KiHunter — Snake '12

Published: 2012-04-18 12:32:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 1030; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 14
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Description It's done! It took me a very long time, but now that it's done, I'm very happy/satisfied with it. Here's some basic explanations for the choices I've made for the colors, sizes and places of the different characters:

BIG BOSS: [link]
The biggest character, in green. Chronologically, he's the first character you play with, in "MGS3: Snake Eater", which plays in 1964. His code name for the mission was 'Naked Snake'. The game ends with him, reluctantly killing his mentor, 'The Boss', after which he gained the title 'Big Boss'.
The Boss had a major role on the whole series, not really as a person, but as an ideal. Her vision of one unified world influenced all major characters in the Metal Gear series, including Big Boss. Her scar can be seen above the field of flowers, where she died, going through the head of her apprentice.
Big Boss participated in a lot of fights and wars, to ensure The Boss' will would be realized. 50 years later, in 2014, he was supposedly dead, but was revived. He regretted all the fights he had fought, that ultimately brought the whole world in war. He died shortly after, on the grave of The Boss.

The reason he's so big, is because he (with the ideals of The Boss in mind) played a big role in the story, mostly fighting or planning battles, which he ultimately regretted. The reason he's green and brown, was because his first mission took place in a forest, and he heavily relied on camouflage.

The blue one. The Patriots were a group who wanted to realize The Boss' will in their own way (with power and control). They needed Big Boss, mostly as an icon, since he was a legendary hero. Knowing that Big Boss wouldn't live forever, they cloned him, to make sure he 'lives on'.
'Solid Snake' was one of the two (but secretly three) clones they made of Big Boss. He was mostly portrayed as the 'good guy' in the Metal Gear series, ruining his father's plans to subject the world to war, twice. On some occasions he unknowingly worked for The Patriots himself, but in the end, he ruined their control over the world, and thus saved the world from total destruction.
Shortly after that, he encountered the revived Big Boss, who told him to live his final days as a man, not as a snake. Thus, he put down the gun, and lived his short life in the 'new' world he helped create.

He's in the center of the picture, as he was the main character for most of the games. He is blue, simply because his suit was blue, and it fits with the urban environments in which he mostly operated. As a background, I gave him various textures of his suit, in blue.

OCELOT: [link]
The red guy in the right corner. He was the son of The Boss, creating the scar during his birth. He helped Big Boss with his mission, operation Snake Eater, in 1964, although he was mostly too impressed with Big Boss' fighting skills, thus he often challenged him during his mission instead of helping him.
After The Boss' death, the group, The Patriots, was founded, with Big Boss and Ocelot as members during that time. Though, when Big Boss left the group because they cloned him, Ocelot started doubting their ways/beliefs too. Since then, he had been planning to stop The Patriots, though he remained a member, since it would give him a better position to realize his plans.
His plans weren't fully realized until 2014, when he secretly supplied Solid Snake with a virus to destroy the Patriots AI's. This led to the world, being free from total Patriot control, thus realizing Big Boss' dream to subject the world to chaos and battle. Afterwards, Ocelot wanted a final battle with Solid Snake. He wanted to be the first one fighting, after the Patriot's control had seized, but in his heart, he wanted to relive the amazing fights he had with Big Boss too (since Solid Snake resembled Big Boss).

I put Ocelot in the corner, smiling to those he had betrayed to fulfill his plans to stop The Patriots. He's red and deep black, because he was an excellent gunfighter (using revolvers) and later he was good at close quarters combat too (which he had learned it from Big Boss). He looks in the same direction as Big Boss, since he sort of idolized him, and he looks the opposite direction of Solid Snake, since the games always made you think like they were arch-enemies, while Ocelot's cause seemed much more noble in the end. He has the same color as the scar, because I wanted to slightly connect The Boss with Ocelot too. As a background, I used the circle-patterns of Metal Gear RAY, as RAY became his iconic weapon.

The small yellow guy. The second clone of Big Boss, and thus, brother of Solid Snake. He wanted to put a halt to the control of The Patriots, and fulfill his fathers dream of a world subjected to war. He wanted to recreate Big Boss' 'Outer Heaven' on an island called 'Shadow Moses'. He had Ocelot with him to realize this dream. Though Ocelot's intentions were the same as Liquid's, he foresaw the failure of Liquid's plans. He secretly monitored Liquid's plans for the US president George Sears, and reported to him, after Solid Snake put his brother's plans to ruins.

He essentially just plays a small role in the story, since his plans failed, so I made him small. I used the color yellow, because the one main difference between Solid Snake and Liquid Snake is Liquid's blonde hair. I finished Solid Snake's suit in a yellow color, so that it forms the background of Liquid. This way, they have a more obvious connection in the picture.

The grey guy. He was the third, and perfect clone of Big Boss. The Patriots used him as US president, and named him George Sears. The Patriots now had a perfect copy of Big Boss, to use as icon for America and themselves.
George Sears himself, wanted to free the world from Patriot control though, and secretly planned this in the White House. Ocelot helped him with his plans, wanting to free the world from The Patriots himself, though again, he felt that this too was going to be a failure. Ocelot monitored the plans of Liquid for president Sears, then reported that Liquid had failed. After this, George Sears left the White House, and started working on his plans to free the world. He did this under the name Solidus Snake, recognizing that he too was a son of Big Boss. Ocelot helped Solidus, but betrayed him to continue his own master plan to stop The Patriots. He eventually succeeded, using Solid Snake to wipe out the Patriots' system.

I made Solidus grey, because he was made to look older by The Patriots, so that he would not look out of place as a president. I made a sketch of Solidus with his armored bodysuit, but it didn't work. After that, I thought: maybe he's more of a planner, instead of a fighter, so I drew him as president George Sears, instead of Solidus Snake. He's behind Liquid, with a sneaky smile on his face, thinking he's in full control, while the real sneak on the right had everything planned out from the beginning and betrayed them both. I think this works well in the picture. Also, like Solid, providing Liquid with a background, Big Boss provides Solidus with a background, hinting to the connection between them (Solidus being the perfect clone of Big Boss).


1964 (Operation Snake Eater) - Naked Snake Kills 'The Boss' and becomes 'Big Boss'.

Afterwards - 'The Patriots' was created to realize The Boss' will.

The Patriots consist of:
-people that helped Naked Snake during his mission, including his major, Zero.
-Naked Snake, now called Big Boss

1972 - Big Boss is cloned by The Patriots. He doesn't trust them/agree with them anymore and he leaves them.

1974 - Big Boss creates his own 'Militaires Sans Frontieres' ('Army Without Borders')

1995 & 1999 - Big Boss tries to fulfill his interpretation of The Boss' will by plunging the world into chaos and war. He also wants to stop The Patriots' control by doing this. He fails both times, because of Solid Snake, and is left for dead.

2005 - Liquid Snake tries to fulfill Big Boss' plan by plunging the world into chaos and war and stop The Patriots, but is betrayed by Ocelot, and killed by his brother Solid Snake.

2009 - Solidus Snake tries to fulfill Big Boss' plan by plunging the world into chaos and war and stop The Patriots, but is betrayed by Ocelot, and killed by his apprentice Raiden, who was sent by The Patriots.

2014 - Ocelot makes The Patriots think that he's planning a major uprising against them. The Patriots sent in Solid Snake to stop Ocelot.

Ocelot secretly hands Solid Snake a virus to stop The Patriot AI's. Unknowingly, Snake proceeds to 'stop' Ocelot's plans, while actually executing them. He delivers the virus, stops The Patriots' control and thus, fulfills Big Boss' dreams of creating a non-controlled world of chaos and war. This was Ocelot's plan all along.

What Ocelot didn't realize however, was that the virus was changed, so that it would still stop The Patriots' control, but it would not destroy the foundations of society. Thus, no chaos and war ensued, and the world was at peace.
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Comments: 7

helghan0 [2016-09-21 08:17:12 +0000 UTC]

Great work

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

el-f1otakugamer [2012-04-19 23:19:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KiHunter In reply to el-f1otakugamer [2012-04-20 07:46:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kritken [2012-04-18 23:10:44 +0000 UTC]

very nice dude the characters and detailing looks awesome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KiHunter In reply to kritken [2012-04-19 17:37:13 +0000 UTC]

Thanks dude, and thanks for faving

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

fatguy88 [2012-04-18 13:18:30 +0000 UTC]

best family ever

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KiHunter In reply to fatguy88 [2012-04-18 14:03:40 +0000 UTC]


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