DRatRelyea — 1866 Another Black Family Portrait

#detective #great #mouse #rat
Published: 2017-10-01 17:26:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 1472; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description Alternate Title "1866, The Year Everything went Wrong"

A family portrait of my OC, Adele Black's family a few years later when she is older. Her brother, Adam has passed away from pneumonia and even the birth of her baby sister, Gwendoline, cannot snap her parents out of their state of mourning. 

I could go into Adele's backstory, but I kind of want these drawings to do the talking.

Hoping to have a few more drawings finished and posted today and tomorrow.
So many characters of mine have been neglected. Where to start.

GMD belongs to Disney/ Eve Titus.  
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Comments: 118

DRatRelyea In reply to ??? [2018-01-29 23:43:42 +0000 UTC]

Adele pouted as her mother pulled her along. "Why do you have to be mean to my friends?" She asked.
Gennie frowned. "Rats don't have friends. You'll realize that one day."
"I don't believe you." Adele muttered under her breath.

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SillyOlBear1989 In reply to DRatRelyea [2018-01-29 23:44:36 +0000 UTC]

Danielle sniffled as she nuzzled her father. "Daddy, why is Adele's mama so mean?" 

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DRatRelyea In reply to SillyOlBear1989 [2018-01-29 23:49:56 +0000 UTC]

Padraic sighed. "I don't know the woman well enough to tell you for sure sweetheart." He placed Danielle on his lap. "I'm sure she has her story. Most people that grow up to be mean do so because someone was mean to them when they were little. I just hope "Miss" Gennie doesn't suck the kindness out of Adele. That would be heartbreaking."

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SillyOlBear1989 In reply to DRatRelyea [2018-01-29 23:55:12 +0000 UTC]

Danielle nodded, looking sad. "I don't like her. Miss Gennie, I mean. I like Adele and Gwenn." 

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DRatRelyea In reply to SillyOlBear1989 [2018-01-30 00:47:51 +0000 UTC]

"She rubs me the wrong way too, Dana-Banana." Ratigan hugged her. 'All yiu can do is try to be a good friend to Adele. I think she needs one."

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SillyOlBear1989 In reply to DRatRelyea [2018-01-30 00:48:49 +0000 UTC]

"I know, Dani. I'll try to be a good friend." Danielle smiled. 

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DRatRelyea In reply to SillyOlBear1989 [2018-01-30 00:54:58 +0000 UTC]

"Aw, anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend. I would know, you're my best friend." Ratigan assured her, brushing her hair through his fingers as she nuzzled him.

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SillyOlBear1989 In reply to DRatRelyea [2018-01-30 00:58:22 +0000 UTC]

Danielle giggled and kissed his nose as he bent down to her.

"Hey," Fidget chuckled. "I t'ought I wuz yer best friend, Boss." 

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DRatRelyea In reply to SillyOlBear1989 [2018-01-30 00:59:53 +0000 UTC]

"Second only to my Danielle, dear Fidget." he assured him, patting him on the back.

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SillyOlBear1989 In reply to DRatRelyea [2018-01-30 01:03:16 +0000 UTC]

Fidget chuckled. "OK, Boss."

Danielle smiled and nuzzled her father. "Daddy, I'm hungry."

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puppyanime In reply to ??? [2017-10-22 15:47:53 +0000 UTC]

sad. i like the other one. basil should be in the wifes place with fidget and the flavershams and everybody there.

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QueenObscurePairings In reply to ??? [2017-10-16 11:43:11 +0000 UTC]

dawwww no

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DRatRelyea In reply to QueenObscurePairings [2017-10-20 03:50:18 +0000 UTC]

At least what she went through as a kid built her strong threshold for all the chaos Ratigan/her kits puts her through XD

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QueenObscurePairings In reply to DRatRelyea [2017-10-20 06:54:05 +0000 UTC]


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Procar In reply to ??? [2017-10-01 17:50:35 +0000 UTC]

woaoh..o.o...terrible story of this family....

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DRatRelyea In reply to Procar [2017-10-09 01:34:03 +0000 UTC]

I love family lineage stories. There's so much that can happen generation to generation and it affects everyone down the line. 

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Procar In reply to DRatRelyea [2017-10-09 11:38:30 +0000 UTC]

uhmm..yes...if we were learnt to be less assholes and good ones, u.u

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