Comments: 97
Kyndelfire In reply to ??? [2010-02-07 02:09:35 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. I have studied Wicca and Paganism, yes.
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IAmTheUnison In reply to Kyndelfire [2010-02-07 02:27:14 +0000 UTC]
Ah, Such a pleasure to meet another practitioner of the mystical arts.
I invite you to visit my profile sometime if you are at all interested. I would be honored to know what you think of my work.
Do you have dreams and wishes you wish would come true come visit my's magickal.
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worick1992 [2009-03-25 05:15:36 +0000 UTC]
i love this setup ( totaly going to steel it!) it looks like its set for a love spell. i envie you. im still in the broom closet when it comes to magick.
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Kyndelfire In reply to worick1992 [2009-03-26 04:13:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! I encourage you to use the set-up, it was a lot of fun. Be sure to give it your own special flair! I understand about being in the broom closet. I'm about half-way in and half-way out. Best luck to you!
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worick1992 In reply to Kyndelfire [2009-03-26 05:23:20 +0000 UTC]
thank you! its so hard to ceep wicca from two christian parents! *wispers* hay do you whant to know how i do it? I have a wood! my very own grove! i spend upwards of 6 hours a day there, cleaning, hikeing, and meditateing. i eaven have an altar out there.hay you wouldent hapen to know a spell to purify a ring of bad intentions and than one to bind it with your intentions would you? sry so random I know but i cant finde one.
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oOmoonyOo [2008-06-05 21:06:06 +0000 UTC]
omg!! that's so beautiful!!
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Kyndelfire In reply to artattack666 [2005-09-16 00:23:14 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. ^_^
Okay, let's start at the beginning. Yes, I am a practicing pagan, although I don't practice "magick" on a regular basis. This is not a typical set-up for me, it's much more elaborate than one I usually use, because at the time I created this, I had a lot of supplies and space at my fingertips. Upright and inverted pentacle do seem a little conflicting looking back on it, but I assure you, I'm not a devil worshipper. At the time I set it up to symbolize contrast. I very much believe in two sides to everything, hence two opposing stars. Light and dark, high and low, etc.
The thing in the center is a cross. I wear it everyday, and have sense I was 13 years old and received it as a "coming of age" gift. I don't associate it with any sort of religious doctrine. It's just a comforting item for me. It's something everyone in my family has, and it kinda ties us together symbolically.
The purpose behind the set-up was because I could, and I felt like I needed to. I had all the materials, and I think the real magick was setting it up and shooting it. It'd been a very stressful week, and it was a great way to unwind, relax, and feel a little spiritual at the same time. I just felt like I really needed to do something very elaborate, something time consuming and quiet. That's exactly what I got.
Another upside, prior to the creation of this piece I was still a "broom-closet witch," but creating this, and developing the photo, and all the work into it, gave me the courage to put it up on this site, and more or less come out to a number of people, including my Mom, who's been very accepting of it. I'm not totally out yet, but this was definately an important step.
Thank you very much for you comment, and I hope I answered all your questions. If you have any others, please feel free to ask.
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artattack666 In reply to Kyndelfire [2005-09-16 18:25:39 +0000 UTC]
i see what you mean. i too am a believer of ying and yang, it's just polarity doesn't usually come into play in the sense of spells.
it's not easy to tell the world you practice magick, most people see it as a fantasy, and look down onto you, but people need beliefs to remain relatively sane, and they hold on to them until they're proven wrong.
now i'm not saying go out and cast magick to prove them wrong, because i wouldn't feel too good if everything i grew up believing to be true was suddenly proved wrong by somebody else.
still, it's very good that you're open with your beliefs, because it makes it easier to live with them.
i myself am Agnostic, not that i don't believe in God, in fact, i'm certain he exists, i just choose not to listen to him. it's complicated, like most of my life, but i'm a firm believer in the law of three, polarity, and spellcasting like a Wiccan. i don't see myself as a Wiccan for some reason that eludes me. still, that's nothing more than my belief.
congrats on the recent magickal unveiling and for making this beautiful piece.
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Kyndelfire In reply to sungamer [2005-04-25 19:37:37 +0000 UTC]
I see what you mean. It does look a little odd. I've never been entirely happy with this version of the shot. I had another version in my gallery right after I did the image, and the border looked a little better there, the image was more complete from the negative, and the edges more naturally faded into the black, then the border, rather than having the very cut-off feel there is in this one. Unfortunately, for some strangeness temporary mental lapse I decided to crop the other version, so there was no border. Only later did I realize that it really needed the border to look properly contained, so I made this version, and because of the cropping I had to severely alter the way the image looked (via dodging and burning) to get the picture to face at the edges. It didn't do it entirely right, and this is what I have left until I can locate the original negative and have the thing reprinted.
Thank you so much for the comment though. I really appreciate. And by the way, I'm definately a strange human being.
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skiesofchaos [2004-12-31 03:31:21 +0000 UTC]
Really quite elegant and well composed image. Very nice tone, excellent interest and in all a really well done photo.
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theshyfox [2004-12-17 04:49:57 +0000 UTC]
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weirdchick [2004-12-17 01:57:59 +0000 UTC]
I have to say that the first comment really sums up what I was going to say about this. It's very well done and well thought out. Awesome picture.
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Nienalleine07 [2004-12-17 00:28:16 +0000 UTC]
Are you wiccan?
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wrackedwolf [2004-12-17 00:14:14 +0000 UTC]
Wow. When I first looked at this, I saw the lights. Then I noticed the folds in the center, and realized how complex the scene actually was, and how little you're actually showing. It's making me think what else is there that you're hiding/not showing.
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Kalfireth [2004-12-16 15:05:32 +0000 UTC]
Very nice indeed, I love the candles - little pools of light in the darkness!
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Moonrunner [2004-12-16 09:54:40 +0000 UTC]
Looks good that way, too. It would make a good print.
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Kyndelfire In reply to Moonrunner [2004-12-16 16:30:59 +0000 UTC]
That might be kinda good. I might play around with it and see if I can get it to work for a post card, since they seem to be the only things I can sell. >.< Thank you for your comment though. I can't wait to see you. I hope you're ready because you're going to get pounced. ^_^
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Moonrunner In reply to Kyndelfire [2004-12-16 22:13:25 +0000 UTC]
Braced and ready for impact!
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Iamwiley [2004-12-16 08:28:06 +0000 UTC]
Super shot! there is a not so subtle honesty to this image! it actually kinda radiates hope to me!
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SpiralOut1123211 In reply to Kyndelfire [2004-12-16 07:06:19 +0000 UTC]
*thinks to self* I've gotta get me summa them sox. ^_^
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