ダイヤ・リー (Daiya Lee, Dai-chan)Daiya = Diamond: Rare, beautiful and strong. Named gived by Maito Gai.
Family: Rock Lee, Tenten (parents) Metal (big brother)
Age: 18 / 15
Height: 161 cm / 153 cm (this chart is mostly to show her design, not height comparison to herself)
Rank: Chūnin / Genin
Daiya is very similar to Tenten, personality wise. She’s passionate about weapons and collects weapons from all over the world along with her mother.
Though she is most similar to Tenten, she also has personality traits from Lee. She is very easily touched and appreciates every little thing people do for her.
She has a very close relationship to Metal, because he was always there for her when she grew up. Daiya gets very well along with Metal’s friends as well, like Himawari (who is a common visitor) and Inojin (Ino’s son)
Daiya is a bit of a mommy’s girl, but generally her relationship to her parents are the same. Lee and Tenten are very understanding and patient parents, so she never has an issue talking about rough things with them.
Her team consists of girls only. A team of girls only is not as rare as it used to be, due to there being more kunochi’s to look up to and inspire from.
(more info will be added)
One of her teammates, 大河, Taiga
Random facts:
Daiya’s design is a mix of both Lee and Tenten drawn by me.
She wears Lee’s headband around her waist.
Artist comment:
This took forever, because Anatomy is hard, and I tried to make it look like Kishimoto’s style.
Feel free to draw her if you'd like, actually I'd very much appreciate that! Just make sure to let me know, so that I can see it <3