I spend way too much time on TV Tropes ! (caution: hours upon hours at risk) I dug through the pages and compiled a list of tropes that applied to some of my characters. It's just something I'm really interested in obsessed with, and TV Tropes is also a great way to find new ideas!
All of these characters belong to the Pokemon universe, funnily enough. Some of their faces reaaally bother me, but no matter what I did, I couldn't fix it. Ah well.
Farren Wulff
First appearance on dA as a sprite . Abused ever since.
Home Region: Kanto
Depicted age: 19
Jerk with a Heart of Gold (probably my favorite trope)
The Unfavorite
Deadpan Snarker
Inferiority Superiority Complex
Super Drowning Skills
Alice Wulff
Home Region: Kanto
Also smoking because smoking is cool . her hand needed to be doing something
Depicted age: 26
Ice Queen
The Unfettered
Manipulative Bastard
Lack of Empathy
Kick the Dog
Alice Allusion
Roy Allen
The man to turn to when you badly need a hug.
Home Region: Unova
Depicted age: ~25
Perky Goth
The Charmer
Chivalrous Pervert
The Trickster
Inadequate Inheritor
I Am What I Am
Azrel Kofsky
A pretty new character. He's appeared earlier as a ralts ... This probably isn't his finalized design.
Home Region: Hoenn
Depicted age: ~19
The Heart
Beware the Nice Ones
In Touch with his Feminine Side
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
Sad Clown
Rhys Marlow
Also a newer character. Epitomizes, "and not a single f-ck was given that day." Much love.
Home Region: Sinnoh
Depicted age: 19
Brilliant, but Lazy
The Stoic
Nerves of Steel
Safety in Indifference
Only Sane Man
Not a Morning Person
All characters (c) me. Feedback is much appreciated, as always!