PenumbraChey — Chick and Bunny

Published: 2009-04-12 04:23:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 906; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 23
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Description A really lame mission...anyways, Ino gets to carry around a tray of marshmallow goodies and jelly beans. Chouji on the other hand is stuck with a basket full of Plastic eggs I imagine they have small, prizes within. Unfortunately, he's just coming to the realization it is nearly impossible to sneak jelly beans with cosplay style gloves on.

I confess I kind of rushed this piece...at least by my standards. No background either. The idea hit me Thursday,and I wedged it in between other things these last 2 days. Because I really wanted to post around midnight.

Drawn & Inked with reference. Colored with copics and colors retouched-rebalanced digitally.

Naruto, Akimichi Chouji & Yamanaka Ino Copyright: Masashi Kishimoto. Peeps are a Product of the JustBorn Inc.
Really, I don't gain any profit from this....
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Comments: 22

Kitty-Terula [2010-01-31 05:06:15 +0000 UTC]

aww D: -throws jellybeans into his mouth- D:

poor Choji xD Even if this was rushed, I think it's pretty good

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PenumbraChey In reply to Kitty-Terula [2010-01-31 05:10:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, it always makes me happy when people comment on a older piece.

And just what flavor of jelly bean were you indulging in as you found this?

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Kitty-Terula In reply to PenumbraChey [2010-01-31 05:53:33 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome :3

no jellybeans D: um...they were invisible, I meant >3>;;

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YoukiPrincess [2009-04-13 19:50:52 +0000 UTC]

This made me giggle.

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PenumbraChey In reply to YoukiPrincess [2009-04-18 01:17:27 +0000 UTC]

I thought 90% of everything makes you giggle.

Pout...now I don't feel special.

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YoukiPrincess In reply to PenumbraChey [2009-04-18 07:47:55 +0000 UTC]


You are special! *Huggles*

You ish a beautiful and unique snowflake!

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PenumbraChey In reply to YoukiPrincess [2009-04-20 02:30:12 +0000 UTC]

Emphasis on the Flake.

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cutecartoon [2009-04-12 18:16:45 +0000 UTC]

As usual, fantastic coloring.

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PenumbraChey In reply to cutecartoon [2009-04-13 01:31:42 +0000 UTC]


My favorite part of the coloring was doing the highlighting on the plastic eggs in the basket. Those white gel pens work really well, they were also used for the white highlights in Ino's eyes. Although striping the tights was a close second.

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YoukiPrincess In reply to PenumbraChey [2009-04-14 02:25:33 +0000 UTC]

You know where to get white gel pens?! O_O

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PenumbraChey In reply to YoukiPrincess [2009-04-16 00:47:56 +0000 UTC]

told me she told you to look at Joanns specifically look around the scrapbooking supplies.

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ladyviolathornhaven In reply to YoukiPrincess [2009-04-14 11:28:57 +0000 UTC]

You really need to look through stores like A.C.Moores and JoAnn's. It took us a couple of tries to find them, but we eventually did.

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YoukiPrincess In reply to ladyviolathornhaven [2009-04-14 21:13:09 +0000 UTC]

*Nods* Thanks Val!

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overlordofnobodies [2009-04-12 10:50:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh god I fill so sorry for Chouji.He looks so funninf and he cant have any candy. Ino looks very nice.

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PenumbraChey In reply to overlordofnobodies [2009-04-13 01:27:10 +0000 UTC]


*ladyviolathornhaven thought it was going to be an Alice-type picture when she saw the pencil sketch. But I promptly told her I was putting Ino in yellow and orange, and of course Chouji is definitely not a white rabbit.

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overlordofnobodies In reply to PenumbraChey [2009-04-13 01:31:53 +0000 UTC]

I can see how Lady thought it was going to be Alice like. It is very close.I can see a little of the white rabbit in chouji.

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PenumbraChey In reply to overlordofnobodies [2009-04-16 00:45:57 +0000 UTC]

Especially around the pink triangle on his nose.

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shannny2k [2009-04-12 07:17:16 +0000 UTC]

Ino's wearing orange! It looks good, even if it was a bit rushed! Happy Easter!

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PenumbraChey In reply to shannny2k [2009-04-13 01:20:09 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I wanted loud colors. What's really sad is once again I see at least 3 things I would have tweaked if I allowed myself more time.

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shannny2k In reply to PenumbraChey [2009-04-13 13:39:00 +0000 UTC]

Every artist sees the three things that need to be fixed. As long as the viewers don't see these things, then life is fine. And I don't see them. So life is fine.

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PenumbraChey In reply to shannny2k [2009-04-16 00:43:48 +0000 UTC]

When Steve & I used to do calligraphy & illumination together we used to listen to people give us rave reviews on our work. Then the minute they were done we used to go -Hey I see you misspelled... or -I see you retouched that spot over there a few times. He was the only on who could consistently see my mistakes & vice versa.

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shannny2k In reply to PenumbraChey [2009-04-16 13:57:28 +0000 UTC]

Yuppers. Artists see other artists mistakes much more often then 'normal' people. Just like art teachers can figure out how to fix a painting when I cannot. Of course it could have been that you two just notice things a lot more then others. You never know.

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