This picture was done by the beautiful
Name: Darcie Mae
Race: ½ Gray wolf and ½ Black Panther
Age: 18
Birthday: November 18
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Theme Song: Caravan Palace - Wonderland
Skin: Light Brown/ Warm Tan
Eyes: Piercing Green
Height: 5’4
STH Height: 90 cm (2' 11")
Weakness: Her ears, Tail, Nose, Her foot placement, Extreme Heat, Bugs, Jewelry, and Horrible or loud music
Sexual Orientation: Polysexuality
Marital Status: Taken
IQ: 92
Likes: Music, Her Friends, Food, Sleep, Cold weather, Owls, Wolves, Bats, Tattoos, Piercings, Babies, Old People, Fairytales, and Video Games
Dislikes: Bugs, The Sun, School, Know-it-alls, Bitchy Ignorant People, Feeling left out, Pain, Passive People, and Crowded Parties
Personality: Loud, Blunt, Open-minded, Slow, Recklessly, Impulsive, Undisciplined, Low Self-esteem, Awkward, Secretive, Violent, Resourceful, Brave, and Passionate
Short Bio: -Rewriting-
Fun Facts
- Her tail is Fuffy and when she very sleepy she tends to hold it in her arm like a pillow.
- When she depressed she wears her hoodie up covering her ears and face.
- She does in fact wear gothic clothes (only on rainy days)
- Ray, Rayne, Fang, Snow, and The White bat belong to
07-13-18: Currently rewriting her bio once again.