WillFisch — Christmas 2014 (Page 5)

#christmas #christmasday #christmaseve #christmasletter #christmaspresent #holiday #holidaycard #markers #peterjackson #santaclaus #thehobbit #thesilmarillion #tolkien #christmas2014 #thehobbitbattleoffivearmies
Published: 2015-05-10 20:04:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 205; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Since Halloween 2008, I've been drawing or painting cards for my friends and family for all the major holidays. I've been hosting them on Photobucket and sharing them privately, but I'm trying to get away from Photobucket, and I thought it might be fun to make some of the older ones more public.

I actually really liked - even loved - the first Hobbit. The second shocked me in how much I didn't like it. The third was a lot of fun, but it was the sort of dumb fantasy film that people who've never seen Lord of the Rings think Lord of the Rings is, and a pretty lousy adaptation of that section of the book.


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