winterwolf797 — Nicholas

Published: 2017-11-17 14:00:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 1026; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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An attempt to shape and render the guy who took in Kasha after she revived in the modern era. He found her in the woods near his cabin. She was wearing only a winter coat and boots, couldn't understand a word he said, and when she did speak herself (which was rare) it wasn't in any language he recognized.

UPDATE: If he looks similar to any of my other Genesis 2 Male characters its mostly because of a limited library. I wanted him to be handsome and well-built, with dark hair and vivid green eyes. The frontiersman look goes along with living in some wilder part of Canada or Alaska (probably Alaska) and is supposed to be at odds (in many people's eyes) with what he used to do before moving north, who he used to be. When people find out they don't believe it. Likewise if you told anyone from his old life that he'd become a reclusive, rugged, deliveryman living on the edge of civilization they'd laugh and wouldn't believe it.
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