Comments: 103
zutara002 In reply to Lienwyn [2014-12-07 02:34:44 +0000 UTC]
He's in my favs now
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zutara002 In reply to Lienwyn [2014-12-07 18:49:44 +0000 UTC]
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exocolumn [2011-07-06 08:54:23 +0000 UTC]
Great work!
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Lienwyn In reply to exocolumn [2011-07-08 18:43:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! ^_^
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fade24 [2011-06-28 20:30:40 +0000 UTC]
fifty is my new favorite number
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kohaku202 [2011-06-28 19:44:37 +0000 UTC]
Now THAT is the kind of fifty I can appreciate!! XD
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EmpressBrennan [2011-06-28 19:14:20 +0000 UTC]
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Lady-Blush [2011-06-18 10:35:54 +0000 UTC]
I think I just died and went to cowboy heaven
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Gwenthyr In reply to Lienwyn [2011-05-21 12:02:27 +0000 UTC]
Yes, you are
Uh... you want me to pick top 5? Well, I'll try, but keep in mind that their position in the table is changing slightly with my mood and the pictures you draw, ok?
After some time...
No, it's not possible! >.< This is very rough, but I guess it will do for now...
1. Mitia
2. Nernethai
3. Xerith
4. Skylar
5. Ice
Other who often get to top 5: Zhenia, Haruhara, Alesha, Mirage, Nathan
Seriously 1. and 2. are switching places too often... I love them both too much I am pretty sure you know why, I fangirl about them very often and I have hard time -not- doing so, really
3. and 4. are... interesting because I don't know them much and I really don't know why they stuck somewhere in my heart I would love to have both as my friends.
5. Every time I see him (I don't know why because I don't like the song much) I hear in my head "Ice, ice, baby" I want to eat his hair, like his name, he's cool, plus I like hitmans, one of my own all time favorites OCs started also as a hitman
And the others? Well apart from Mirage (who is cute) they are all so edible!
I like Zhenia in both his forms, although I might slightly prefer him as a computer, don't know why, maybe because I like the interactions with Kazimir
Haruhara is just one hell of a dream guy, really, I love the picture with kids (wonder if I did favorite it O.o... will check later), he looks like strong capable guy who is not dangerous up close or impossible to have relationship with.
Alesha... ...his hair, oh my gods, his hair and he's an exorcist captain... well, that's an occupation I also adore. That "Welcome back..." piece made me like him even more. And did I mention his hair?
Mirage is one of my favorites because of the story and his color scheme. I can't help it but marvel at the fact that he really -is- genetic miracle, I would observe him in awe and wonder how he works, but it's the kind of miracle you simply can't dissect without stealing it's glow. And he is so oblivious and cute. It would just be sin and one can be happy just having him around. So yeah... I guess I can imagine a bit how Snide might feel sometimes?
Oh and Nathan... he's just one hell of a man, and the word man should be underlined here. As Nernethai is someone to squeal about Nathan is just material for purring, that's someone I could imagine to actually hit on Screw his age, he's just worth it. You convinced me about that pretty quickly, even thought I didn't like the idea of redone Nernethai at first.
Take over the world through my subconsciousness? Well, that explains A LOT! Good luck with that anyway, silly giggling is more like it
Yes, it seems the color is attached to good associations in my mind, it slowly starts to represent fun and good mood for me and that's certainly because of you
You know if it wasn't white, if there wasn't that purple flower... but I had to!
Um... that was long... O.o But my worktime was shorter because of that (Don't worry, I am diligent worker, but it's saturday, not much to do )
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Jontamar [2010-12-02 23:14:42 +0000 UTC]
I was all O_O ... 0_0 ... *_*;;; when I saw this XD;; omg <3<3<3 dude, I would totally not care about his age if I could only have him dskjfhjasfhlsff Dlll ..did I just say that? I'm shameless >____>;; .. So, can I have him? Can I have his chaps?
oh yeah, yeah, and.. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL CHAPSSS 38;;; *chaps-lovesick*
really, awsome fanservice-arttt<3 Your envirement-awsomeness is so awesome as always! You got some real deep(depth?deepness? depthichness? lol I am hopeless XD;; ) in your backgrund. Really.. I don't know what to say. I promised to hit myself if I wrote 'awsome' one more time.. ugh
ANYWAY sorry for my babble - it's so late and your art just triggs my sleepy fangirly babbliness *headdesk*
GREAT WORK and sorry for being so late on commenting ;__; <3
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Lienwyn In reply to Jontamar [2012-08-19 22:21:21 +0000 UTC]
Did I really say that?! x'D
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Jontamar In reply to Lienwyn [2012-08-20 19:01:12 +0000 UTC]
oh yeas XDD
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Lienwyn In reply to Jontamar [2012-09-03 14:18:04 +0000 UTC]
I guess that's a skill as good as any x'D
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Jontamar In reply to Lienwyn [2012-09-04 19:55:09 +0000 UTC]
totally is! XD
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Sireih In reply to Lienwyn [2010-10-12 17:14:59 +0000 UTC]
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SoubixLoveless [2010-10-12 09:06:03 +0000 UTC]
"Save a horse - ride Nathan. He wants you to."
Does he really? Cuz I am sooooo game.
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