zelaeii — Character Lineup

#characters #fae #game #human #magic
Published: 2015-11-14 07:47:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 636; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description Yes, I've done something I shouldn't have... I created more characters *shot*

Unnamed story so far.... gonna come up with something amazing soon, I just know it. 

Characters in order: , Noah, Saris, Byne, Tzi'cha,  

Still have some more to draw! Including important NPC's like shopkeepers and stuff. Also don't know if I'm done with the main characters yet either. We'll see.

Was gonna add some screenshots, but realized I only have one map worked on, so that's no fun. I'll upload more when I get more completed. Making custom sprites and using parallax backgrounds. So yeah, hopefully beautiful by the time I have something to show.

art/characters (c) me
I worked hard on them, they are my children. Do not steal people's children, that's called kidnapping and can land you in jail.... 
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Comments: 3

theBATCLAM [2015-11-25 16:42:51 +0000 UTC]

Yay color, they look great! I really like the red chick on the right. 

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Sefti [2015-11-14 21:15:00 +0000 UTC]

They are all so pretty! I love the lineart style. Your use of patterns on the cloth is what makes it.

Is the elf woman the childhood friend you were talking about? On Noah's team? That veil is so cool!

Tzi'cha has an amazing character design. Though I don't know if I like her or grumpy crow guy better

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zelaeii In reply to Sefti [2015-11-15 04:12:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you :3

I have no idea yet. She may be a glorified NPC, like Briggs in GS lol. Depends on the next batch I make.

I love her too. Her coloring just 'clicked' on the design. I'm pretty proud of her. And of course crow guy too- he's my favorite character type!

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