Event: Equi-Alpin HOHENTAUERN
Class: Super G (Risky route)
Horse: Nattvik's White Russian
Rider: Helena Nattvik
Stable: Nattvik
Country: Norway
Helena was early up that day to ensure she was fresh and prepared for the neck breaking last dicipline of the event. She of course brought her stallion White, because he seemed to be the one horse she could really trust getting down the wild slopes -with or without her! Hopefully with though, as she had no plans to eat snow today. That mindset was soon to change. Helena, who usually was the most practical person with the most experience on how to pick the golden middleway during events that often brought her victories, felt the sudden need to alter hat mindset once she had the neckrope over White's head. If THIS was not the time to truly test their prtnership and trust, then when would she? As she mounted the big Skaya and started the treck up to the starting line, she was dead set on chosing the risky route. Go big or go home. This was not the place for ribbons and pride, the only people earned here was respect and even if you fell on the risky route, that still earned you something!
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