... Danmark! >o<
I CAN DRAW AGAIN <3333333 *_____________________________________________*
I HATE NOTHING :'DDD ... except of the anatomy :'DDD
Okay, yes, I'll never be really satisfied about a picture =7=
The background could be better ^^' But I had no idea XDDD
It's Denmark - time! >DD
I saw the cover of volume 6 from Hetalia and I was like: "*__________________________* Nordics! <333333"
Himaruya doesn't change a lot about their outfits but this little details fascinated me and I wanted to draw it *,*
I'm not sure if I should draw every Nordic ^^' Maybe when I have time 8D
The countries outlines(? XD I trust the google translater! :'DD) were quit a lot of fun ^.^
I thought that the flags are a little bit boring, so why not? XD
Okay, no ideas left what I should write 8D
I hope you like it! <33
Axis Powers: Hetalia;Denmark (c) Hidekaz Himaruya
Art (c) me, ~BajirasSun
Please don't use it! C: