Saruteku — Rather Big Shadow

Published: 2015-06-19 22:47:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 1158; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 6
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Description He is not an all new character, but he has recently raised to become one of the characters I connect with most. The son of the Mighty Bull Warrior, Chaz. I really like Chaz, and I try my best not to put my characters threw more grief than I have to. It's a weakness that shows threw when I write, but I like the hope that everyone gets a happy ending, but it seems Chaz is not that type of character. Chaz was born from grief, from misery, from hatred and unreachable goals. Chaz is the part of me full of self hatred and doubt despite being the son of the character that represents my strength and determination.

Chaz has many talents. He can play drums and draw extreamly well, both being his escapes from reality, but that is not what a Mankato Man is suppose to do. Tech and Max were great, they are heros and warriors that protected the earth, and each of them had a son, Teper and Chaz. Being Max's son Chaz is expected to be strong and bold just like his dad. Most people call him nothing more than Max's Son, and his drawing is seen as odd by most people. When Max started working as a trainer he turned away many promising fighters and became known as the most prominant trainer, a trainer strait from hell with only 3 students. The test was as simple as Max could make it, hit him within 20 minuets before he hits you.

Chaz tried the test himself and was beyond enraged at the result, his own dad did not take him seriously. He didn't use his spirit mode like he did with the rest, he didn't try to hit back, and at the end of 20 minuets Max completely locked Chaz's fist in one hand "Go home Junior. This isn't what you're meant to do, you know this isn't what you want."

The dream I had of Chaz and the image I wanted to draw only made me feel closer to Chaz. despite having such a clear image in my head, and so much inspiration I can't do it. THis is the best I could do. I couldn't even get it with words. My strength is giving way to doubt and self hate. No matter how hard I try I can't get over my barriers and I feel as if the art community as a whole is casting a very large shadow over me. All I feel I can do is struggle while someone gets a kick out of me trying.
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Comments: 7

Rickie16 [2016-05-25 22:45:36 +0000 UTC]

If you like something, enjoy it. If you rather not get well, keep trying. But if you see the same result as much as you try, it is simply not what you like. If you like doing something, you feel comfortable, and if it isn't, you stress. This is now what I see in Chaz and Max and your picture's description. A part of you treats to give the best of himself (Chaz), but another knows you don't like it, even if you convince yourself (Max).

Beside, don't please them, please yourself. You have your own followers, your own style, and your own creations. Forget fo ever the "what will they say".

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ErictheLucario [2015-06-25 22:49:01 +0000 UTC]

Can I wub-wub dat bely? >w< 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saruteku In reply to ErictheLucario [2015-06-28 08:24:36 +0000 UTC]

Um....No.....Chaz is not so happy or nice he's let someone touch him. Even his close friends would get a fist to the gut for touching him.

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jtk564 [2015-06-20 04:40:05 +0000 UTC]

I think that you make great art and you shouldn't feel like your being shadowed by other artists and I know what it feels like to want to do something but not given the chance to because I wasn't taken seriously. Just keep making your art and have fun with it. (I've only found your art, stories, and stuff recently and I can't get enough of it)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Saruteku In reply to jtk564 [2015-06-28 08:25:58 +0000 UTC]

That gives me a bit of hope. DA and FA don't really give you a good way to measure views and there are way to many people that favorite everything on the first page so I don't trust them, so comparing my comments to others is what gets me most of the time. ^-^"

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jtk564 In reply to Saruteku [2015-06-29 01:10:19 +0000 UTC]

Glad I mad you feel better even if it is just a little bit. Looking forward to whatever you draw next!

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Ventrego [2015-06-20 02:27:47 +0000 UTC]

How frustrating to have something to prove, and not be taken seriously!

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