Poila-Invictiwerks — Tribute to Extvia - NOT

Published: 2008-07-28 15:13:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 2644; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 21
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Description The designs of these characters are....

RIPPED OFF from the likes and styles of our beloved anthro artist from China, =extvia

And the color schemes of each squiggly hero character correspond to each of the human character counterparts. What would that be? Pokemon. Yes. Done in an already-been-done manner. Super Sentai? Maybe. But Japanese tokusatu shows or manga are more original or more exciting than..... this.


I like anthro-ish characters, but please, use more originality. If you want to emulate a style, at least make more complicated designs. And give each design function a SPECIFIC meaning and PRACTICAL use. Not just adding meshes and muscles and armor like that...

I could even imagine the mecha/character designer from Inti-Creates - the makes of the Megaman ZX/Zero series - screaming his head off at the treatment of such odd designs.

Oh dear, what happened to our Singaporean illustrators and comic artists? What happened to all of us?
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Comments: 23

AVAK55 [2013-10-09 14:02:44 +0000 UTC]

kinda reminds me of digimon frontier

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to AVAK55 [2013-10-10 14:01:15 +0000 UTC]

I'd thought so too.

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TeiOuja [2012-03-13 09:51:41 +0000 UTC]

On the one hand, am I the only one fed up with the 'Danny Phantom' animation style everyone seems to be using? Especially so blatantly as this poster? But on the other hand, we felt the reverse when we saw the Goseiger poster, thought it'd be great and turned out to be crap. So maybe the story will make up for everything else that-in my opinion- just doesn't work.

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to TeiOuja [2012-03-13 15:44:32 +0000 UTC]

I dunnoe; the artwork used in that promo material is meant to be of higher quality, the show is not out yet, but I doubt it would be anything too close to Danny Phantom but more close to a contemporary anime - Japanese art styles with American storytelling principles.

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TeiOuja In reply to Poila-Invictiwerks [2012-03-14 01:00:20 +0000 UTC]

Maybe it's just me. Who knows, this might be the new Avatar or the 21st century's equivalent of BioDome-either way, time will tell.

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romantistcaveman [2010-08-15 00:09:44 +0000 UTC]

This is so cliche it somehow warps back on itself and becomes wonderful.

Look how motivated our five cool teenaged human protagonists are! They are all angry and holding their transformation cellphones while a grim villainous figure looks on from the background, which indicates this is a serious series. However, our team's technorganic super-forms are all cutely primary-colored and vividly animated anthros. You can just feel the schizophrenia radiating from this series! It is like the train wreck that is Loonatics Unleashed all over again!

However, they do get points for having a female lead and some decent designs. I don't really see that the designs "rip-off" extvia, as it just seems more like a cliche sentai deal. And maybe a series like this could defy the the expectations set by its poster and actually turn out to be decent. Who knows? I mean, everyone thought Transfomers: Animated was going to suck based on its promo poster, and that certainly defied expectations!

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to romantistcaveman [2010-08-15 06:15:40 +0000 UTC]

If this were to be compared with Transformers: Animated and if I/we were to create impressions based on this, expectations are created. If there is a looming sense of disappointment, that is what we call "Tainted By The Preview". It's a trope in which people get disappointed by looking at the preview, usually a poster or advert on said show/animation.

I notice that there is this vibe of the said show being a serious one, with a persistent plot, underlying story arcs and specific themes that the story might explore. My guess is that aesthetically there are some nods to extvia-ism based on the sleek, slightly-moeficated designs. It is perhaps suggested (based on background images and composition layout) that there is either some Corporate Evil or Underground Organization in the shadow(s) who play a bigger part of the story other than the Super Sentai-esque team being displayed.

Sure there are some cliches here and there, but I don't want to think too much over; it can go both ways: one way it can be Oh My God They Actually Have Originality or it becomes too much of an inspiration-trip and become either too derivative, or get the So Bad It's Good vibe.

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romantistcaveman In reply to Poila-Invictiwerks [2010-08-15 14:41:29 +0000 UTC]

Yes! A fellow troper! Now I can use Wiki Words and guess each of the characters' status in the Five Man Band without worrying about looking like a tool!

Actually, I have given extvia's gallery a closer browse since posting that. I'm starting to see your point, especially with extvia's cybernetic anthros. I'd say you were right the first time in that the designs were inspired/a Shout Out/ripped off from extvia, especially since one of his pictures is a sentai squad of anthros.

It could be a fun exercise to make up two plots based on the promo poster: one where it's a Rule Of Fun So Bad It's Good Cliche Storm and one where it's a tragic Grim Dark Deconstruction of Sentai as a whole.

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Nerdi-Techi-Chan [2009-06-01 03:40:01 +0000 UTC]

i dunno ... Extvia's work seems way different from this the lines and the designs i feel no matter how hard anyone could try Extvia's art will always be recognizable above all the imitations or similar works it just has that air of superiority in my mind ^^

this comic looks stupid btw rofl like Victortky said it does look like Power Rangers XD

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to Nerdi-Techi-Chan [2009-06-02 04:53:48 +0000 UTC]

Well, I dunnoe raelly, but saying that this is stupid can be an understatement. I think it does go along the lines of "despearate attempt" and "convoluted". Why? Because it cannot decide between a robotic-anthro-themed style of art or the Teen-Titans-anime-esque human characters. I don't EVEN know the name of this "series"... I just have to wait and see. Though I severely doubt that anything great could possibly come out of it. And I better pray that those "Imaginary" people (the studio I am pinpointing at) not get too uptight with what I'd say. I'm just being frank and honest.

Extvia's work has its own distinctive style; any attempts to copy it would wound up being different. I think I can say that to other artists too, but Extvia (yes, it is a *he*) distinguishes himself easily from the rest. It is just plainly *him*. No arguments about it, and no doubts at all. I hope that clears things. And thanks for dropping by.

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Nidaram [2008-08-03 15:07:10 +0000 UTC]

This looks pretty cool

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to Nidaram [2008-08-05 07:43:58 +0000 UTC]

Design-wise, cool.
The company and the intent of making this, not really.

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victortky [2008-07-30 09:55:35 +0000 UTC]

looks like an extvia ripoff, and it looks like freaking power ranger!

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to victortky [2008-07-30 13:12:35 +0000 UTC]

The color scheme of each (mutant/monster/armor/hero/whatever) matches the color of each human counterpart. I am more concerned about the design and artistic approach rather than it-being-PR-ish, in which I personally would prefer something more emotional and serious, than what is shown here.

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victortky In reply to Poila-Invictiwerks [2008-07-30 13:17:51 +0000 UTC]

I prefer something unique and new, which is seriously lacking nowadays.

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to victortky [2008-07-30 13:52:35 +0000 UTC]

The strangest things you can find in cartoons nowadays are strange geometrically shaped characters and grabbing Emmy awards. Wow, what a world... X___X

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victortky In reply to Poila-Invictiwerks [2008-07-30 13:55:46 +0000 UTC]

the world is twisted and wicked.

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RiderB0y [2008-07-28 19:00:50 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm... though it is interesting to fianlly see a female leader... 030

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to RiderB0y [2008-07-29 01:30:27 +0000 UTC]

Female leaders aren't common, so it's quite refreshing to see a change once in a while.

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RiderB0y In reply to Poila-Invictiwerks [2008-07-29 02:12:39 +0000 UTC]

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Gibby50 [2008-07-28 16:40:19 +0000 UTC]

I've been a follower of extivia's work for a very long time now... I was ecstatic to see that the comic was finally starting up, but its a shame that someone would think to do something as unoriginal as this. Where did you see this?

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Poila-Invictiwerks In reply to Gibby50 [2008-07-28 17:03:30 +0000 UTC]

Singapore Toy and Comic Convention.

[This segment contains some speculation and original research, that is subject to some minor fallacies, so take it with pinch of salt.]
Technically, extvia is independent from IFS, the only relation being that his work was shown once in the first IMAGINE artbook - a long LONG time before STCC began, nothing else.
The possibility/speculation arising is that perhaps he (extvia) might have left some working ideas and concepts during the period of creation of the first IMAGINE artbook, and as a result of possible workflow leaks and loopholes - between the time from IMAGINE and IMAGINE Prime, somehow someone within that art group managed to find a leftover idea (possibly from extvia) and then exploited that unpublished idea, and translated into what you are seeing now - possibly going into published comic status (or anime, should any associated idea be pitched so well, it can translate into profit).
[Segment end]

The problem is not with the characters being stolen (in fact, it isn't). Rather, it is the artistic approach that could have make better use. This isn't going to be another Megaman ZX-wannabe, so I see no reason in copying people's style and calling it their own work. I, for one, don't do that. In addition, the cover layout feels hyped-up - it's so action-packed, but we know that the way they are being drawn feels all-too-familiar. We know better; substance is what makes comics sell, not just stylish covers...

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victortky In reply to Poila-Invictiwerks [2008-09-02 05:52:12 +0000 UTC]

I would like to see the comic of this cartoon if possible. It looks pretty nice, and inspired from extvia's works.

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