Comments: 28
Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-08 13:33:24 +0000 UTC]
< What the hell am | look|ng at. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-08 21:32:57 +0000 UTC]
This is the tradition celebration clothes of my peoplE.
As is custome, I am to wear it to Enisin's rituaL.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-09 11:05:58 +0000 UTC]
< Jajaja oh my goodness. >
< | totally forgot about that th|ng. | am totally go|ng and nobody can stop me. >
< |t |s go|ng to be uproar|ous. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-09 19:40:46 +0000 UTC]
Acting like a grub as usuaL. If you simple stopped your foolishnesS.
I am sure you would be inviteD. And wouldn't have to force your way into any thinG.
But your to wrigglerish to do even thaT.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-10 13:39:00 +0000 UTC]
< What are you talk|ng about. >
< Obv|ously |t |s all your stup|d fr|end Mals|n's fault. >
< | have been noth|ng but cord|al to her and she cont|nues to repud|ate me at every turn. >
< Of course th|s probably means noth|ng to you, cons|der|ng that you are soc|ally retarded; also, you may be the only person who loathes me more than Mals|n does. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-10 18:02:11 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes I wounder if you blindness extends pass your missing eyE.
Enisin despises you because you attempted to kill her lusuS.
Even a fool as slow as you should have been able to figure that one ouT.
As for how much I loath yoU. I never try and measure up to otherS.
It would be quite the contest to see who could hate you morE.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-10 18:52:38 +0000 UTC]
< Look. | do not see what |s so hard to understand about th|s. >
< |t really speaks to how soc|ally |nept the two of you must be. That yesture was |ncred|bly romant|c. Other people can probably see th|s and are baffled at your react|ons. >
< |n any case, none of that really matters because | apoloy|zed. So let us go over the facts; she reyected my advances and then reyected my apoloyy. |t seems to me that Mals|n |s reyected everyth|ng | do out of hand, for no other reason than to be a contrar|an and an annoyance, and to rally her obe|sant entouraye around her mean|ngless and utterly po|ntless facade. >
< Ev|dently, she does not 'hate' me; |f you ask her, she w|ll vehemently deny |t. >
< Thankfully, you are much eas|er to f|gure out. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-10 19:21:50 +0000 UTC]
Your righT. I do not understand the modern way of black courtinG. As some would say, I am a simplE. Living in a tribE. It leaves you with no room for gameS. In your way it might have been romantiC. But had she been my motheR. I would have torn out both your eyes and shoved them down your throaT. But only so you could watch as I whipped open the rest of your bodY. ...Then I would have ate yoU.
Make a small bothered noise to the last comment.
You find comfort in your ability to figure me ouT? Go for yoU. What ever helps you sleep at daY.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-10 21:40:58 +0000 UTC]
< How could | watch |f you had already r|pped out my eyes. >
< Gods you are even worse at b|oloyy than you are at et|quette. >
< You really are s|mple. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-10 21:57:29 +0000 UTC]
If I am so simplE? If I lack in so many thingS?
Why do you even bother coming here and speaking to mE?
Have you grown so lonely that you would turn to me for some kind of comforT?
Thats pretty saD.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-10 22:35:20 +0000 UTC]
< Yes, | suppose you would l|ke |t |f | came here solely to speak to you. >
< But |f you recall | was ma|nly cur|ous as to what exactly the fly|ng fuck | was look|ng at when you dec|ded to post that really off-putt|ng portra|t of yourself. >
< So. >
< There | guess you are the pathet|c one now. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-11 00:41:18 +0000 UTC]
It must be so troubling that you can not look upon me with out saying somethinG.
I am sorry for this distractioN. You can be on your way now, HighblooD.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-11 10:16:47 +0000 UTC]
< Oh Z|tr|k there |s always so much to say. >
< |f everyth|ng were perfect then | would scarcely have occas|on to speak now would |? >
< But no. Everyth|ng w|th you |s such a complete and unm|t|gated d|saster that | cannot help but comment. >
< Really | am prov|d|ng a valuable serv|ce. You are welcome. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-11 18:53:56 +0000 UTC]
You should never speak of things you do not understanD.
In your case, you should never speak at alL.
Had you been a culture member of my tribE.
You would have not dared insult our death traditionS.
Or do you mock mine because you make a mess of your owN?
Does this make you feel betteR?
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-11 18:57:02 +0000 UTC]
< | have made a mess of noth|ng. >
< My own culture's death trad|t|ons have been followed to the letter by me. Mostly because they are not pr|m|t|ve and barbar|c. >
< | mock yours because they are uncouth and ev|dently cause you to dress up l|ke a buffoon. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-11 19:08:29 +0000 UTC]
You know nothinG. It surprised me that you can go on telling others you are educateD.
But here you are speaking of my cultures traditions like a fool with nothing else to dO.
Grow up, JeratH. This grubbish bullying was not amusing when I was a wriggleR.
And it certainly isn't not that I am a trolL. I am sure you are troll enough to entertain yourself else wherE?
Become some of us actually have things to dO. I have no time for your tauntinG.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-11 20:58:26 +0000 UTC]
< Ah yes, so much |mportant bus|ness to attend to |n the yungle. >
< To be honest | grow t|red of th|s anyway. |f you want me to leave, you have only to say the word and | w|ll be gone. >
< But do not act as |f you have anyth|ng better to do. |t demeans us both. >
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-09-12 00:59:02 +0000 UTC]
Stare at him for a long moment, before turning around and walking away.
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Nollaz-Ossell [2012-09-07 22:56:11 +0000 UTC]
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Nollaz-Ossell [2012-09-07 22:57:24 +0000 UTC]
(( I just needed to believe! ; w ;
Thank you Lily~ ))
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Ichtys-Saukot [2012-09-07 22:47:00 +0000 UTC]
(( EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It came out really well maka !!!! ;;w;; what a cute outfit wow !! <33 ))
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Ichtys-Saukot [2012-09-07 22:53:27 +0000 UTC]
(( Thank you so much! ; w ;
I'm so glad that you like it.
She's gonna show up over dressed xD ))
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Ichtys-Saukot In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-11 13:33:17 +0000 UTC]
dearie me does everyone have a particùlar oùtfit for the ceremonial after alL ?
perhaps i shoùld get to finding one i woùldnt want to seem rùde by wearing something inappropriate.
yoùr oùtfit is nevertheless qùite spectacùlar lapazi.
Is actually worried. What a silly goose!
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Ichtys-Saukot [2012-09-11 18:48:58 +0000 UTC]
Giving a small kindly look and shakes her head.
Placing four finger from each hand against her collar bones.
I thank yoU. It is tradition to wear such clothes to ritualS.
However, this is only a custom in the village I was raised iN.
I do not believe that it is something everyone must dO.
But, I suppose you could as Darome if you wanted to know for surE.
Or you could wear any ritual clothes you havE.
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Ichtys-Saukot In reply to Lapazi-Zitrik [2012-09-14 13:15:37 +0000 UTC]
i have never been to any type of ritùal at all and have not seen darome for qùite a while noW.
hihihi socializing has made me worry aboùt things i never woùld have worried aboùt before how qùeeR! (:,
perhaps shoùld i go in my simple clothes or maybe make myself some kind of oùtfiT ?
i am sorry to distùrb yoù with this lapazi.
Nods a little bit and smiles apologetically. Truly doesn't mean to be a burden, but is perplexed. Does he even know how to sew ?!
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Lapazi-Zitrik In reply to Ichtys-Saukot [2012-09-14 19:26:44 +0000 UTC]
Shakes her head a little and places a comforting hand against his arm for a moment.
You are never any trouble to me, IchtyS.
I believe that you should do which ever suit yoU.
If you dress up or not it will not matter in the leasT.
I am sure we will enjoy it regardless of what we weaR.
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