XxSunsetShimmer23xX — {MCSM NG}-James and Lucian Revamp

#mcsm #lukesse #xxsunsetshimmer23xx #mcsmfankid #mcsmng #mcsmnextgen
Published: 2018-10-28 18:52:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 932; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Description Welp
Ya'll remember them? The Lukesse children?

I decided to revamp them cuz their old designs are just bland

Here's a little bit about them:

-18 years old
-a journalist/writer like his dad
-has bad eyesight but hates wearing his glasses
-has a robotic left arm due to an accident when he was younger
-left handed
-was a bad boy once but has changed when his sister was born
-a very responsible and serious person

-15 years old
-she's albino. Doctors said that she most likely won't be able to survive through childhood but she did
-wears contact lenses to hide her red eyes
-an aspiring adventurer
-a big G A Y
-a pretty chill person
-she was mostly alone most of the time during her childhood because her brother and parents are always out of the house
-talks a lot, like A LOT and very energetic

Their Relationship/Backstory:
(There's really nothing much to say here :v)

Luci was born when James was 3, he was pretty disappointed as he wanted a brother instead of a sister. They had a pretty shaky relationship during childhood but soon James learned to love her instead of hating her.

They have a pretty decent relationship with their parents. Jesse was really protective of Luci due to her medical condition. During James' "bad boy" phase, he almost got himself disowned a few times but he grew out of that phase and his parents were relieved.

James is a quite person. He has always been influenced by his dad and he grew up with books always around him. He like staying up late just to finish a book. Meanwhile, his sister is an outgoing person who doesn't like reading as much as he did.

(hfdghy something will be changed or added so stfu)
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Comments: 2

ImaPricklyPear [2018-12-06 22:07:55 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxSunsetShimmer23xX In reply to ImaPricklyPear [2018-12-21 15:54:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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