She could be considered the faux leader of the court, she makes all necessary arrangements and information calls to others with what Ocean Dream wants her to do but is also Ocean Dreams puppet to use and possess when she ‘personally’ [personally as can be] make announcements to her court or to other Diamonds who request her attention. While Ocean Dream can’t further too far from her body she can travel anywhere in Ocean Pearl due to having an anchor to keep onto while possessing her. Many of the high ranking gems know to come to her and know better than to question what Ocean Pearl tells them. They know the drill, and they know she is a direct line of what Ocean Dream Diamond wants. Giving her much more respect than any other pearl. Especially when Ocean Dream is possessing her at the time.
personality: Ocean Pearl does consider it an honor serving her diamond but it still can get taxing due to her even having to monitor her thoughts and be careful, having little actual alone time to herself. It gets tiring not being allowed to even think what you want. She is a very all business type, she doesn’t really do things for herself much less interact ‘just because’ she says and does what she has to and goes on to the next task. She represses her emotions, they aren’t needed for doing her job after all.
Powers/Abilities: Those of just a normal pearl, though she has a better grasp of sand manipulation to a stronger degree than what CG pearl showcased in ‘Giant Woman”