I love Pokemon. Like really really love Pokemon. It's a fanaticism I've carried with me since my early childhood before I even had my own gameboy and had to go to my friend's house everytime I wanted to play and then when I acquired my own old giant grey brick I had to rent the games from a local video store.
Things have come a long way since then, there are now 600+ more Pokemon and a whole new generation of Pokefans who never made the choice between three lumpy starters and can't imagine a life before berries and pokeblocks.
So I decided to start a project, recently there has been an influx of gorgeous gijinkas flooding the internet and this is something I always wished I had done, but never got around to. I'm starting with number one in the pokedex and number one in my heart, Bulbasaur. I hope to get first 150 done, and we'll see if I still have an attention span after that, but I think it'll be a good exercise for myself, and I'm excited to share!
Bulbasaur - Pokemon
Photoshop CS6 - Intuos 5
1 hour
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