Let me see if I can get those clothes off, for mass confusion
You don't have permission to draw this character
Yeah so fanservice kinda much
Even if he's probably naked please show respecc
Anybody should feel free to dress however they want
I never did anything close to gore with Edward and I deeply regret it
So I tried drawing some blood and then I played with the colors and layer options and I got this weird pinkish blood and I love it
This is the blood of passion and love
His body is so weird looking I wanted to exagerate it but not that much jeez
Well I don't really have anything to say ??
I like neon pink blood and greyscale
At first I wanted to put my watermark on his dingdong but then I thought that I should show him some respecc
So now I'm on his hat
Edward my sweet precious not so innocent boi, and the art (c)