MattDrawsRobots β€” Trailbreaker

Published: 2010-06-24 03:00:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 7968; Favourites: 291; Downloads: 131
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Description "Trailbreaker: When All Hell's Breaking Loose"
Prints available: 8"x10", 11"x14",Β and 16"x20"
Trailbreaker was one of my very first Transformers, and one whose personality I always identified with a little. I figured it was high time I did a pic of him. (For any Ze Frank fans out there, I think he's showing us his Power Move .)
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Comments: 59

Gamma-V [2015-07-26 01:28:18 +0000 UTC]

"Haha...Nothin' like a little force field to take the sting out of laser fire!"

Yeah, I can definitely imagine him saying that here, just like he did in The Immobilizer.

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monkeyzentv [2014-01-18 11:03:23 +0000 UTC]

The first time I saw the G1 cartoon, was the bit with Spike and Sparkplug, with Trailbreaker when they get attacked by seekers "I may not be fast... BUT I'M TOUGH!"

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to monkeyzentv [2014-03-14 23:14:49 +0000 UTC]

Yep, I remember that bit well. Glad you like the art!

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monkeyzentv [2014-01-18 10:59:40 +0000 UTC]

That's amazing wow!

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tonyfanatic [2014-01-07 00:19:18 +0000 UTC]

Really great! And very true to the character. Trailbreaker might seem like a giant badass battle robot, but inside he is just a goodie-two-shoes!

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Monsterbass74 [2013-09-16 05:31:40 +0000 UTC]

This is the best representation of Trailbreaker, ever. Shows his Spark! This is how Trailbreaker should be seen and is exactly what he is: one of the best Autobots and my fav! Legend!

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to Monsterbass74 [2014-03-14 23:16:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I'm glad you like it so much! As good-guys go, he's a pretty good one.

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Phenometron [2013-07-07 23:13:33 +0000 UTC]

Trailbreaker's the 'bot, y'all!!

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Zephyr79 [2012-08-12 06:40:29 +0000 UTC]

Trailbreaker- "I mean, 'Fortress Maximus'β€”come on. What kind of a name is that? But everyone's like, 'Oh, Fortress Maximus, you're my hero! You've got guns in your legs and you killed tons of 'Cons at Simanzi...' And I'm like 'That was a thousand years ago!' He's a relic! He's a has-been! He'sβ€”"
Chromedome- "Just walked in."
Trailbreaker-"Great to see you, Max! Come on over! We were just talking about Simanzi! With the thing and theβ€”the stuff! So... oh wow! You've got guns in your legs! How's that working out for you? That's awesome, man. You're awesome."

Such a fun character, albeit he needs more toys.

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to Zephyr79 [2013-04-19 18:13:52 +0000 UTC]

Well, happily Hasbro is finally taking care of that .

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zerne15 In reply to MattDrawsRobots [2013-06-02 01:03:47 +0000 UTC]

And with Trailbreaker and Windcharger out and about, that leaves... I think, Gears and Huffer for '84 guys that haven't gotten wide-release updates. Huffer got a Botcon toy and that one third-party release, though.

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Monsterbass74 [2012-05-30 03:17:58 +0000 UTC]


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JohnnyFive81 [2012-05-18 14:51:56 +0000 UTC]

Gotta love Trailbreaker.

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TPM2012 [2012-03-10 21:35:54 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome! I wish we had seen a moment like that in the cartoon!

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diacron [2011-12-26 06:43:34 +0000 UTC]

Nice! I read the deleted storyboards recently, and apparently Trailbreaker died in the assault on Autobot City.

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to diacron [2012-02-12 23:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Yeah, I'd always assumed that he had, due to the fact that he never showed up after the movie. Or he could've died in the 20 years between season 2 and the movie. But I always wondered what got through his force-field...

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diacron In reply to MattDrawsRobots [2012-02-14 23:15:57 +0000 UTC]

Me too! I'm thinking if he died during the battle maybe his energon levels were low enough to not make it effective, until it finally gave out altogether.

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Dogrom [2011-12-05 21:17:31 +0000 UTC]


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JEBurton [2011-07-17 03:05:25 +0000 UTC]

This is tremendous! We seldom see him in action, and here, you nail it!

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to JEBurton [2011-07-30 19:12:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I remember seeing him use his force-field all the time in the old cartoon, but it was a very... casual thing. The situations never seemed to have much gravity, but I thought the potential was there. I'm glad you like my attempt to bring that potential out!

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Autohumans [2011-02-05 01:42:09 +0000 UTC]

I have only word to say; WOW!

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LotteBubbles [2011-02-02 09:31:42 +0000 UTC]

This is epic....thats about it....just

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SheepSlave [2010-11-04 17:20:49 +0000 UTC]

This is fantastic!!! We rarely see Trailbreaker, let alone Trailbreaker in action!

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dj1107 [2010-10-04 07:04:28 +0000 UTC]

TrailbreakerL There your safe now tell hasbro to make my Classics toy

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to dj1107 [2010-10-26 18:42:20 +0000 UTC]

It's coming...

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dj1107 In reply to MattDrawsRobots [2010-10-26 18:58:28 +0000 UTC]

yeah something in a deluxe size be nice.

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to dj1107 [2010-10-26 19:02:27 +0000 UTC]

Picky, picky!

I'm just stoked they finally managed to pull it off at all. Lord knows they've tried.

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dj1107 In reply to MattDrawsRobots [2010-10-26 22:56:16 +0000 UTC]

Sorry just when I think Trailbreaker one of the original Autobot cars I expect deluxe size. oh well at least after legend the'll make deluxe same thing happen to Jazz

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Trecathlus [2010-07-23 14:07:04 +0000 UTC]

Damn it all, Matt -- this is ART!

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optimus2345 [2010-07-13 01:30:36 +0000 UTC]

Trailbreaker is one of my favorite autobot. I like how you gave him the G1 toy design.

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KarToon12 [2010-07-01 02:36:33 +0000 UTC]

I love the colors and effects of the force field!

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TaintedTamer [2010-07-01 01:58:18 +0000 UTC]

Featured HERE !

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to TaintedTamer [2010-07-01 04:51:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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TaintedTamer [2010-06-30 22:17:03 +0000 UTC]

Goddamn this is awesome. 0A0

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Geminii27 [2010-06-26 14:58:12 +0000 UTC]

Hell YES.


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operative274 [2010-06-26 14:51:43 +0000 UTC]

Fire it up! Love the 'toy' look you gave to him

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to operative274 [2010-06-27 19:29:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! As a kid, I always disliked how far the animation models deviated from the toys, so I like bringing the toy elements back in. Plus figuring out all the spatial relationships is always easier when you have a real-life model to work from.

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operative274 In reply to MattDrawsRobots [2010-06-28 01:37:08 +0000 UTC]

So very very true ^^

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shekeira [2010-06-26 02:43:29 +0000 UTC]

Trailbreaker really doesn't get enough love. Awesome.

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Nortstar [2010-06-25 07:16:34 +0000 UTC]

wow it is so aamznig pic ^^
great work

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EchoWing [2010-06-24 22:37:21 +0000 UTC]

He is the eye of the storm.

And he needs a new toy.

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MattDrawsRobots In reply to EchoWing [2010-06-25 17:53:55 +0000 UTC]

Hee hee. I'm judging the success of this pic entirely on how many people get that song stuck in their heads.

As for a new toy, I hear you. Lord knows they've tried ! I used my old toy for reference, and good goddamn it's a crappy mold. The pin that connected the head to the backpack was long gone, so I made a replacement, but the head won't stay propped up on his torso anyway, and I never could get the missiles to balance in their slots when he was brand new, much less now that the whole assembly will fall back at the slightest touch. People who get nostalgic about 1984 engineering have obviously never played with a 1984 toy.

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EchoWing In reply to MattDrawsRobots [2010-06-25 17:58:52 +0000 UTC]

Seemed like an appropriate thing to say.

And seriously, I would kill for a new Trailbreaker toy. The fact that Hasbro's made attempts is good, but I want a successful one. I don't even care if they can't call him Trailbreaker, just as long as he's got a name like Trailbreaker and the toy is clearly identifiable as Trailbreaker. And the sooner, the better - he needs love, he does.

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11J [2010-06-24 20:47:59 +0000 UTC]

Very nice pic!

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MikePriest83 [2010-06-24 16:52:24 +0000 UTC]

Unique and awesome.

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merkitten [2010-06-24 15:52:39 +0000 UTC]

This is fantastic~

You really don't see much love for trailbreaker these days.

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wordmongerer [2010-06-24 15:00:33 +0000 UTC]

I have so far measured 18 shades of awesome from this pic. There may yet be more...

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Ha-HeePrime [2010-06-24 14:37:55 +0000 UTC]

Hooray! Trailbreaker love! There's not nearly enough of it out there.

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ninjatron [2010-06-24 05:03:04 +0000 UTC]

Great! Nice use of his powers in this art.


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Dinotor [2010-06-24 04:39:38 +0000 UTC]

Whoa. Niiiice!

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