Art-26 — Mid-Size Kings

Published: 2011-08-14 02:43:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 6587; Favourites: 78; Downloads: 0
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Description Enter... the mid-sized rulers of their time periods. Keep in mind, mid-size is relative in comparison to the much bigger killers that were in their time periods as well. The following are the three "medium-sized" predators.

Above is a 7-8ft human in full swimming gear compared to a Brygmophyseter, a Kronosaur, and a Carcharocles Angustidens.

At the Top: Brygmophyseter whale from the Miocene era (15-5 million years ago), it is a deadly and intelligent relative of the sperm whale that had 44 t.rex-like teeth on its bottom and top jaw. This beast grew up to 25ft long, weighed 3-5 tons, (40ft is only a supposition by scientists), and hunted in pods like modern orcas. They were also equipped with a stunning and powerful sonar beam that they shot out at their prey or enemies. These whales were serious predators who could overtake anything if their pod was hungry enough.

In the middle: Kronosaur, was a brute of a pliosaur from the Cretaceous period that was the top predator around the oceans near Australia. This beast was 25-33ft. long, weighed up to 10tons, and munched on fish, sharks, plesiosaurs, and anything else unlucky enough to get in its way. It should be noted that this beast was bulky and built for power in its body and jaws alike; it even had a head that was 9-10ft long, a 1/3 of its body!

At the Bottom: Carcharocles Angustidens, a savage shark from the oligocene and miocene eras that was a larger and more aggressive relative to today's Great White Sharks. This beast was 25-30ft. long, weighed 10 tons, and fed on fish, and large marine mammals. This species of shark eventually progressed and became Megalodon.

We should be very grateful that none of these "mid-sized" killers are alive today.
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Comments: 10

tobyv23 [2023-02-22 14:52:28 +0000 UTC]

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PCAwesomeness [2015-08-20 02:37:14 +0000 UTC]

Scary medium-sized ocean dwellers!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Art-26 In reply to PCAwesomeness [2015-08-30 00:01:57 +0000 UTC]

I know right.haha

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SameerPrehistorica [2015-01-23 18:08:58 +0000 UTC]


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acepredator [2014-11-02 13:33:42 +0000 UTC]

At least they aren't Libyatan, Predator X, and Megalodon.

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Snakeman2013 [2013-08-13 21:20:55 +0000 UTC]

Scary looking things, and awesome

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Art-26 In reply to Snakeman2013 [2013-08-14 07:26:53 +0000 UTC]


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MistaSilentKiller [2011-08-14 08:18:19 +0000 UTC]


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Art-26 In reply to MistaSilentKiller [2011-08-14 18:43:24 +0000 UTC]


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MistaSilentKiller In reply to Art-26 [2011-08-14 19:07:43 +0000 UTC]


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