The only one of the series I did that is non-flying.
Blood on soil:
It's roar brings toil
Announcing that its presence is near
And those who hear it
Are instantly struck with fear
The mighty head lowers waving its horns
The mouth opens beholding teeth
Deadlier than the sharpest thorns
Wingless and flightless it may be
But with the ram of its weight
It takes a man's life with glee
It rushes forward crushing its prey
For all who come across the beast
Will pay.
The drake is wingless and therefore flightless.Bound to a life upon soil it roams but it's inability to fly doesn't make it vulnerable either.The drake is still a dragon and therefore is deadly.This one in particular kills with its powerful loins and weight.Like a bull it charges its victims trampling them underfoot then devouring their body soon after.Its large hands and claws aid in tearing its prey to pieces and its tail is like that of a powerful whip.Anyone who comes across a Drake or it's territory is bound to find nothing but death.