Eye-of-Ra-X — Kalibak

Published: 2014-11-09 22:03:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 888; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 2
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Description Kalibak remains much the same in this Elseworld Universe as he does in normal comics continuity.  He is the oldest of the two sons of the New God known as Darkseid, but due to his being sired when Darkseid still was known as Uxas and had not yet gained the power of the Omega Force, he lacks the level of power, strength and energy wielding abilities that his younger half brother Orion possesses due to being sired after Uxas took on the mantle of Darkseid.  Because of this Kalibak has forged himself into a being of extreme cruelty and savagery in order to make up for his lack of heightened “god power” as an scion of Darkseid. His focus on savagery and cruelty however has not made him the most intellectual of beings in the service of Darkseid, often leading to his receiving the wrath and disdain of his father on the occasions that he allows his brutally to override his cunning when undertaking missions for his father that have ended in failure due to his actions.
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Comments: 1

ogrebear [2017-07-10 21:36:08 +0000 UTC]

Good old Kirby Beastmen...

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