit right

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oyf-brodie In reply to taeliac [2008-07-12 23:20:23 +0000 UTC]

I actually have to reserve it from the Oshkosh library and have it sent to Fond du Lac's library since I live in Fondy. They connected a whole bunch of the Fox Valley libraries within the last few years, so there's a lot more stuff available. Like a shitton of manga

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taeliac In reply to oyf-brodie [2008-07-13 00:13:51 +0000 UTC]

Very cool! I haven't been to a library.. well, since I worked at one, to be quite honest, and that was years and years ago They had next to nothing then, but then again, they thought I was crazy for liking that "Japanese stuff"

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KC-Whitestar [2008-07-12 00:58:03 +0000 UTC]

She should have been wearing the wig you made! That would have been bad ass! Love it. You really did a fantastic job on it

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