DragonsLover1 — Illuminate

Published: 2011-04-24 05:35:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 6099; Favourites: 171; Downloads: 0
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Description God Fenris. I love you so much.

I toyed with a lot of titles for this, and eventually settled on "Illuminate" after stumbling across a youtube video of the same name which, by turns, coincides with this picture , both of which were done by the same person, as I understand it.

The original title I came up with was "Agony", and it basically centered around Hawke's desire to take Fenris' pain into herself, to spare him of it.

I discovered a few things while looking up ref for this: first, that Fenris' glow does not, in fact, come from the lyrium markings. It's more random, which makes me think it's part of his blood. Second, there are seriously few pics of the glow itself. I found three after hours of googling.

This is actually the second attempt at drawing this pic, and the whole thing was inspired by this pic by *viria13 .

I had fun making this a nighttime scene. I rarely do that y'know.

You can watch me draw this on livestream here: [link] Whole thing is about 1.5 hours, and it begins at the inking, ends at the coloring, before I applied shading to the image.

Yay for lots of links! Enjoying clicking.

Fenris/Hawke (c) BioWare

No mature filter because you can't actually say it is mature. But I do love to think that Fenris' glow is caused by strong emotion and thus would make him shine whenever Hawke so much as touches him hurrr.
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Comments: 42

LunaNightstar [2014-07-06 01:06:14 +0000 UTC]

X faints x

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Schtinsu [2012-06-30 21:14:02 +0000 UTC]

I'm so in love with this picture, I can't stop staring at it and I keep coming back! <3 The emotions, the eyes, the silent conversastion between them.. It's so beautiful and deep and I can't stop looking!.. wow I just fangirled all over the floor.. mm Fenris
Can you do more like this please? it's like I need a new fix I'm officially hooked on this ^^

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DragonsLover1 In reply to Schtinsu [2012-07-01 11:28:13 +0000 UTC]

I will consider it, but I'm kinda stuck on a different OTP at the moment. Thanks for all the compliments though, it makes me very happy I drew this.

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Libhine [2012-05-28 13:15:25 +0000 UTC]

I love their expressions, they are very deep.

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DragonsLover1 In reply to Libhine [2012-05-28 14:46:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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Lactose-Devil [2011-09-22 15:19:44 +0000 UTC]

I totally love this pic!!! Just as much I love Hurts and their song Illuminated :3

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DragonsLover1 In reply to Lactose-Devil [2011-09-22 18:55:27 +0000 UTC]

It's playing on my playlist right now.


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Lactose-Devil In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-09-22 19:11:44 +0000 UTC]

MAKER SAME HERE!!! I love 3 songs from them - Illuminated, Wonderful Life and Blood, Tears & Gold

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DragonsLover1 In reply to Lactose-Devil [2011-09-22 19:16:22 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I don't any of their others. I found Illuminated on a music video dedicated to Fenris (hence my choosing that word for this pic) and fell in love with it. . .but I never thought to check other songs by them.

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Lactose-Devil In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-09-22 19:39:15 +0000 UTC]

I swear you will like these two too - cause I like only those three never heard any others

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DragonsLover1 In reply to Lactose-Devil [2011-09-22 20:15:41 +0000 UTC]

Worth a look, I suppose. Or a listen, as it happens.

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SirenRayn [2011-08-15 23:39:09 +0000 UTC]

wow. very expressive and drawn wonderfully.

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DragonsLover1 In reply to SirenRayn [2011-08-19 02:53:42 +0000 UTC]


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syd4798 [2011-07-19 18:14:50 +0000 UTC]

I...this is so great that I can't put into words...


I found a Dragon Age 2 addon and ima play it!!!!
go to:

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DragonsLover1 In reply to syd4798 [2011-07-19 18:16:57 +0000 UTC]

Wow, thanks!

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Philliwolf5 [2011-07-11 04:00:31 +0000 UTC]

Seeing your title made me thing of that video. Wonderful, isn't it? It was so perfectly done. Love your work! Thanks for sharing!

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DragonsLover1 In reply to Philliwolf5 [2011-07-11 08:35:08 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! Yeah that amv is awesome. Completely amazing.

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Andauril [2011-05-10 17:57:16 +0000 UTC]

I'm a fengirl, too. And this bild is goddamn hot! Like it so much!

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DragonsLover1 In reply to Andauril [2011-05-10 19:06:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Fengirls unite!

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The-G [2011-04-25 00:49:02 +0000 UTC]

Did you put a texture on their skin? You must have...cause there's texture there! Look! It looks like real skin! Now maybe you DID do that by hand but I would find that very hard to believe. How would you even do something like that by hand? It seems technically impossible. How would you create the randomness? I should probably ponder that myself rather than fill this comment with a transcript of my inner musings.

I see the name Hawke so I'm gonna assume this is from Dragon Age. I guess it doesn't matter if I know where it's from because it doesn't really affect anything. It's still a very passionate picture. Almost makes you feel embarassed to be looking at it...because they are having such a private moment. You know...because it's clear he's just blown his load.

I know neither of us need reminding that you know how to do hair, but I will still point out how awesome it is. They way it's all floppy, it looks so lifelike. Looks like it's gotten a bit matted from sweat too.

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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2011-04-25 02:03:43 +0000 UTC]

I put Noise on their skin. More on Fenris; his complexion's a bit rougher. So yes, I put "texture" on their skin.

I don't even want to contemplate how to do that by hand.

DA2, yes. I was kinda embarrassed to post it, so I guess I achieved my goal of making it tender-naughty. I wouldn't say he's blown his load though. The DA staff may crack down on me for it.

DAMMIT! Sweat! I totally had plans to add that in, but then I forgot. Ah well,I suppose I could say this is the very start rather than the very end. That works.

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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-05-10 01:58:52 +0000 UTC]

Ah. Well you used it well. It doesn't look like noise. You can tell there's some texture there but it's not obvious what it is. I didn't recognise noise.

They'd crack down on you for saying it? You can't see anything. If you drew him in the act then yeah...it'd probably get deleted. But they can't really crack down on you for saying it. Especially if you can't see anything. Not that you would say something like that anyway.

Besides...you just said that it's the start. So there's no load blowing. Yet.

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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2011-05-10 06:15:59 +0000 UTC]

I found a skin-coloring tutorial once that advised using Noise. Very lightly, of course, with the "monochromatic" box checked. Turns out it works really well. Give it a shot the next time you color. nod:

Possibly. They've removed things for lesser infractions. I remember one pic that was a sketch of a man touching his pregnant wife's belly. She was in undies and an open shirt, so it showed boobies. And it was removed the same day it was posted. My theory is that someone who's against the Sasuke/Sakura pairing it featured reported it for bogus reasons.

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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-05-10 21:55:51 +0000 UTC]

Noise very lightly ay? I may have to try that next time. If I remember.

Stuff like that really pisses me off. It's like they don't even check to see if the complaints have anything substantial about them. They just get complaints and automatically delete a pic. They'll go around censoring heaps of people to keep quiet a small minority of assholes who need to get a life.

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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2011-05-11 21:49:17 +0000 UTC]

They've made people censor every single pic they post. I've seen that shit before. They'll "Strict:Mature" every pic they post, with all boxes checked, regardless of how family-friendly it is.

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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-05-13 11:53:42 +0000 UTC]

Do you mean that they've forced people to give a strict warning on everything...or that they've made people so paranoid about getting in trouble that they'll strict warning stuff just to be on the safe side?

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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2011-05-13 18:11:10 +0000 UTC]

I mean it's a way for the artist to say "I've had enough of this shit". They do it out of annoyance, not for the rules, but for the ideas who report their stuff.

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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-05-14 10:22:13 +0000 UTC]

Ohhhhhhhhh. Yeah I've seen people who do that. I think I may have done it myself once or twice out of paranoia. Now and then you'll see something with a mature blocker and when you unblock it there's nothing mature about it. I think Dakt's done it a few times. I've seen a mature pic and gone "Ooooooo...Dakt did something saucy" but then unblocked it and there's been no sauce at all.

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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2011-05-14 17:01:33 +0000 UTC]

Well the mature filter also hides sensitive material, not just sexy material. Someone might take offense to a picture of a kid flipping off the viewer, so it's a good idea to Mature that.

Still, though, there's some seriously sensitive people on dA. You have to watch out for them -- they'll report anything for anything.

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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-05-14 19:08:39 +0000 UTC]

Yeah...I just think, whenever I see a mature warning, "BOOBS!". Then sometimes I'll see something is just violent or has naughty words. It never seems that bad...but after the promise of bare boobs of course none of that stuff seems potentially offensive.

Oh I know. I suspect there are even some people who will go around looking for stuff they think is offensive, just so they can report it. Because they've chosen not to have a life.

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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2011-05-14 19:50:50 +0000 UTC]

Of course you do. I always figure there's some nudity going on as well, which is why I see something like extreme gore and go, "Huh. That wasn't so bad."

I second that.

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ceruleancrescent [2011-04-24 14:22:44 +0000 UTC]

Love this

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DragonsLover1 In reply to ceruleancrescent [2011-04-24 19:31:41 +0000 UTC]


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red-winged-angel [2011-04-24 06:37:46 +0000 UTC]

So amazing. ;v;

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DragonsLover1 In reply to red-winged-angel [2011-04-24 06:39:14 +0000 UTC]


Are you familiar with Dragon Age II?

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red-winged-angel In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-04-24 06:50:53 +0000 UTC]

No. ;v; But I've seen you post FF about them... if not, then another one of my subs.

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DragonsLover1 In reply to red-winged-angel [2011-04-24 06:56:35 +0000 UTC]

Someone else. Well maybe. I haven't posted any FFs about DA2, just a few for DAO.

So far.

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red-winged-angel In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-04-24 08:22:43 +0000 UTC]

Haha! Whoops~! <3 Sorry about that. XD
Hurr hurr. Oh rly?

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DragonsLover1 In reply to red-winged-angel [2011-04-24 09:55:31 +0000 UTC]

Yup. Lessee. . . I have "I'm Yours" and "Mesquerade" on ff.net. And I have "I'm Yours" and its continuation "Whole" on adultff.net.

I've written more than I've posted though. XP Which is partially because the rest are unfinished.

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red-winged-angel In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-04-24 21:32:03 +0000 UTC]

Ooo~! I wish I got into this series/ game(?) so I can understand what's going on. LOL!

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DragonsLover1 In reply to red-winged-angel [2011-04-24 23:15:28 +0000 UTC]

I wish too.

Dragon Age: Origins started it all, and since Dragon Age II came out, you can guess that you can buy a complete set for DAO. All DLC and expansions and everything.

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red-winged-angel In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-04-24 23:55:52 +0000 UTC]

Haha! I see!

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