Shazzbaa — Today Nothing Happened

Published: 2012-03-31 07:12:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 2647; Favourites: 95; Downloads: 47
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Description I recently ended my journal comic, Today Nothing Happened , and decided it needed a good send-off image!

Then I got carried away. How do you summarise four years of your life in one image???

Here's the full version of the final image I did for TNH. I'm super happy with it (and I REALLY wanna make a print or something!)

Bonus points if you can name every character.
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Comments: 22

UntitledBook [2015-01-13 11:38:55 +0000 UTC]

I hear that. I am at my busiest when it looks to others like I am doing nothing. 

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Direlda [2013-03-28 07:13:02 +0000 UTC]

I really enjoyed the comic and this was a great final image! ^^

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Shazzbaa In reply to Direlda [2013-04-01 13:02:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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Direlda In reply to Shazzbaa [2013-04-02 06:31:43 +0000 UTC]

You are most welcome! ^^

And it made my day to see that you replied! ^^

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Prowlingmonkey [2012-04-29 20:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Just really interesting how time passes. Always liked your stuff, and it was one of the works that inspired me to keep drawing.

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LadyMyuu [2012-04-23 19:35:49 +0000 UTC]

I can't wait till all your books come out <3 I enjoyed reading you for three years, you gave me hope for my own art. <3

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ElwenAldalinde [2012-04-03 02:56:27 +0000 UTC]

Man, I'm so sad it's over. I really enjoyed reading about your day-to-day adventures! I hope to have some extra money in order to purchase the books someday You're a fantastic artist, and I look forward to reading more of your work!

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Elyandarin [2012-04-01 20:56:43 +0000 UTC]

It was a cool comic - it gave me some good laughs.
A fave that struck my memory right now is the "happy starfish" one
Hey, maybe you could put up some of the comics on dA?

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Kai-suke [2012-04-01 05:19:49 +0000 UTC]

I enjoyed reading your comic while it ran, and I'll probably enjoy reading through it some time later.

It was fun to read, and i look forward to Rune Writers. ^__^

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merryvillemiss [2012-04-01 00:30:45 +0000 UTC]

awww I JUST discovered this comic D:
you should totally make this a poster and sell it, I'd buy it

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KittyOfInsanity [2012-04-01 00:21:31 +0000 UTC]

It's a very good send off for TNH.
And also, I'm really sad that it's ending. =[ Seeing little blips of your life has been so much fun, and it's sad to see that go away. Regardless, thanks for sticking through it for four years and making us laugh and smile with you.

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Nogwai [2012-03-31 22:24:54 +0000 UTC]

This comic really brighened many a day for me....thank you for creating it. I'm going to miss TNH so much because it was totally awesome!

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Sokahu [2012-03-31 19:53:22 +0000 UTC]

I loved this comic... I'm so glad you created it, and kept making it even after your assignment was finished. I reread it all the time. I guess that's kind of creepy, but it reminds me that people on the internet have lives too, and sometimes I need that reminder.

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TheBlackFool [2012-03-31 17:57:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm gonna be totally cheesey here and say that this comic was pretty inspirational for me when I first found it 3 years ago. It was just so real and quirky and I felt like I could relate to a lot of it. I love it and I'm going to miss it. TNH is absolutely one of the best journal comic, if not the best web comic I've ever seen. Thank you for this.

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KitzelTheMuse [2012-03-31 17:49:43 +0000 UTC]

I found the comic, I think last year, I spent two days reading it between household chores and such. I would wait several weeks and go back and check up after I got caught up. Today marks the day I will be catching up for the last time. the comic is a wonderful peek into your life filled with hijinks, with very real people. I wish you the best with other comics, and I will follow them too.

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22bubble-eyes22 [2012-03-31 16:29:53 +0000 UTC]

My favourite webcomic ever. *sniff*. Thanks for your hard work.

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DreaGryphon [2012-03-31 15:31:19 +0000 UTC]

I'm sad it's ending, but very glad that you shared with us! TNH has been one of the highlights of my weeks since I found it! I think you did a good job summing it up.

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ElysLullabye [2012-03-31 13:43:06 +0000 UTC]

Best. Ending. Ever.

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Panda-Snack [2012-03-31 13:25:46 +0000 UTC]

It was a great comic to follow along with, but may the story behind the comic always continue with you!

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TheSeventhOfSeven [2012-03-31 13:12:43 +0000 UTC]

Why do I always find out about things when they end?

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AkahiHineko [2012-03-31 11:40:07 +0000 UTC]

If you ever make a 'all in one' print edition of TNH, this should be the cover!

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Amohs [2012-03-31 08:46:02 +0000 UTC]

The last four years of my life: me, sitting at a desk, holding a pencil, and getting hairier and crazier.

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