Comments: 9
OnlyTheGhosts [2016-12-16 00:38:24 +0000 UTC]
Pretty place, though it's strange to me that a cemetery would be next to a river like that. If it flooded, there would be coffins and other yucky stuff floating down stream.
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Yokeldayankee In reply to OnlyTheGhosts [2016-12-16 00:39:45 +0000 UTC]
Actually, it's man-made... And the coffins can't get out with 6 feet of soil, and in some cases, concrete. All safe!
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OnlyTheGhosts In reply to Yokeldayankee [2016-12-16 00:43:47 +0000 UTC]
In Japan, we turn many rivers into concrete tubes - we still get flooding sometimes and levies still break. Typhoon season is a messy time.
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Yokeldayankee In reply to OnlyTheGhosts [2016-12-16 00:53:21 +0000 UTC]
I live next to Lake Erie, so all the rivers flow into the lake most of the time. The rare occurances of flooding that do happen usually occur about 25 km. to the south, along some of the rivers down there. The worst thing we get is the Lake Effect Snow. A couple years ago, one part of my city even got 14 feet of snow, or about 4.7 meters.
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AnnieBee61 [2016-11-16 02:13:54 +0000 UTC]
very pretty
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wolfsbane6 [2016-11-15 18:01:55 +0000 UTC]
Excellent shot!
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