Comments: 18
ricemachine [2006-08-20 03:49:11 +0000 UTC]
bwahahahaha!!! that is so funny! chao-san must have brought that evil thing from her future.i'm definitely faving this one! XD
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Anglena [2006-05-01 15:57:22 +0000 UTC]
i found you on lj..... that was excellent lol
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Anglena [2006-05-01 15:57:15 +0000 UTC]
i found you on lj..... that was excellent lol
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Anglena In reply to shaoron [2006-05-01 16:03:01 +0000 UTC]
yes vg cats tee hee.
and meh... DA was acting up and i didnt feel like refreshing to see if my comment was sent. Oh and I LOVE THAT ARTWORK SOOO MUCH! lol I WIIsh to see more :-D
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shaoron In reply to Anglena [2006-05-01 16:54:46 +0000 UTC]
well there's going to be a lot more but.. i think i'll steer clear from Wii from now...
this is already going over-board
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Anglena In reply to shaoron [2006-05-01 17:05:43 +0000 UTC]
mmm good deal.. and i was referring to more of your general :-D
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gdpr-712262 [2006-04-30 11:08:01 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, Wii shall!
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aydoo [2006-04-30 09:02:50 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I was waiting for this after reading that article xD The Wii is going to crash and burn faster than the Virtuaboy. AT LEAST THE VIRTUABOY WAS GOOD.
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DuckyDeer In reply to aydoo [2006-05-01 16:30:18 +0000 UTC]
"The Wii is going to crash and burn faster than the Virtuaboy"
Funny... that's EXACTLY what everyone was saying about the DS before it was released. Did it crash and burn? If it did, I doubt would be calling it the "hottest system in the world right now."
Wait until it has actually been released before making any assumptions.
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shaoron In reply to DuckyDeer [2006-05-02 06:00:52 +0000 UTC]
i'm guessing that the reason virtuaboy failed was because it was too ahead of it's time and very unpratical.
(i've also hear of head/eye pain for playing with it for only 30 mins or so.)
rememebr.. that GBA was (in a sense) similar to game gear.
And if we're going to compare gameboy to the game gear, GG was way better (interms of technology and graphics) to GB.
HOWEVER, GG failed miserably while GB still (in a sense) lives on today.
so what happened?
i'm guessing the same reason why virtuaboy did.. it was too ahead of it's time and very unpractical.
N64 "crashed" (i still say in sunk slowly, but not crashed) because while everyone else using a cheeper CD based medium, it still stuck to the pricier cartrige based medium.
as for PSP vs DS... personally, i'd like DS better, because of it's games.
Yeah, PSP is technologically and graphically superior to DS. But i am a gamer.. who like to play games and not just look at it.
I'd rather play old PSX games than trying to upgrade my PC for doom3 or those other games that'll kill your video card.
Going back to PSP v DS, i still say DS have better games (in general, that is...)
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shaoron In reply to aydoo [2006-04-30 13:01:58 +0000 UTC]
well that's the same thing i thought about N64... well it did crash but it had what i would consider the best games ever made (i just played a couple of them thru emulators last year)
nintendo isn't really your average gaming company. I mean.. heck, only they got away with mushroom making your bigger, flowers make you spit fire, a feather making you fly, dinos who eat enemies, poop them into eggs, and threw said eggs at enemy, and a pink furball who sucks and blows at the same time.. just to name a few.
you might say that nintendo makes kiddi games and so on so forth.. but i still have to give them credit of making arguably the best games/series ever(even if a couple of them are retarded.. *coughwariowarecough*)
But that doesn't stop me from making fun of WII!
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aydoo In reply to shaoron [2006-04-30 18:51:27 +0000 UTC]
Lesser known fact: He never spit fireballs. He shot them out of his nose ;o
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shaoron In reply to gdpr-712262 [2006-04-30 18:38:36 +0000 UTC]
now that i think about it... with the quiet unique controller.. it'll be almost impossible to port other games from.. errr... WII (it still feels wierd calling a console "WII") to other platforms.. but other games can be ported to WII with.. well probably a little to moderate difficulty.
Those nintendo people! they are so devious!
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gdpr-712262 In reply to shaoron [2006-05-06 10:59:25 +0000 UTC]
Indeed! = lots of Nintendo "exclusives" XD
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