I need to get proper photos of all of these really, but I wanted to post something up here for now. All costumes made and worn by me.
- RAGS -
Please note that I didn't have a wig for this so had to go with anything I had so it's not great. (Photo by friend on my phone)
Was windy and I was trying to do a "running to the bench to cry" thing so this isn't the best rep of my costume (photo by Street-Angel)
Bit of a rush job and is sitting to short, but am pleased with the colours and I really love her dress in silver. I was wearing this one for the interview with The Sun with FuriePhoenix and Pegsicle. (Photo by Stewart Williams)
Most recent gear as Bejeweled has been retired for a remake but wanted another dress. Needs neatening up and the only picture I have of it is me in a shower cubicle doing "fetchingly draped against the wall" Really pleased with the colours and the overall look. (Photo by Mika)
My favorite and most successful Cinders dress and probably one of my best cosplays overall. Was made in one week with handmade jewelery and handmade jewels and god knows what else. Has since been retired to be remade more accurate/substantial. But bless it, it got worn the hell out of. (Photo by Leon)
This wedding dress was a doll outfit which I did with my friend as Ariel from the same set. I'm not happy with the quality of this dress but it looks really sparkly so I can't complain. Apologies for Silly face, My veil got stuck in my hotel room door. YUP. FAIL. (Photo by Ellen)
Made this and the Pocahontas in the full group, really enjoyed making a dress that was a different shape and got to play around with the hair a bit. (Photo by Nert/Many Lemons)
Hope you like them ^^
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