ymstr — Jinfaceup by-nc-nd

Published: 2013-07-26 23:56:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 720; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 2
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Description Here you go. I have so many sketches of him, but never finished one XD. I feel bad but.. no I don't.

Name: Jin
Age: 21
Heigh: 192 cm
Haircolor: black
Eyecolor: brown
Skincolor: darker tan

Cook in a traditional japanese restaurant (small corner one), has to work as waiter when his caretaker is there (thank you Master Satri). Cuz its a family buisness, he works there part time. The other time he is a really hard working student (don't know what he study yet)

Personality: Cheerful, bright, trustworthy, family person, hardworker

Family background:
Father is Japanese, his mother is from another country (I don't know yet 100%, but more arabian or something like that, thats why his skin color is so dark. If you need references for his skin color, I will gladly show you the pictures of the person he is based of). His Father was there for work, meet his mother and they both fell in love. His mother is a total otaku.
When you look at his childhood pictures, you will find alot of cosplays and really cute stuff. Already have some of them sketched, he really does look sooo cute with the sailor outfit <3.
Does have a little sister with the age of 6. His mother is a novelist and use him alot as inspiration for kinky stuff. Still believes in true love. Is not in a relationship cuz of his work hours.

His face is totally Asian. The eyes are really the best about him. He looks like his grandfather. Got the high of his mothers side. Tan is natural, will get darker really fast when exposed to the sun. His eyebrows are his weak spot, he always thinks he look mad, so he smiles alot as an conter. Short hair, but change them alot, not cuz he want it, but one of his best friends is a student as a hairdresser. When in casual clothes, you can do what you want with him, he is really open minded, but I will add some references really soon.

Thats all for now :>. He is the one I want to have for an art trade <3.

Got another family member <3
A brother called Ken or Taro or Kentaro..
Char of awesome <3<3

Varia stuff:

- loves to cuddle
- hard working person (doing alot of different stuff)
- stays up late and wake up early
- grumpy when woken up before his sleep hours are over
- need alot of time for waking up, does not function during that time
- used to work really hard (like lifting barrels and get tunas from the market)
- does martial arts and other sports cuz he has so much energy to spend
- he can't draw.. when he does, everyone laughs at it
- does stuff without thinking, realise everything later and gets easily embarrassed
- his tolerance for hot and cold is really high
- walk in shorts when its cold outside
- breakfast is really important for him
- sisters friends are playin on him all the time
- is into older music
- hate socks, doesn't even wanna touch them during laundry day
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Comments: 4

nuenie [2013-08-05 13:37:50 +0000 UTC]

You gave him a last name different from mine!

Now I have to go and switch it. I like Sawada better than Fujino, hahaha

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ymstr In reply to nuenie [2013-08-10 18:20:13 +0000 UTC]

PUH.. I was kinda.. scared to tell you that. Happy you like it <3.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SatraThai [2013-07-27 06:12:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ymstr In reply to SatraThai [2013-07-27 12:08:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you <3

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