The Old God, Urthemiel the Lord of Beauty and Death, by Ancient Tevinter standards and Morgreth the Undying as the Avaars in 'Fate and Forbearance' story-canon called Him.
The insane mastermind behind the Fifth Blight and the 'reborn' bane of Ferelden.
For those who haven't read the fiction, the Dark Ritual from the game went VERY wrong, and claimed Morrigan's life, as instead of a child born with the powers and essence of an Old God, Urthemiel proved stronger and consumed the child, using its life essence to form a new body for Himself, and he is not a forgiving sort.
Before the Maker imprisoned him in the Archdemon's shell beneath the earth, he took many forms, one like this one, to seduce the mortal women he took to bride, in the hopes of siring a demi-god on them to repopulate his Drake blooded race of fellow immortal deities. They all died and were re-purposed as a perversion of banshees, to return life to their unholy 'husband' by sucking the life from living victims of purity, to give that essence to keep Urthemiel from burning out his new shell.
Now freed from his shackled existence as an archdemon, he seeks a new bride, the female Grey Warden who carries both the blood of the Darkspawn and some of his own essence as a byproduct of 'slaying' him, when his soul passed through her body.
And Gwyneth Cousland looks most unhappy at this harrowing prospect, doesn't she? Clad in as close as I could get to the garb of the Brides of Urthemiel (the monstrous banshees the readers encounter in the story are wearing very similar gowns, but worn and tatty) and of course His Unholiness wouldn't think to give them shoes, and yet remembers to 'gift' Gwyneth with a mockery of the headpiece worn by Andraste, as a 'screw you' to the Maker, who He very much hates.
And that was a long description, but I know anyone who hasn't read 'Fate and Forbearance' would have no idea what's going on. If you're curious, that story can be found here… Warning! It's long and kinda dark in the content department.
Disclaimer: Used base dolls and designs from Azalea Dolls to customize these looks from their Game of Thrones set… and their complete Lord of Rings scene maker all original dolls and designs are to be credited to the above.
Disclaimer: Characters are creations of Bioware's Dragon Age. Apart from original characters/characteristics which are created/modified by yours truly.