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| Jerath-Harjax
# Statistics
Favourites: 123; Deviations: 6; Watchers: 119
Watching: 40; Pageviews: 13926; Comments Made: 3825; Friends: 40
# About me
Your name is JERATH HARJAX.You have an affinity for ALTERNIAN LITERATURE. You are incredibly WELL-READ, and much of your hive is crammed with BOOKS ON ANY AND ALL SUBJECTS. You dream of being a LEXICONOCLAST, an ancient order of book-wielding warriors, but you don't want to damage any of your books so you use the NIBKIND strife specibus.
You believe that people with glasses are more well-read than other people, but you yourself have EERILY PERFECT VISION. Of course you do, because requiring prescription lenses would IMPLY THAT YOU STOPPED READING AT SOME POINT, which of course you would never do. You do, however, own many pairs of INCREDIBLY SHITTY AND USELESS GLASSES, which you leave in piles around your respiteblock and often BREAK IN FITS OF ARTISTIC ECSTASY, in a manner bordering on the FETISHISTIC.
Speaking of artistic frenzy, you are also an accomplished SLAM POET. It is the oldest and most revered of Alternian literary styles, and you obsessively strive to perfect your art. You nevertheless have no problem taking the wrigglers to school with your STRICT BEATS and SORCEROUS LYRICS.
You live on the edge of a cliff directly above the ocean. You absolutely love ALTERNIA'S OCEANS, and dearly wish that you possessed the proper BLADDER-BASED VASCULAR SYSTEM to survive underwater indefinitely. To make up for this, you have become an ACCOMPLISHED DIVER and OBSERVER of Alternia's ocean depths, with an observatory on the seafloor, connected to your hive-cliff. On the top of this cliff is an ANCIENT BATTLEFIELD, which you try desperately to turn into SOME KIND OF A FARM. But every year your harvest is thwarted due to the INCREDIBLY SHITTY SOIL, so instead you just find REALLY OLD WEAPONS in the dirt to refurbish.
# Comments
Comments: 952
Carnifex-Ferre [2012-11-12 07:55:06 +0000 UTC]
-- judgementBringer [JB] begins trolling cerealPhilanderer [CP] --
[JB]: I am not going to beat around a buxh.
[JB]: But I need to xpeak with thee.
[JB]: And before any wixe axx remarkx come from either one of ux.
[JB]: I would juxt like to xay, if it wax not xerioux, would I really take the time to mexxage thee over all other people.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Carnifex-Ferre [2012-11-12 10:29:54 +0000 UTC]
CP: < Oddly enough...| bel|eve | understand. >
CP: < Where do you w|sh to hold th|s d|scuss|on. >
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Carnifex-Ferre In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-12 18:54:28 +0000 UTC]
[JB]: Well, I do not want the rixk of Xeiriox thinking I am trying to kill thee.
[JB]: Or xhove hix noxe into buxinexx that ix not of any of hix concern.
[JB]: And well, xomeone ix at my hive that doex not really like new people...
[JB]: Xo I xhall meet thee in the room in which everyone xeemx to gather. And we xhall make our own trail from there.
[JB]: If that workx for thee that ix.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Carnifex-Ferre [2012-11-13 00:09:48 +0000 UTC]
CP: < Of course. >
CP: < ...you know, a lot of th|s could be avo|ded |f you stopped try|ng to k|ll me |n the f|rst place. >
CP: < But | d|gress. >
CP: < | shall meet you there. >
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-03 19:51:47 +0000 UTC]
< What the Hel do you want. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-04 03:17:59 +0000 UTC]
You better go fuckin' talk to Seirios. Seriously, right the fuck now.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-04 03:22:21 +0000 UTC]
< Yes, | suppose you fucked th|ngs up pretty bad. >
< As usual, |t |s up to me to f|x everyth|ng. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-04 05:07:57 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I fucked up, now please go fix the mess. Talk to him.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-04 06:09:49 +0000 UTC]
< Done and done. >
< You are st|ll h|s fr|end, for whatever reason. >
< But you w|ll not upset or antagon|ze h|m aga|n, even |n yest. That would make me qu|te angry. >
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-05 13:54:56 +0000 UTC]
< Oh, you are completely welcome, by the way. >
< | would personally l|ke to thank you for be|ng such an obnox|ous tool all of the t|me and never stopp|ng for any reason whatsoever. | never get t|red of deal|ng w|th the musclebeast sh|t that your complete lack of |ntrapersonal sk|lls presents to me on a da|ly bas|s. >
< Try not to suck so completely hard |n the future. | say that |s |f you w|ll not d|sappo|nt me, but we both know that you w|ll. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-05 21:55:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh god I am just so honoured you felt compelled to tell me all of these things. Just, GOD thank you for being SO FUCKING KIND and giving me these pieces of so called ADVICE because OBVIOUSLY I WAS THE PIECE OF SHIT who decided to FUCK UP MY FRIENDSHIP and ruin things with my BEST BRO. So, yeah, I will totally try to not, as you say, 'suck so completely hard' in the future.
You're SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS do you even see the shit you're TYPING it's like the most complete piece of BULLSHIT I have ever forced my eyes to read. Jerath, let me tell you something: I didn't make my friend sulk around waiting for me to come apologise because I was a fucking prick and made an assumption that was utterly RETARDED. So you know what? Go look in the mirror, buddy. Maybe the thing you'll see will make you realise what a fuck up you really are.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-05 23:40:16 +0000 UTC]
< And yet | was the one runn|ng around f|x|ng all the problems for you, because you were too stup|d to do |t yourself. >
< | had already apoloy|zed to Se|r|os a wh|le ago, so that argument |s |nval|d. You know, | th|nk you m|ght be turn|ng h|m stup|d, because | had to fuck|ng rem|nd h|m a bunch of t|mes. Get your facts stra|ght before you come at me w|th that mess you |gnorant sta|n. >
< Call me what you w|sh, but we both know that Se|r|os and | are best bros for l|fe and you are yust some stup|d an|mal. Th|s arranyement |s not go|ng to chanye. So | suyyest you go back to whatever wretched p|t you crawled out of, s|t down, and have a long th|nk about exactly how r|d|culous you sound r|ght now. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-05 23:48:31 +0000 UTC]
You know, I'm not trying to take your fucking place. I know he's your best bro, I know exactly why he always goes back to you, and do you even understand that yourself? You mean SO FUCKING MUCH TO HIM, but look at the shit you put him through. Stop calling me the animal, when you're the one causing the problems. I was doing NOTHING to cause problems, it's always been YOU. I will never be the real cause of ANY of this, so get it through your thick skull. You are a problem. You are the reason Seirios gets upset, why he gets mad, why he gets upset. It all revolves around you because he cares too much about you to realise that you're what he issue is. He needs you to be there for him, so do your fucking job, you asshole. Stop hurting him, stop being a dickface, and stop blaming me for your problems. Grow. The. Fuck. Up.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-06 00:56:13 +0000 UTC]
< You are an |d|ot. >
< Th|s all started because you thought |t would be fun to treat h|m l|ke a pet or an an|mal. >
< You never understood your place. You are not h|s equal, much less h|s super|or. He should have k|lled you the m|nute he saw you wave that collar at h|m. >
< That |s what | do for h|m. You could never understand |t, you mouth-breather, how could you? You are not a troll, so stop pretend|ng to understand us. | could honestly care less what you get up to, Cole, you are s|mply that far below my radar. But the moment you try to fuck w|th my bro | get a b|t p|ssed off. >
< You ungrateful sw|ne. You come crawl|ng to me to f|x what you d|d to your 'fr|endsh|p' w|th h|m, and what thanks do | get but a pathet|c, albe|t humorous, surye of b|le from your d|sgust|ng humen mouthparts. You are a coward, Cole, and perhaps you had best |ngrat|ate yourself to me |f you w|sh to seek my help |n the future, as your |ncompetence w|ll no doubt lead you to do. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-06 01:24:35 +0000 UTC]
I came crawling? HAH. I came to you to fix your OWN relationship with him you BLOODY IDIOT. And the collar? It was a joke. Are you really that stupid? And wear ARE equals. You are not higher than me, nothing gives you the right to be higher than me, or him. You are so fucking stupid, seriously, I don't understand how ANYONE could like you. So, please. Just get over yourself. You are nothing more than another with a face, Jerath.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-06 01:49:59 +0000 UTC]
< Another what w|th a face. | am hav|ng trouble dec|pher|ng your crude attempts at speech, though | suppose | am another be|ng w|th a face. Good |nsult, | guess. >
< And you l|sten to me you scum. You are the scumm|est scum. You are an an|mal, f|t only for the slaughter. You and your k|nd are a turd on the unders|de of the shoe of the world and noth|ng more. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-06 01:56:21 +0000 UTC]
Right, right. Sorry, but that's you.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-06 18:34:02 +0000 UTC]
< Ah yes, the p|nnacle of cleverness. >
< Goodbye, stup|d. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-06 19:11:07 +0000 UTC]
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-07 22:08:22 +0000 UTC]
< Oh my gosh more ad hom|nem attacks. >
< |t |s almost as |f you do not l|ke me or someth|ng. >
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-08 00:36:50 +0000 UTC]
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-08 00:52:29 +0000 UTC]
< Wow. >
< Ew that |s completely d|sgust|ng. >
< | do not sw|ng that way you creature. Begone from my s|ght. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-08 01:09:50 +0000 UTC]
Oh my fucking jesus like I would seriously want your DICK like what the fuck is wrong with you????
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-08 01:24:02 +0000 UTC]
< You are not even mak|ng sense. >
< Now you are yust babbl|ng |ncoherently l|ke a man|ac. Honestly | am not surpr|sed. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-08 01:36:30 +0000 UTC]
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-08 02:08:03 +0000 UTC]
< What |s the|s nonsense. >
< Yell|ng louder w|ll not make your sentences any more coherent. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-08 02:36:48 +0000 UTC]
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-08 06:25:12 +0000 UTC]
< Ah, see, that one made sense to me. >
< A b|t bo|sterous for such a weakl|ng, but st|ll. At least |t was coyent. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-08 19:01:38 +0000 UTC]
Ugh, why am I even still bothering? Every time I talk to you I get so pissed off, just jesus h christ why am I still doing this to myself? You're such a fucking wanker, I'm out.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-09 05:19:07 +0000 UTC]
< Good. >
< | told you to leave l|ke forever ago. >
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Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-09 08:14:43 +0000 UTC]
Shut up, I'm leaving because I want to. You can't tell me what to do.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Jerath-Harjax In reply to Cole-Johnson [2012-11-09 19:30:09 +0000 UTC]
< You keep tell|ng yourself that, asshole. >
< Bye now. >
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Cole-Johnson In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-11-10 04:47:12 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Jerath-Harjax In reply to Sielan-Reisov [2012-08-14 17:18:16 +0000 UTC]
< Of course |t |s, m|ss. >
< |f the even|ng were anyth|ng other than f|ne then | would have to punch |t |nto subm|ss|on. >
< | am Yerath Haryax, m|ss, but | am sure that you already knew that. >
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Sielan-Reisov In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-08-14 21:17:29 +0000 UTC]
I do apologize, I haf not heard your name bevore sir.
The pleasure is mine, I am Seilan Reisof.
Punch eferything into submission hm? I like the way you think sir
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Sielan-Reisov [2012-08-14 22:33:41 +0000 UTC]
< Wonderful. | do enyoy a c|v|l meet|ng, M|ss Re|sov. >
< Oh, uh, yes. | do f|nd that a measure of v|olence |s often necessary when pol|tesse fa|ls. Though | may have a pred|lect|on for punch|ng to beg|n w|th. >
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Sielan-Reisov In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-08-15 01:04:11 +0000 UTC]
A normal thing to happen in my line ov work sir.
Be cifil, but do not be avraid to crack a vew skulls in case things get baad
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Sielan-Reisov [2012-08-15 01:10:47 +0000 UTC]
< |t seems that we are |n s|m|lar l|nes of work, m|ss. >
< Odd, g|ven the d|spar|ty between our castes. >
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Sielan-Reisov In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-08-15 01:13:35 +0000 UTC]
Oh ov course you would not expect one ov my low stature to work in such a business, it is almost unheard ov sir! Howefer, I do not own said business
I am employed by a highblood.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Sielan-Reisov [2012-08-15 03:11:06 +0000 UTC]
< Ah! Of course. | m|ght have known. >
< Well | have noth|ng aga|nst lowbloods work|ng |n a chosen profess|on. Warmonger|ng seems l|ke |t would be an unpopular cho|ce for the lower castes. >
< |n any case, | do hope you w|ll keep me |n m|nd as a potent|al ally. >
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Sielan-Reisov In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-08-15 03:19:26 +0000 UTC]
Warmongering? Baaahahahahaha my apologies sir, I should haf made myselv clear. I assist in running an..all-purpose vacility vor the trolls who need our sefices.
Transport, baackup, disposal.
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Sielan-Reisov [2012-08-15 03:44:11 +0000 UTC]
< Ah. My m|stake, then. >
< We, as you must real|ze by now, are warmongers. | apoloy|ze for the assumpt|on. >
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Sielan-Reisov In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-08-15 03:46:33 +0000 UTC]
Oh no need to apologize sir, it is an honest mistake. It happens more than you would think.
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Pawbra-Wensen [2012-08-02 20:35:04 +0000 UTC]
Huh :3
Mewow...you sure are purretty looking
For a dude at least
I'm Pawbra :3
Who are you
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Pawbra-Wensen [2012-08-02 23:06:33 +0000 UTC]
< You would not be the f|rst to not|ce. >
< Yerath Haryax, m|ss. Always a pleasure to meet a ref|ned young lady such as yourself. >
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Pawbra-Wensen In reply to Jerath-Harjax [2012-08-03 02:12:00 +0000 UTC]
Refurned :3
Heehee, I suppurse
It's nice to meet you Mister Jerath
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Jerath-Harjax In reply to Pawbra-Wensen [2012-08-03 04:03:11 +0000 UTC]
< Yes | suppose |t must be qu|te n|ce to meet me. >
< Unfortunately, | w|ll never know that yoy. >
< | yest, of course. | am qu|te pleased at the |nflux of teal and blue bloods recently. >
< | f|nd them to be among the most reasonable of castes, desp|te stereotypes to the contrary. >
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