motsumi — Pharaoh Atem as a Naga

Published: 2006-10-13 16:01:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1537; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 2
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Description I know nagas are considered fantasy, but I thought miscellaneous was a safer subject to put this in. But yes, the naga bug has bit me too. I was thinking about this for awhile now, what would Atem look like as a Naga? So I chose a 10 Banded Egyptian Cobra for his snake half. I didn't feel like drawing the hood, but he would have looked cool with it. I used my own cartouche as a guide line for the one that Atem is holding.

I apologize for the cruddiness of his hair. I cannot draw Yami's hair for anything, and Atem's is harder because it has more spikes. *Beats hair with a spork* Just please be kind in the critique and tell me what I can work on, just no flames please.

Next naga victim? Priest Seth. I might do these two together since I'm a huge Scandalshipping and Prideshipping fan. Now the task of figuring out what kind of snake Seth would be. *Skitters off*

Pharaoh Atem (c) Kazuki Takahashi

Naga Atem (c) Me
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Comments: 7

Yurei-Hanatsuki [2010-11-27 01:54:09 +0000 UTC]

I read a fanfic that had Atem as a Naga at one point. It was called "Temple of the Snake King" or something like that.

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XAkashaChaaanX [2010-07-05 00:56:35 +0000 UTC]

I read a fanfic called Temple of the snake king once. Atem was a naga with a King Cobra tail. the other two nagas were Afkiea(can't spell it right!) and Mariku.

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PX-Mun [2009-06-21 04:58:12 +0000 UTC]

sweet atem as a half snake,I was thinking of doing some thing like this to aknadin but instead of a snake i would do a wolf

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RiYuYami [2006-10-14 20:45:36 +0000 UTC]

YAY! You got it up and it rocks. ^-^ I think Atemu looks cool, yes his hair is a pain in the butt to draw. -_- I have that problem alot. Still, I think he looks great. I can't wait to see Seth as a Nag. BTW are his ears pointy?

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motsumi In reply to RiYuYami [2006-10-14 21:23:52 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I tried to get his ears pointy since most Nagas have pointed ears. It was just hard because you know how Yami's bangs are on the left side of his face how they go over his ears.

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RiYuYami In reply to motsumi [2006-10-14 21:25:41 +0000 UTC]

I know, but I never really like to draw him with his left bangs like that. Guess what I'm doing right now.

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Kawaii-Hime-Ceres [2006-10-14 19:41:10 +0000 UTC]

You did a wonderful job. The hair looks fine to me! Nice job on that tail.

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