Plague Shepard:
Ripping the soil,
It's body crawls
Propelled by powerful limbs
All amongst them will fall
It flies and whirls
Behold its might
And for those below
Look up to the clouds and witness a beautiful sight
But soon its beauty and grace turn sour
Followed by death
The reign of a plague shower
It gathers together the sickness of the land
Ending life
Just as quick as it began.
The power of this Lundwyrm is to summon plagues.It's limbs are powerful and can crawl across the land,knocking even the most secure walls into rubble.It scales that lie beneath its body leave a large tench after it passes.Like the southern dragon it has a gracious form.But we all heard the term "Don't judge a book by its cover."In this case it is a bad thing.Its image is soon turned to create destruction and to bring death to all humanity. The plagues it controls strike quick and can wipe out a single population in days.Each sickness quickly adapts to man, mutating to sustain it destruction.And the dragon can lead it anywhere it pleases with the fire of its deadly mouth and the winds of its flight..