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So I recently came up with an idea for yet Another Saga in My Guardian-Verse Stories.
The Multiversal Influx Saga. Got the idea from the Spider-Verse comics and Venom-Verse Comics.
Only this will be a bit different than those stories...well not really but you get the idea.
Okay so these next few walls of text are...gonna be a bit complicated to explain so try and keep up.
So The Guardian-Verse, The Universe which is a Shared Crossover Universe. Think of a shared crossover universe working much like a normal universe like say Marvel and DC in their own separate realities right? Well A Shared Crossover Universe is like that, but instead of it being limited to Only Marvel or DC. It's a massive crossover universe where histories/lore ect from other multiverses are intertwined.
Think you got it? Re-read that a few times if you need to.
Now The Guardian-Verse is a name I came up with for this Shared Crossover Universe because it's home to The Team of Heroes,
The Guardians of Freedom. Hence Guardian-Verse.
Now like any Shared Universe, The Guardian-Verse does have it's own Multiverse, much like Marvel and DC and DBS have their own alternate universes/realities ect.
Now some of these Alternate Universes are at some level, their own crossover universes and some, aren't. For example if you were to traverse this Guardian-Multiverse, you'd find universes that were home to a Shared Crossover Universe consisting of only 4 or 5 alternate realities mashed together.
In other universes in The Guardian-Multiverse you'd find Earth's that were just like their mainstream counterparts, no crossovers involved, although to the characters of the story they'd find that these universes were Lacking certain aspects of their home reality.
Think ya got it? I hope so cause I ain't gonna try and explain that again. XD
Now onto the main event.
The Mutliversal Influx Saga is basically The Spider-Verse on a much and I do mean MUCH larger scale. Only instead of a bunch of Energy Vampires being the reason behind it.
The one responsible for this event.
None other than The Ancient Demon known as Janemba.
Unlike his mainstream counterpart, Guardian-Verse Janemba is an ancient and powerful demon whose nearly on par with the likes of Dormammu and Trigon.
When Janemba is unleashed upon The Multiverse once more, he ends up finding a nifty little gem that amps up his reality warping powers from a solid 100 to a Goddamn 1000000.
Incase you dunno what Gem I'm referring to I'm referring to The Reality Gem...or is it Space Gem? Bah, whichever one of those fancy rocks controls reality.
Under Janemba's control, he began to warp reality into a chaotic battlefield, merely for his own enjoyment and so as to see who'd be worthy of battling.
As a result of this, the Afterlife is affected, causing the souls of the dead to enter the living world, both from Heaven and Hell.
But not only is the Afterlife affected, but so is the Guardian-Multiverse as well.
Different versions of heroes and villains appear all across Nexus-Earth, even with parts of said heroes and villains home realities or even their home Earth's appearing at random across the universe, sometimes the entire planet, sometimes parts of it that look as if they were cleaved off perfectly.
Such an example would be two different versions of the same team appearing atop Guardians Tower.
The Avengers and The Ultimates, both of whom appear to already be fighting one another before appear on said tower.
If that's not enough, The Guardians of Freedom soon realize that utter chaos is spreading across not just Nexus-Earth but across their entire Universe.
The reason for all the other Universes appearing in Their Home Universe, is due to Janemba and The Reality Stone coming from said Home Universe and thus, being the one Pulling in all the other ones.
Before determining just what it is that's happening, The Guardians of Freedom quickly step in to stop the fighting between The Avengers (These versions being that of their EMH's Counterparts) and The Ultimates (Pretty much exactly like their mainstream counterparts)
Guardian Captain America and his teammates, Vegeta and Batman (Terry Kyle Wayne) quickly intervene, well, Captain America and Batman anyway.
Vegeta ends up picking a fight with Ultimates Thor and EMH Hulk when he tries to get the two to stop fighting. Ultimates Thor learning pretty quickly that the little guy is stronger than he looks.
Guardian Captain America intervenes in the fight between his other selves, although he pretty much has to get his Ultimates counterpart into a choke hold before he's willing to listen.
The Tension runs pretty high for a bit, especially when Ultimates Hawkeye has his bow pointed right at Guardian Black Widow due to the unfortunate events from his own universe which earns him having several guns pointed at him from several other Guardians of Freedom who don't take kindly to his assuming their Black Widow's like his.
The tension however is quickly pointed at another figure however at the arrival of Janemba as he's seen fighting several other powerful beings from other realities and laughing the whole time as he is.
These other beings being A Grown up Brandon Breyer aka Brightburn. A version of Red Son Superman but is bald. A Fat Version of Thor and a Baby Controlled Goku.
Janemba proves his power after he ends up cutting Fat Thor in Half with just his tail, and then bashes The Bald Red Son Superman's head in with Fat Thor's Hammer, he then vaporizes the Baby Controlled Goku with his mouth beam and then cuts Adult Brightburn to pieces with his sword and then he teleports away.
Suffice to say The Multiversal Influx Saga is gonna be one hell of a confusing and chaotic story. XD
Other versions The Guardians of Freedom will encounter are the Amalgam versions from Marvels Infinity Warp event, The DC/Marvel Amalgam versions and of course they'll end up encountering the Dragon Ball Fusions Amalgams (Who in their universe, are not fusions but are actually Amalgams.)
Also I invite & 's own universes to be included in this Multiversal Influx story, as their own versions of the heroes aid The Guardians of Freedom in stopping the chaos inflicted upon The Multiverse, prior to fighting Janemba.
Nothing too big mind you, already got a lot going on with this saga in mind, don't want to get Too overwhelmed, Any ideas from either of you I'm up for, or if you don't want to be included. That's fine too. ^_^ Just thought I'd get some of my friends own universes involved a little bit.
Anyways Fave/Comment and have an Awesome Day Everyone.